Episode 72
Ian Mitchell:

Your Body is Designed to Heal - Revisited

In our conversation today, we discuss the body’s innate ability to heal when the blocks are removed, and the foundation is supported. While Ian works in his lab to improve or alleviate many of the health challenges faced today, including cancer and Alzheimer’s, in this episode we are focusing on Autoimmunity and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
First Aired on: Jan 30, 2023
Episode 72
Ian Mitchell:

Your Body is Designed to Heal - Revisited

In our conversation today, we discuss the body’s innate ability to heal when the blocks are removed, and the foundation is supported. While Ian works in his lab to improve or alleviate many of the health challenges faced today, including cancer and Alzheimer’s, in this episode we are focusing on Autoimmunity and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
First Aired on: Jan 30, 2023
In this episode:
I am beyond excited to have my dear friend Ian Mitchell on our first full episode today. To say that Ian comes to us from a science background, is an understatement, he is quite possibly one of the most brilliant scientists of our time. In our conversation today, we discuss the body’s innate ability to heal when the blocks are removed, and the foundation is supported. While Ian works in his lab to improve or alleviate many of the health challenges faced today, including cancer and Alzheimer’s, in this episode we are focusing on Autoimmunity and Rheumatoid Arthritis. We even hint about the special RA serum that is in the works, that he is currently creating, and will be available to the public through me soon. Ian is a true contributor to humanity, focusing not only on health, but on the larger challenges facing our planet and universe. I am honored to call him a friend and thrilled to have him share with us today.
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Episode Transcript

ILwA 072 - Ian Mitchell

Julie Michelson: [00:00:00] Welcome back to The Inspired Living with Autoimmunity podcast. I'm your host, Julie Michaelson, and today I'm excited to re-release the episode that I recorded on our very first podcast with my friend Ian Mitchell. Ian an amazing scientist, and our conversation today covers the body's ability to [00:01:00] heal from the standpoint of science.

This isn't a woowoo conversation. This is all about the science. I enjoyed this episode so much and I'm excited to release it again for you now.

Ian welcome to the podcast. 

Ian Mitchell: Thanks Julie. I'm excited and incredibly jazzed to be here. 

Julie Michelson: So some of our listeners might be a little confused by why I wanted to kick off my podcast was such a science guy.

So I want to jump in a little bit about, you know, why is it that you think that I would want as I've called you a mad scientist? Your nickname is the wizard. Um, somebody who uses his brain and has a very science-based approach. To be talking to all of us about autoimmunity and 

Ian Mitchell: sure. Yeah. I think actually what I do overlaps incredibly well with it because the, the crux of a lot of the things that I've [00:02:00] approached, um, really deal with inflammatory response.

And auto-immunity, that's kind of dealing with inflammatory response. Systemically is really kind of the core of a lot of components that trigger your body's fight with auto-immune. 

Julie Michelson: I love it. And, and I know you don't only work in, in auto-immunity, you, you touch on pretty much anything big that I can think of that, uh, humanity is dealing with at the moment, whether it be.

Ian Mitchell: Just auto-immunity today. 

Julie Michelson: We are going to focus there, but I want everybody to know that, you know, you, you, I, you bring a very varied background to the conversation. 

Ian Mitchell: That is very true. Yeah. I do everything from biochemistry to chemistry, to physics, to quantum physics, to all sorts of weird, bizarre projects I worked for for all kinds of groups, [00:03:00] you know, quantum leap and tangled satellites for a remote telemetry for NASA gamma shielding, carbon, negative concrete to decrease the global CO2 burden.

Oh, yeah, you're 

Julie Michelson: right. Let's let's talk about auto immunity. That's a 

Ian Mitchell: lot there. That's the thing is, yeah, I do. But you know, when I, when I try and deal with all the commonality of all the things that I'm doing, To make life better for people. Right. And that's, that's it at a quarter. I mean, you know, me and that's, that's really, it sounds kind of like lip service, like, oh, I love taking long walks on the beach at night, but it's actually true.

I mean, 

Julie Michelson: both the audience it's a hundred percent true. Yes. Yeah. 

Ian Mitchell: I really am trying to help. Do that in most of the conditions that I've seen with people that really create kind of physical and devastation, you can eliminate so much of it. If you just hit a couple of core components and you know, your body is your body's trying to do everything, it can to get back into some sort of homeostasis.

And when it's out of kilter, [00:04:00] Kind of, I feel like my job is to just provide it with the tools it needs so that it can do what it wants to do. I mean, it's a brilliantly intelligent system. Anybody who, who actually studies, physiology and biochemistry, if you do not find yourself in a state of pure awe, when, when looking at the body, you're doing it wrong, you know, so 

Julie Michelson: you, my friend did this grand scientist.

Are you saying that you agree that the body can heal. 

Ian Mitchell: A hundred percent it's designed to heal. You know, it has really, when you look at, um, when you look at what the body is to my estimation, it's an information system. And I know we were both just at the, uh, the, the biohacking conference in Orlando and.

One of the, one of the demonstrations that I did was, uh, for a quantum quantum biology company that I, I work with and I'm on their board of advisors for science. And they asked me to come out and do a [00:05:00] demonstration to show, you know, this quantum stuff, because everybody thinks of quantum is kind of woo.

And the, and the problem there is there's not really a definitive nomenclature. Whereby people can communicate because one guy says quantum and he means, you know, small packets of discrete energy. One guy says quantum, he means wave things. And another says, it mean, he means, you know, like the woo stuff between people it's, you know, there, there just isn't really a good defined parlance for everybody to talk about it.

But in this case, what I did, um, was to take someone who was horribly allergic to shellfish, do a dermal role, put some crabbing. And, you know, they had, as you would expect within, you know, just basically an allergist test, um, big histamine reaction immediately. And then I took the standard well quantum block, which is just literally plates of metal and put the same crap you send for a couple of minutes while I was lecturing.

And then I took it out and did a dermal roll on his other arm and put the same package of. With no reaction. And the reason it didn't react is [00:06:00] because we think of molecules disease, very tiny round little things, but in actuality, they're, they're an interference pattern. That's all information. And the edges of those waves are jagged and it's more like Legos than smooth marbles, you know, so that they have surfaces and what you're actually reacting.

With a histamine reaction is not so much the chemical compound, but it's the energetic components around it. In terms of the wave form interactions. Some are additive resonant, harmonics, some are destructive, you know, so, um, what I did was just simply smooth out the surface of the interference pattern, so that biologically it didn't have anything that was sticky, you know, kind of like rubbing the carpet in the right direction.

And auto-immunity plays in, in such a way that when the body's dysregulate. It has all of the intrinsic information to heal itself. It's just generally something has created an impediment to it, whether it's, uh, a decrease in, um, you know, energy, [00:07:00] you know, which is why I focused a ton on mitochondrial health, or if it's just a systemic toxicity, which is, you know, and, and those, those two things, they're kind of like, The bad bandit brothers have inflammatory response, you know, decreased 

Julie Michelson: one by itself.

Cause if you're toxic, your mitochondria is struggling. 

Ian Mitchell: And you know, most of the things that, that you've seen me play with there, it's never one system because I have yet to find like, Ooh, look, the magic bullet. You know, it's a, it's rare. Usually we're a complex system. So in order to address what we're doing, you have to provide the body with a whole.

Tools that it needs. So it's not, you can't give what it needs to step one is step three or you won't have an impact, right? You can't give something. That's not bioavailable. You know, like, oh, I had 15 pounds of grape jelly slab on my body. I'm no longer hungry if it's not in the right space. That really matter how much you have.

You're not going to derive that 

Julie Michelson: great jelly. It's inflammatory[00:08:00] 

Ian Mitchell: it's glycemic training is what it is. 

Julie Michelson: Yeah. So if I, if I hear you correctly, I'm going to, I want to dumb it down a little bit for our listeners and myself. Um, we've had enough conversations about this. I know what you're saying, but what I'm hearing is we, we get blocks. We're designed to heal. The body can heal.

It is incredible. Um, but so we need to not only address the below. So, whatever it is that's causing, you know, you mentioned toxins as a possibility or energy. Um, but then what I hear also is then we need to give it to what it needs to, we need to make sure it has what it needs to repair and that we're not stopping that.

Ian Mitchell: Well, okay. So a couple of things that I can speak to perfectly along those lines. Um, so one product that I developed was to regenerate hair and a lot of people actually post COVID are having issues with things because [00:09:00] there's, there's a drop in, um, Function after COVID and it's, it's pretty consistent.

And I'm on a lot of long haul or boards. Cause I had COVID twice. So I've been on the long haul or boards and a lot of the, a lot of the women, um, report, hair loss and things like that. And that's because, um, it, it appears to me. Uh, affect mitochondria and the highest point of mitochondrial density in women is in their ovum.

And because of that, you end up with this cascading endocrine dysregulation. And so they start to lose hair. So. My thought was localized, a decrease in inflammatory response and upregulate the energy and it worked like the champ, right? So I just used a couple of molecules and peptides. Um, you know, some nano-particles some peptides configured them properly with a penetrated to get them inside.

The cells drops the local inflammation up, regulates the energy triggers, a bunch of fiber Nexion and collagen production kind of [00:10:00] systemically and then fully killer cells. They do. Want to do they get back to work, right? They've got the energy, they don't have the inflammation. The highways are clear.

They're going back to work and, and that's, and that's the same thing that I've seen with rheumatoid arthritis. Um, if you drop out local inflammatory response and, and I know you've, you've looked at the stuff that I make for rheumatoid arthritis, the idea there. Slightly different in that when people have some sort of rheumatic condition, very often their sclerotic tissue that a masses, right?

So they get scar tissue and a joint, and it's kind of this negative feedback loop where you move the joint and it hurts. So it gets more inflamed. So you move it. So it scars and it gets more inflamed. And eventually you build up this aggregate mass of all the sclerotic tissue. And so in order to roll that back, the idea there is.

You drop the inflammation and you provide enzymes to the area so that the enzymes can actually go in and break it down into the little components that your body can use pop into your lymph system. And you can [00:11:00] excrete. So every time you take this stuff, it, it drops the inflammatory response and starts just solving a really it's more dismantling, but the little components of human sclerotic tissue.

And they get taken out of your system. So every time you do stuff, you have a little bit more room to move because there's a little bit less media, which in turn means there's a little bit less inflammation. And so you take something that's a negative feedback loop and you turn into a positive feedback loop and your body has what it needs and it just starts to heal itself.

And then pretty much we get out of the way it does. 

Julie Michelson: So, what you're saying is we can not only stop the decline in its tracks, but we can actually reverse the symptoms and reverse stamp. 

Ian Mitchell: Yeah, a hundred percent. And you know, really, again, all we have to do are provide the body with the tools it needs to do what it wants to do naturally, because if you saw that, you know, part of this is you don't see these conditions, typically in kids who are.

12 year olds, [00:12:00] you know, because they have so much interest cellular energy production that, you know, when they have an impediment, their body just whoa, motors right through it and keeps going. It's, you know, it's the, the older people in the mix. And I think, you know, from a biological perspective, When you hit your mid thirties, you start to slow down as a guy.

You know, you, you definitively start to slow down your mid thirties. A lot of indifferent reductions starts to slow down. By the time you hit your fifties, things are really slowing down. You notice the creaky joints and this and that. And if you can just bump the energy up, then your body has enough to repair itself.

And if you do, you know, kind of the brilliant stroke of anomaly, just bumping the energy up, but actually taking some of the debris out, you're doing a great job and yeah, it's. It's a very elegant system to end up at a place where you aren't just patching it over and, you know, band-aiding things together.

You're actually healing. It's. I mean, the body is in my opinion and, and also my experience and I I've seen this a jillion times in labs and in [00:13:00] clinical work. People heal. That's what, that's what we do. We're designed. 

Julie Michelson: Well, this is why I do what I do. You know, I was told, uh, absolutely. You know, you're going to decline.

We're so sorry. That's what they said. We're so sorry. When I was diagnosed. You're so young. We'll keep you as comfortable as we can. Now. I have only known. Since I was at least very relatively, well, I didn't know you when they were trying to get me to put a handicap placard on my car or when I was on 10 prescriptions.

Um, but you know, we were talking about quantum physics, funny. Believed that I would decline shocker. What did I do for 11 years? I declined. Um, but this, this concept of, you know, your, your products are amazing. Um, I'm excited to introduce anyone in my audience who doesn't already know them, and I'm really excited for the, the, the RA serum rollout is going to be amazing for [00:14:00] people.

Um, and it's, it is this, this concept. It's not a magic bullet, so I'm not saying, you know, I got off my prescriptions and here take this magic serum. Um, it is a, it is a healing avenue, but you've got to make the changes to, to stop pulling that trigger. You know, whatever was driving. Her inflammation still does need to be addressed to a point.

Now I know some of those triggers. Boosting that mitochondria and I mean, your serums really are magic. We don't call you the wizard for no reason. Um, but I will say to anybody, you know, if you're having an ice cream cake every weekend and you take the serum, it may or may not work as well as it could. Um, so I'm not saying it's an end all be all, but it is, it is amazing.

Um, Like you said when you give the body what it needs. And so many of us are lacking those. I [00:15:00] grow, you know, one of the reasons I love your serums. I grew up on a low fat diet. I can't imagine why I was sick. Yeah, it's that simple 

Ian Mitchell: black box. That's never hurt anyone. Right? Exactly. 

Julie Michelson: But so many of us are missing and so many of our listeners are missing those building blocks and don't, and don't realize 

Ian Mitchell: it well.

And unfortunately, a lot of the things that are prescribing. Actually worked to our detriment. You know, my, my dad, he's a really brilliant guy. And I noticed, um, a dip as did he just in terms of cognitive performance, when he started doing stat, are you going to say that? Yeah, it's something that's going to break down your lipids, which you kind of need that to, you know, continue to have your brain functioning.

Well, what do you expect? You know, I mean, it's like taking all the gas out of a car. You really can't expect it to go very far. So yeah. I'd like to provide solutions, you know, especially for the people that are coming to do [00:16:00] what you help with because of your own experience. Those guys need something that I can give them a boost.

They need something that can help them, but they also need something that's not going to have, you know, 15 detrimental things. Yeah. Yeah. Move your toes, but we're going to leave you pythons instead know not the best approach 

Julie Michelson: for at least the people that, that have entered that world of rheumatology as I have.

I mean, the, those. Treatment paths can be really detrimental really. You know, and, and it's, I always used to wonder is my brain thought because I'm so inflamed or is it coming from these drugs I'm pumping in my body. I wonder which, or both. 

Ian Mitchell: And I tried to call Glen Friday to ask, unfortunately, for some reason he couldn't return my calls.

Yeah. Yeah. There's some, there's some detriment to it. Yeah. And that's one of the things that I really hope is that I'd like to be able to benefit people in. [00:17:00] They get better. They heal their body, does what it needs to, and then most importantly, they don't have to continue doing it. And that's actually, I think that's, that's one probably from the pharmacological standpoint, things that I really, or more pharmaceutical really, uh, that I probably annoy a lot of pharmaceutical people is everything I do is designed so people can use it and then stop using it.

It's not such a great business model, 

Julie Michelson: but I'm with you. My business. You know, if I'm at all a decent coach, people don't need me to coach them for the rest of year. It's about giving the tools and letting them run. I mean, that's the, that's the beauty, you know, or you're helping and not fixing. And you're a fixer.

I know that already. 

Ian Mitchell: Yeah, I do. I want to, you know, it's the corner of the board. I have the six things that I started out with when I opened the lab that I really want to see. Right keel over at some point. And it's important to me, it actually means something, but a big component of that is, you know, [00:18:00] truly wanting to leave this place better than I found it.

And a lot of that is if people are in great shape, they do good things. When people are in spaces where they lack resources and where they lack health, they don't make good decisions. And they're not kind to other people. I mean, if you fill in a, fill an entire country with bad food, inflammatory oils, Uh, EMF waves that are, you know, dysregulating, calcium ion channels in the brain.

And then you hit them with stuff that makes them go parasympathetic to sympathetic all the time. So they're, you know, they're, they're kind of approaching life like a mirror. Um, it sounds 

Julie Michelson: like 20, 21 in the United States. 

Ian Mitchell: Well, I socialized mattering of social isolation. Yeah. That's the thing. If we can address all those things, then life will be better for everybody.

People will be happier and they'll make better decisions. So I mean, what you and I. W it's small steps, but it [00:19:00] collectively, you know, it's, that's the journey, right? It's begins with the first step journey of a thousand miles. 

Julie Michelson: It's it is amazing. Would you be willing to share, I know you said some of them already, but would you share those six things with our audience?

So for those that are unfamiliar with you, I want them to understand, um, when I think of you and I think of big contribution, uh, or big. Brain's been so willing to take on big problems and know they're solvable. So I just want them to know who is who it is. That's that's 

Ian Mitchell: so the six things, when I opened the lab where the first on the board was aging and the reason for that there there's so many symptoms of aging that are really just pretty.

Mitochondrial dysregulation, toxic buildup, a lack of Ventura cellular efflux [00:20:00] things, not moving out the way they need to, um, all that stuff. It's a cascading system. So that was the first thing on the board to knock out. And, and I won't say that I knocked it out, um, because the, the data on that is going to take a while to collect.

If I did it. Um, but I will say, you know, my lab animals live 93% longer than they were supposed to, you know, which is why 

Julie Michelson: 3%. I want to make sure everybody heard that. 

Ian Mitchell: Percent longer, which I think still is a, is a record for any mammalian lifespan extension thing. So that, that was a good one. And it, it caught the note of some, some influential people.

Uh, and then the next one was cancer. And that was kind of tied in because in terms of my lab animals, but I used were knockout mice, which are tumor mites and the P 53 gene is your tumor suppressor gene. So that, that was missing. And generally when that's missing. They get all these unfortunate tumors all over their body and they didn't get them, you know?

And it was, it was peculiar. I mean, it was a bit of a [00:21:00] shocker to me when I did the first necropsy, I looked inside and thought, am I just missing it? You know, that a prediction, that particular mouse that died of some moral hemorrhage. And I looked at it. Surely, there's gotta be some tumor in here somewhere.

And I found one little bitty kind of NIBIN of a growth, but I didn't take it any further. So the next ones I sent out to at that pathologist, just because, you know, they're, they do that every day. They're far better than I am. And you know, they, they know all the nights, my spits, so they, they get them. Yeah, they, they get all the proper mousy parts.

Um, so, but the same thing occurred, you know, no incidents of death from tumors, or really even any tumors. There were a couple of things that might have been, but usually with the P 53 knockout mouse, there is no question. You have these huge bulbous growth and to go from that where you're looking at, you know, histology trends.

Is there anything here? Can we find anything that might actually show that there was some sort of tumor burden and when you can't get anything conclusive in an entire cohort of mice, [00:22:00] that's a really weird dataset. I mean, it's very anomalous. It just doesn't happen. And so that was, that was item number two.

And then based on. Um, I had been working on some other things and it all kind of came together in a way that knocked out. W you know, I was able to knock out the metastatic spread of cancer just a hundred percent. And so, you know, at some point, hopefully that becomes common knowledge and more people started using that sort of stuff.

Um, the next one was.

And that getting out there too. So the next one on the list was global warming. Uh, and I developed a carbon neutral concrete, and then that was very simple for me. So then I upped it and made a carbon negative concrete, and it takes out 24% beyond the 8% that it would be normally accounting for production.

So it gives you a net 32 negatives, uh, in terms of global contract. Production for carbon emissions. [00:23:00] So I'm going to pause 

Julie Michelson: you on this one. Um, because those of us that have been diagnosed with auto-immunity typically are told, and there's nothing you can do about it, right. So we hear all the time, you know, there's nothing, we, you know, we've ruined our environment.

There's nothing we can do about it. Also. Not true, 

Ian Mitchell: not true, not true. You know, the thing is we can definitively take, take that back. I mean, if everybody ubiquitously adopted just what I just patented, it had dropped out 13 gigatons a year, which is a third of all of the global greenhouse gas emissions, frankly, the CO2.

Is, it's the one that gets all the press, but there, there are things in our environment that actually I find far more pressing, um, that aren't really listed, but, but I liked the idea of dealing with the CO2 because when people become conscious and very aware of, you know, like, oh, there is a problem. When they started dressing one, they're going to address more than one.

And I, and that's really kind of [00:24:00] my. And giving people some tools to knock out the ones that they're really focused on. They start looking at the other things to knock out the others. Um, beyond that, the next one is, is clean water. And that's a problem because our water, Ooh, it's loaded with toxins and, you know, pharmaceuticals and micro-plastics and Xeno, estrogens, and all sorts of stuff that are indifferent, dysregulated and disruptors.

And you know, it's not the kind of thing you'd go, golly, I'll take a glass. There's there's some big problems. Um, so I'm working on technologies to do that. Uh, beyond that, um, energy systems, because I view that's kind of like, it's kind of the global equivalent of not having enough money. Right. People don't make good decisions when they don't have money.

People don't make good decisions if they don't have energy because. Uh, a really good clean supply of energy. You can have desalination and you can end up with water that you can drink and your life is better, [00:25:00] you know, so that energy systems was kind of began. And I've got some things in the, in the works on that that are, uh, well, they're actually, they're different than, than most of the things now, but they're not really different than stuff that's been around for the past a hundred years.

For whatever reason, you know, as my dad always says, truth is like the shorter man, a room, a lot of people just look directly over it. And, and in this case, there, there are a lot of things that, um, you know, were done in the turn of the last century. Um, Tesla, Walter Russell, there's, there's some really bright guys out there that all came at different approaches.

Uh, and found things that made a big dent. And so I've just kind of done the 21st century update

Julie Michelson: that list. 

Ian Mitchell: And then the last one was super liminal travel, which is just the faster than light travel. And I don't actually have that one back. Relativistic travel tag, which is, you know, getting you up to Lightspeed. Um, but, and that sounds like kind of a bold claim, [00:26:00] but, and I, and I'm aware of that, but, you know, if you, you know, the other stuff I'm doing, like I'm working on camera shielding for NASA, and then, you know, uh, quantumly entangled satellites and, and a bunch of other weird things.

But this is actually not really that strange. Um, the ideas have been out there for a while. There were just a couple of. Components that weren't quite addressed properly. And so, uh, I don't, I, you know, to be clear, I, I haven't cracked that egg because I don't have anything it'll go faster than, but, but I do now have things approximate and that's the thing.

I, I do believe it's possible. I think I'd be opposed if I didn't think they were possible. I honestly, my conception of how things work is, if you have a question then inherent in the potential of the question is the answer. So somewhere out there, and it may not be, now, it may be 500 years from now and maybe a thousand years from now and anybody who's ever heard me talk about this, knows that when I was a kid, my dad used to have me do this [00:27:00] exercise where he'd ask me a problem and say, okay, here's the.

Can you solve it? And if I could, I just saw that. And if I couldn't go, is there a solution for it 500 years from now? I go, I know. And you go okay. Thousand years from now and go, yeah, it'll definitely be solved in a thousand years. And then you go, okay, just to project yourself into the future, see, look at what you think they've done in your imagination and just bring it back and do it.

And it's a time, you know, it seems this kind of like, sort of hold esoteric thing that I didn't really understand. Over the years, I realized that, you know, there's, uh, there's some gems in there because it expands what you think is possible. And if you actually firmly believe that it's possible, you might not make it, but you stand a much better shot of doing it than if you think there's absolutely no way in the world, you can get it done.

And so I just, I literally literally try and approach every problem. So 

Julie Michelson: we should all thank your father, basically for the, 

Ian Mitchell: and he's [00:28:00] making 

Julie Michelson: all 

Ian Mitchell: of us he's actually, yeah, he's had some, uh, pretty, pretty profound jams that he's, uh, thrown in my direction that were, that were really formative, you know, and.

Yeah. I mean, aside from the fact that he's a really brilliant guy, he was very grounded and he grew up as a really poor kid and, you know, uh, ended up becoming a professor, but he dropped out of school because my grandfather got tuberculosis, uh, thanked his age, joined the merchant Marine, shipped out when all over the world and ended up stuck in India as a teenager, you know, kind of, kind of a very colorful background, but really just the gem of a human.

And, and he always told me, you know, kind of what I'm doing, what I'm doing. Uh, the one, I think that stood out the most was I was doing monetarily incredibly well with time. And he said, he said, you know, I just want to make sure that when you get wherever it is, you are going, you're the same person who got on the train because sometimes you're, you're in first class, sometimes you're in coach and sometimes you're shoveling [00:29:00] full.

Fundamentally alter who you are as a person. And it was a profound, you know, it, it really, it really did impact me because, uh, that's pivotal, you know, because sometimes you do incredibly well. And I think that's why the core of all this for me is how can I help? Right? Because we, I mean, at times we all need help.

Like I need. All the time. And, uh, so when I'm able to give it, you know, I try and do that because there's a sort of reciprocity in the world and that's, that's kind of the important stuff. So yeah, that's 

Julie Michelson: it. Well, and, and give it, you do, and, and. I think one of the things that's so amazing and unique about you is that you, you have this broad focus, right?

It's it's the whole world, it's all the problems. It's not just, you know, I mean, there are people who spend their lives, you know, working on cancer or working on, you know, maybe not even trying to [00:30:00] treat our age, sadly, you know, a drug for. Um, and, and so we've had conversations before about this, this view of, you know, when they're.

Obviously what's going on in the universe is affecting all of us at all times, but we're not always aware of that. Sometimes we get stuck and what's going on with us right now to kind of circle back to your idea of, you know, when you're, when you don't physically have the energy, it is difficult to be a good human and a contributing human.

It is. It is. And, and I've seen that even with my own healing journey, the better I feel. The more I wanted to, you know, that's why I'm that started the podcast. I want to, I don't want anybody stuck at home thinking that RA is a death sentence and just to help slow or fast is it going to be, but that's, you know, that doesn't need to be the story.

Um, so, um, [00:31:00] I thank you for helping me change the story from a perspective of. True science base. Um, as somebody who, you know, you've, you've helped me. Um, so greatly not just as a friend, but as a scientist, I've seen, you know, what your products can do. You know, you know, the, your anti metastatic serum has, is important in our family.

Um, we know firsthand. Um, and, um, so I haven't gotten into this on the podcast yet, but I had a pretty, really good head injury a year and a half ago. And. Sure enough. I enter the rescue with his, his brain products and it was, it was life-changing life-saving really, um, so I'm excited to bring the RA serum to the world and those struggling as an extra tool, because I know if they make the changes in lifestyle and address those levers, [00:32:00] they will here.

Um, this is that boost though. Like, like nothing else that, that really is amazing 

Ian Mitchell: in a bottle. 

Julie Michelson: Yes. So I was so excited to dive in with you that I skipped what was supposed to be my first question. Which is, and I know you've done a lot of podcasts and a lot of people really know have heard you speak many times, but what is one thing about you that our audience either may not know or may be surprised to learn?

Ian Mitchell: Uh huh boy. That's that's a good question. I'm pretty much an open book. Uh, let's see a fun fact, a fun fact. Well, you know, this, I don't know how many other people would. Uh, when I moved to Austin, I was voted the best new jazz artists in Austin, uh, because I a saxophonist and I've done that my entire [00:33:00] life.

Um, I. The dancer. 

Julie Michelson: People might not know 

Ian Mitchell: that true. That when I was, yeah. When I was growing up by joined all sorts of stage productions and theater productions, just as an answer because I liked dancing and that that's true. Uh, yeah. And let's see. And I've got a, I did a lot of dance, a little. Um, martial arts, um, that, but all sorts of more peaceful styles like Akido and things like that.

Um, because they made more sense to me until I ran into a problem with, uh, flexor tendonitis, because I was doing too much saxophone at the same time. I was doing too much Akido, so I had to give one of them up. Um, and then, you know, people probably know that I meditate a ton, um, just because I want to keep my brain all tapped in.

Oh, go, no, go for it. 

Julie Michelson: It might even be the same [00:34:00] one. I, you said brain tapped in and it reminded me, do you, you do not drink alcohol or use any brain altering substance. 

Ian Mitchell: No, that is, that is true. In fact, the conference, we were just that I have a friend who shall remain in a name that brought a fair amount of, uh, illicit substances.

And, um, they, they gave me a fair amount of them and because they were trying to try them out and they wanted to see what everyone's response would be. I, I took them as a courtesy, but I told them beforehand, I said, it's not going to have an effect on me because this date that you're trying to approximate, there's the state I'm actually already in.

Oddly enough, I think it kind of. At least one of the guys on the team there. Cause I do contract work for their company and development and things like that. Uh, on a biochemical side, I think one, one of the guys in their company was a little incredulous about the fact that a huge dose had no effect on me, but, but [00:35:00] in truth, I mean that's because at a certain point your brain is functioning differently and it has more.

Firing going on than a normal person would, but I mean, literally 30 years of meditation and, you know, deep, deep, deep work, you're going to have some effects. Right. 

Julie Michelson: Well, and to clarify for the audience that when you refer to an illicit substance, you are not talking about a, anything you technically illegal be anything that would be.

Down regulate your brain power. You're talking about Bain brain boosting. I'm guessing we were at a biohacking conference. Yeah. We love to boost. Right? So. 

Ian Mitchell: And actually, no, none of them were, uh, they were illicit, but technically not illegal because they're not even still, they 

Julie Michelson: don't even 

Ian Mitchell: exist yet. They're research chemicals that you can only get countries.

Julie Michelson: But I wanted, I wanted our audience to [00:36:00] understand how protective you are of your brain and body and how thoughtful you are about, you know, what you put in it. And, um, which is really, it's a gift to the world because, because that brain is a resource 

Ian Mitchell: everybody's brain is a resource and everybody's theology can be up-regulated.

Um, you know, before we started today, uh, you know, I told you I was doing a B cell procedure on myself in my lab and. Well, the 180 mils of blood and made PRP and then activated it with lasers and then re-injected it. And yeah, that's the kind of stuff. I wouldn't do it if I didn't see. And there's a fair amount of data, that's starting to amass on the benefits of stuff like that.

But yeah, it's, you know, I'm, I'm constantly looking to level up and when they're old broken components, I want to replace them. So, you know, a lot of the things I do are sent Alytics to take out zombie cells so that, you know, I don't, I don't have things that are creating cascading. Yeah. [00:37:00] Right. You know, you get some zombies.

Yeah. You know, you know this, but your audience may not. The function is called Peregrine signaling, and it's basically, it's a signal through a certain organ system or, you know, system in that local environment. And just say 5% of the cells dysregulated will cascade out. You know, 25% and that's a big drop, right?

So you've got to, you got to take out the trash, you have to eliminate that stuff. And so I'm constantly, yeah. Looking for things to optimize my brain function, optimize my biological function as a whole. I mean, it's my brain. The one you took, I take that stuff like it's going out of style. You know, we, we actually literally were discussing yesterday, putting it on, tap in the lab.

I love 

Julie Michelson: it. And I have no doubt you shortly will 

Ian Mitchell: for that purpose. So 

Julie Michelson: fantastic. Well, I really, really hope you will [00:38:00] come back and talk to us again. I'm trying to keep the episodes. Within a drive. Um, and so, and I know we have a lot more to talk about. That'll benefit the audience 

Ian Mitchell: and you'll have me. I'd be happy to be here.


Julie Michelson: then it's going to be weekly. No, I'm kidding. We'd love to have you back. And two last questions. One would be a simple. Small step that anybody listening can take to Uplevel their health, no matter where they are in their health journey, 

Ian Mitchell: don't eat one day a week. Just skip eating one day a week.

That's it. You know, take the, uh, take the Gandhi approach, just pick a Monday and don't consume. Does it require anything very, very easy. That's it and have 

Julie Michelson: that. Awesome. Fantastic. And where can listeners find you 

Ian Mitchell: [00:39:00] at wizardsciences.com is probably the easiest on Instagram @ianMitchell1, and you know, generally a lot of people reach out to me and I, you know, I'm still a person, so I, I reached back and, um, I'm pretty accessible, you know, and if I can help anybody with anything just.

Julie Michelson: I love it. And we will have that are, you're hearing it here first. We'll have that REI or a serum coming at you shortly. And the links will be in the show notes to both Ian and his company and how to get your hands on that serum. 

Ian. Thank you so much. 

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Ian Mitchell
Wizard Science
Ian Mitchell, research scientist, studied Chemistry (ACS Track) at Mississippi State University and Jazz Performance at the University of New Orleans.

Over the past decade he has developed multiple novel therapeutics using Lipofullerenic-Conjugates and holds multiple patents in the field of nano-medicine. Additionally he developed multiple products focused on the convergence of mobile telecommunications and biomedical engineering, as well as nanofluidic multi-assay systems for use with Lab-on-Chip (LoC) devices, and holds joint patents with the University of Tulsa for viral inhibitors.

He was a lead fabrication consultant for NASAs ENDURANCE mission project to Europa. He has over 25 years of experience in project management across multiple fields.

Currently he is the lead scientist at Biocharged and the Polymath in Residence at Ecliptic Capital.
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