Episode 70
Neil Cannon:

The 4 Pillars of Vitality

In this episode, Neil Cannon shares his 4 Pillars of Vitality, and we are talking about why the physical is only part of the healing journey.
First Aired on: Jan 16, 2023
Episode 70
Neil Cannon:

The 4 Pillars of Vitality

In this episode, Neil Cannon shares his 4 Pillars of Vitality, and we are talking about why the physical is only part of the healing journey.
First Aired on: Jan 16, 2023
In this episode:

Discover the power of holistic health to achieve a balanced lifestyle and improved wellbeing!

"If we have an anti-inflammatory approach to life, there is no reason for these genes to be expressed. And that gives us power. Going back to what you said about taking our power back, it really does. It puts us in the driving seat for the vast majority of the population."
Neil Cannon experienced severe eczema for most of his life and was prescribed steroid creams and antibiotics. After his father had a stroke, Neil was inspired to find a better solution and discovered that an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle could help.
He developed his four pillars of vitality to help others: physical, mental, emotional and energetic. He believes that most chronic illness is rooted in trauma and that we can take our power back by understanding how we create our symptoms. He encourages people to address physical, mental and emotional health, as well as energy, in order to be truly healthy.

In this episode, you will learn the following:

  1. Understanding the power of the mind to influence our gene expression and health.
  2. The importance of understanding and addressing trauma in the body to optimize health.
  3. Exploring the holistic approach to health through the four pillars of physical, mental, emotional, and energetic health.
Other Resources:
Connect with Neil Cannon
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Episode Transcript

Julie Michelson: [Page//00:00:00] Welcome back to The Inspired Living with Autoimmunity podcast. I'm your host, Julie Michaelson, and today we're joined by Neil Cannon, the author of the bestselling book, the Vitality Secret. In our conversation today, Neil shares his approach to helping clients reverse engineer their ailments by addressing the pillars of vitality.

If you're living an anti-inflammatory lifestyle and you're not getting the results you desire [Page//00:01:00] and deserve, this conversation is for you.

Neil, welcome to the podcast.

Neil Cannon: Thank you, Julie. It's an honor to be on your show. Thank you for having me on.

Julie Michelson: Absolutely. My pleasure. I've been looking forward to our conversation. I would love, I know I've heard you say that you didn't plan on being in the health and wellness industry. So I would love for you to share your journey with listeners.

Neil Cannon: Absolutely. Yes. Like everyone I know who works in holistic health, I come with my own story. Some story that took me from one path to another path, and it was my own healing journey or recovery, if you will. So I had pretty bad eczema for the best part of 30 years from, from a toddler.

And I was always given these same kinds of treatments. Symptom masking treatments, which meant it always came back. So steroid creams, which have left pigmentation on my skin and my hands. And the, the steroid creams really cause a lot of harm. [Page//00:02:00] Prescription moisturizers which contained nasty ingredients and antibiotics when it got really bad.

And antibiotics, as you, I'm sure you know, harm the gut lining and particularly when over-prescribed it can really cause a lot of harm in the gut. And that's the very organ we want to heal when it comes to skin conditions. So it wasn't until my father's stroke when I really kind of had my own wake up call.

So a few years prior to his stroke, I remember him being told he had chronic inflammation. And I remember specifically where we were standing in the family home, in the kitchen, and he just said to me, I apparently I've got chronic inflammation or whatever that is. And his sister, who was a naturopathic doctor, had tested him and found it.

And a few years later he had the stroke. So he had hypertension and then he had the stroke. And I just had this kind of inner knowing, this innate. Intelligence telling me that his stroke was avoidable. I didn't know where it came from. I just kind of, some of it came from, came [Page//00:03:00] from within. And then other kind of knowledge I guess I've picked up from reading books.

And I, I had already written a book about increasing testosterone naturally for guys and anyway, I saw this word inflammation everywhere. I went on a bit of a mission to kind of prove my hypothesis that his stroke was avoidable, and sure enough, that's what I found out. So, I realized that chronic inflammation is the underlying cause of his asthma he'd held from 12. Fully reversible condition. The hypertension, and which ultimately led to the stroke and also the eczema I'd had for the best part of my life by that point.

And I went about an an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle, and very, very quickly my eczema went away. I can't say it's cured, quote unquote cured because that suggests it will never come back.

I see eczema as a symptom communicating with me. Something is outta balance and this is what I teach my clients for. I don't care what the [Page//00:04:00] name of the illness is, it's all, it's just a symptom of an underlying cause, and the same principles can be applied to virtually every chronic illness and have pretty amazing results.

Julie Michelson: Yes. Ah, I'm so excited for your story, and I love the I I always say it's. Contr, you know, getting our power back, right? Like you said, I mean, if you, if you do the things that were causing the eczema, the eczema's gonna come back, suck gone. My RA symptoms will come back. If I go back to living how I lived back then which, you know, so I, that's the old knowledge is power.

And I, and I love that. My favorite, one of my, my favorite eczema clients. I, I tell, I remember telling a, a woman who was 72 when I met her, and she was sent to me for some other chronic conditions and she mentioned, oh yeah, and I've had eczema for 70 years. And I said, well, we're gonna do A, B, C, and D for.

To get to the underlying [Page//00:05:00] cause of your inflammation and I suspect you'll, you know, see a major improvement in your eczema. She looked at me like I was an alien. You know, I've had eczema for 70 years. There's no way. Yeah, not anymore. She doesn't have to now. She knows. So it's, it's never too late. Um, And I love that you pointed out it really doesn't matter what the chronic illness is, what the symptom is it's our body communicating and, and so,

Neil Cannon: It's a lot of people are led to believe that they have a genetic disease or genetic illness as if their genes are their destiny. But we know from the science of epigenetics that we have the power to influence our gene expression by the environment that we keep in our body. So if our parents both had some serious illness like cancer or diabetes or heart disease, if we do what they did and we mirror and copy what they did, then yeah, the chances are [Page//00:06:00] we could develop the same thing.

However, we know from the science of epigenetics, which isn't new, it's been around for decades. We know that we can influence our gene expression. So if we have an anti-inflammatory approach to life, there is no reason for these genes to be expressed.

And that gives us power, you know, going back to what you said about taking our power back.

Julie Michelson: It does. 

Neil Cannon: It really does. It puts us in the driving seat for, for the vast majority of the population. There are some, there are a few percent of the population that are born with defective genes or genes which are fully penetrant, which means that they, we don't hold the power to kind of influence their expression.

That's not to say they're not reversible. My understanding is though, when, when someone is born with some kind of defective gene like that it's harder to kind of stop it, stop it from being expressed.

Julie Michelson: Which is different than most of, I'm sure what you see and what I see, what who we're working with is I would call most of the chronic illness today, lifestyle illness, right? [Page//00:07:00] These are all these driven by inflammation and, and we can make choices, make changes and correct. I know you talk about in your programs, the, the four pillars of vitality.

Share with us, you know how you, because I, I know you like to reverse engineer chronic illness and, and get to those root causes just like I do. I had said before we hit record, I could geek out for hours talking to you. So share with us the four pillars and that approach that you take.

Neil Cannon: I call them the four pillars of vitality, the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic. And it's, it's quite normal for if someone has an illness to, if they go about peeling it, the, what I would say the appropriate way, the holistic health and healing true medicine way. It means addressing the physical first.

Most people start addressing the physical. You don't have to start with the physical. You can start with energy, but most people start with the physical. So we need to clean up the [Page//00:08:00] diet, heal the gut, move more. If someone's sedentary, they're not oxygenating their bodies. They're not detoxifying, there's lots that the body has to move.

So some people. It might, it might require that they start moving their bodies and clean up their diet because that's one of the fastest ways to get rid of symptoms, detoxifying internally, externally, that's basically the umbrella of physical, so nutrition, exercise, and detoxification. Then we have the, the mental piece, which is how our thoughts and our beliefs control the health of ourselves in our

Julie Michelson: Say it again. Say it again.

Neil Cannon: Our thoughts and beliefs control the health of our cells in our body. The, the brain is like the, the, the governor or the chemist. So we're 50 trillion cells. Every one of those cells requires feeding. They all behave like a biological mini me, meaning they have the same biological processes as we do, and our brain is like the governor. It's like this determines. Are the health of ourselves.

So we know about the placebo effect. We know that if we take [Page//00:09:00] an a pill with an inert substance in it, through the sheer power of belief, the body can heal itself. We, we, through the sheer power of the mind, the the brain chemist, if you will, causes the body to secrete this perfect concoction of chemical. Absolutely perfect to heal the body.

That's the power of the mind, the placebo effect. It is scientifically proven. And then we have the noce effect, which is the opposite of the placebo effect. So if you are, if we're having chronic negative thoughts or chronically talking about a condition that we have, labeling it, giving ourselves an identity, guess what?

We can create that. So we, I talk about flipping the nocebo, getting like really using the pl, the placebo effect, not the nocebo. And just being mindful of our thoughts, mindful of our beliefs, because. This is a brain chemist. We have a brain chemist, so we want to, we want it working for us, not against us.

And then there's the psychology piece of, of [Page//00:10:00] course, of kind of committing to your vitality, committing to your healing journey, and just doing whatever it takes to keep inspired and motivated. I prefer inspiration though, when you are kind of pulled forward rather than kicking yourself into action.

And then the emotional piece is massive.

I mean, I've kind of touched on it with the mental piece, but emotions are the -the language of the body. Thoughts and beliefs are the language of the mind, feelings and emotions, language of the body. If we are most people gonna resonate with the idea that, or not, even the, the idea, the data that suggests that 90% of all chronic illness is down to stress.

So the emo emotional aspect most people can relate to, although most people I would say aren't familiar with how stress really causes a compromised immune system. And really what stress is. My first like aha moment around stress was when I heard it referred to as our internal response to external strains.

It was reading a book by Mahali accent, MI Harley [Page//00:11:00] Flo, living at the piggy variabilities, and it was a brilliant definition. It is how we perceive our world, which causes them the stress. It's not the, it is not the events themselves, it's how we perceive them. And underneath that is, All of our, our stories and past traumas and all the events that we've had in our life, and every time we have a trauma, it jolts us and leaves this energetic imprint in the body causing us to be more and more reactive if something of a similar nature is presented to us in our lives.

So um, there's a huge amount of kind of growth around emotional health and emotional intelligence where people can change their biology literally by understanding the role of emotions and how we perceive our world and how we react to our world. It's, it's massive. So that's the emotional piece. Oh, and releasing trapped emotions and trauma, sorry.

I always went pa, possibly most important piece. My understanding is that most illness, [Page//00:12:00] like the vast majority of illness, is actually rooted in trauma. And I didn't understand this. I thought it was woowoo. I did a post on this a few days ago on Instagram, actually. It was quite popular. I used to think this was woowoo.

I used to think that you know, the idea for emotions to cause illness, I, I couldn't connect the two. I was, how, how does that even work? And I wa you know, seven years ago I was all about the physical and diet, exercise, stress, getting rid of stress, that kinda thing. So yeah, the emotional side of it is, So if we understand trauma and what trauma is, it's like electromagnetic energy that we store in our body.

When we are faced with some kind of event in our lives, which jolts us, we can have small traumas, we can have big traumas. It could be an argument with a parent or a sibling when you're five years old or, or it could be something much more severe.

So if we experience something that takes us out of this, I guess, alignment it jolts us. It shakes us. That can leave [Page//00:13:00] this energetic imprint on the body and literally they are stored like electromagnetic bundles of energy. We are energy at the sub atomic level. You zoom in enough. We're 99 point many nines empty space and zero point many zero one matter.

We are mostly energy. We are virtually all energy.

Julie Michelson: Really


Neil Cannon: so if we understand that and how emotions are also energy, they're electromagnetic bundles of energy and they get lodged in organs, they get lodged in joints, they get lodged in your low back and head migraines. They get anywhere in the body. And there's some really fast ways of releasing them.

and I have a process, I'll, I'll share it. It, it's called The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson. I always want to give credit where it's due. It's the process I use the most, but I, I've also done other methods of emotional release, like breath work and yoga and plant medicines. . There's many, many ways of doing this hypnosis.

So we want to release the [Page//00:14:00] trauma because that is really, I would say normally the cause of chronic illness, unless there's some kind of major toxin that's entered the body.

 And then the final piece, this is a long, this is a long explanation of

Julie Michelson: Well, we're complicated

Neil Cannon: Yeah, or we're not. I like to think of it as quite simple actually. I like to think the body isn't actually complicated. I believe it's been designed to be complicated. Like imagine, imagine we get an illness and instead of thinking of it as some scary genetic disease, we go, oh, I've got a symptom of an underlying cause.

Let's figure out what it.

Julie Michelson: Right.

Neil Cannon: That's it. You become a problem solver then, and using your word about power. We take our power back. Okay. How have I created this in my body? A lot of people don't like that. Isn't, a lot of people don't like the idea that we create these symptoms, but we do.

Julie Michelson: Right. And it doesn't mean we're blaming anybody for their illness or symptoms, you know? And, and most of us talking about this, we've been there , so[Page//00:15:00]

I dunno. Yeah.

Maybe complicated was the wrong word. Complex. Simple, but complex. Right. We're not just, it's not just the physical, it's not just spiritual, you know,

it's, it's, we are this blend.

Neil Cannon: Yeah. The only reason I mentioned that is because I do my best to simplify the body with everything I do. And I don't, I don't think it has to be complicated. We just have to go, what's causing my body out of BA to be out of balance? Here are the four pillars. What, where is.

where I'm falling out of alignment? You know, we, the society doesn't help us in that way.

It's almost like we're programmed to be victims and that renders us powerless, renders us power like victims to our bodies, victims to disease victims to a disease and symptoms maintenance system, which is amazing in emergencies.

It's phenomenal,

Julie Michelson: Yes. I say the same thing. I'm going there when I need acute care. It's a

Neil Cannon: Exactly. Life. Lifesaving. Lifesaving. It's amazing. And when it comes to illness and [Page//00:16:00] dis-ease, I don't, I don't even call it medicine. It's just, it's a drugs and surgery industry.

So um, the fourth pillar is where things get really exciting. And that's energy. That's the quantum.

Julie Michelson: Talk about woo woo.

Neil Cannon: talk about Woohoo, which is quantum physics.

Julie Michelson: so old

Neil Cannon: exactly since the beginning of time we have, you know, this, these principles go back to the beginning of time and understanding us as energy beings. And I've, I've just done two Dr Joe Dispenza advanced retreats, both in Cancun, June and December, and he's phenomenal.

There's many teachers, of course. I just love the way he teaches. He's got a brilliant way of explaining all these principles which have been suppressed since the beginning of, well, not quite, since the beginning of time, shortly after the beginning of time. 3 25 AD is part of my research anyway. Dr. Joe Dispenza has a phenomenal way of teaching these quantum principles, understanding us as energy beings and people have attended these events and [Page//00:17:00] eradicated the most.

Most incurable of incurable illnesses, multiple brain tumors disappearing in a week. Handicapped people walking again, deaf people hearing again, blind people seeing, again, this is happening. Most people would regard these as miracles, but this is quantum reality. We are energy beings.

And there, there was a, I'm just thinking of a a quote and I can't remember it now, but there's a quantum physicist that said something to the effect of, Once we fit, everything must be based on one simple idea.

And when we find out what it is, we will really will kick ourselves. You know, again, hang on, how we missed that, something to that effect. I haven't quoted it verbatim. We are energy. We're energy beings and we're energy beings in physical bodies. This isn't woo, this is physics. So this is why the emotional piece is so big.

I did a post earlier this week on the, the um, the physical, what compared with the emotional and [Page//00:18:00] if we are not addressing the energy body, we're missing like, most of the puzzle, like , most really the majority of it.

Julie Michelson: which leads me to the, you I was talking about the, the simple, complex beings, right? We're, we're all of it. And so I'm guessing, I see it all the time where people have been on their journey and they're, you know, they're the physical, they're doing the things. They're, they're checking the boxes, but they're not healing

because they're just addressing that one piece and they're, they're not addressing the other three pillars.

Neil Cannon: Completely. Yeah, I think, I think, you know, the physical's obviously essential to address. And although, you know, there is argument to say that you don't have to go and change your diet, you don't have to go and do all that because you could go and meditate and heal your body. Believe it's hard. It's just the, the most tangible for most people.

Julie Michelson: Yes.

Neil Cannon: To detoxify the body. It [Page//00:19:00] just makes sense to most people. If I'm eat, if I'm eating crap, guess what? It's gonna be manifested in the body. If I don't move my body, I'm not getting oxygen. I'm not detoxifying. So then therefore you get ill. And it's, there's, there's some things that people can relate to in a

Julie Michelson: Logical

Neil Cannon: The logical way. Yeah. Yet the energy piece is where I think things get really exciting and we start to understand that not only can we heal our body through thought alone, but we can also change our world around us. We can start manifesting cool stuff into our lives. We start attracting things and life gets way more interesting when we understand that.

And we turn off the mainstream media nonsense. ,

Julie Michelson: so so true. Oh, don't be sorry. . No beep, beep, no say I say sing it

Neil Cannon: Yeah,

Julie Michelson: oh no. And I, I love, even in, as I've developed my coaching programs, what, same, like what I used to call woo woo it is absolutely science and it's powerful and can it will move the needle so much [Page//00:20:00] faster than those logical, and again, I I'm I, we do all of it as well.

I'm not saying don't clean up your diet and, you know, yes, sleep and move and , do all the things. But if you really wanna make leaps forward, you've gotta be focusing on these other areas.

Neil Cannon: I, I was just gonna say, you know, we, we often hear about all, you know, celebrities or famous people. They, they, they did a juice diet and they still died or something. It's like, ha, hang on. We, we don't, we only know a snippet of what they've done.

Have they addressed every angle and did they go down the trauma route because, we need to understand the trauma bit, and

Julie Michelson: right.

Neil Cannon: I really understand now that most illness is rooted in trauma,

Julie Michelson: And, and I love what you said, you know, to, to highlight it doesn't mean, you know, some huge, terrible thing. And, and so much of our own trauma, we don't even remember, we're not aware of we've blocked. I know it's all about our perception. [Page//00:21:00] Really, I mean, that is, that's like you said, that jolt when those can be, you know, I was thinking as you were saying that earlier, knowing that you're in Mexico, I'm like, huh.

You know, I lost my favorite stuffed Dan, like my best little stuffed friend as a child when I was in Mexico. And I, you know, the fact that here I am at 53 and that's that, I'm like, Ooh, . I bet that was traumatic. You

Neil Cannon: totally. And it could be and it can be something like that. It really can be. I've, I, I've done so much work around this and I've done, like, meditation's taken me back into the womb, like as, as, as, as kind of I'm guided through the process. I'm remembering being in the womb. I'm remembering birth, I'm remembering shortly after the birth, not it, it's in the energetic realm.

So it's not like a memory here Anyway, there's so much fascinating stuff that we can do to, to heal. And one thing I'd just love to say on the trauma [Page//00:22:00] piece, we don't have to go and talk about it. We don't have to go and do year's worth of talk therapy and relive the trauma and make it more and more solidified in the brain.

That's, that can be counterproductive.

Julie Michelson: Thank you for saying that. That can be re-traumatizing and I'm, I'm not anti therapy or, or any of that, but I love you touched on it before and there's more than one way to, to clear your trauma and heal your trauma and, and so finding, Something that's, you know, I, I, if I was ready to do the work, I wouldn't wanna feel better in a year or two, or three or six

I, I would be looking for the, the breath work, the meditation, the hyp, hypnosis, the, you know, plant me, whatever it is. That resonates with you, you, and probably more than one thing too.

Neil Cannon: Yes! Totally.

And it gets to be fun. You know, I, I like the, I like the methods that they're fun. You know, the um, With trauma release, it sounds like a really scary thing, but when we do it, it's [Page//00:23:00] just one way is that, I mentioned the, the emotion code. You just, you're just asking the body yes or no questions.

Oh, that's the name of it. That's where it's stored. Let's release it now. And that's it.

Julie Michelson: Yeah.

Neil Cannon: it's Dr. Bradley Nelson. Brilliant, brilliant. Pioneer.

Julie Michelson: So, so amazing and, and again, it, it's so important. This is so . This is absolutely not the direction I thought we were gonna go in for the conversation, but it is, and when we are talking about we're, we both are helping people identify their underlying drivers and trauma's always there, you know, and, and, and yeah, it could be that you're living on fast food or you know, all the other parts and pieces.

But to be fully, well, we've gotta be doing the trauma work and we've got layers and layers. I mean, we're never done. We have layers of it.

Neil Cannon: So many layers. Layers of the onion.

Julie Michelson: I love it. I love it. So [Page//00:24:00] do you then saying, okay, we're talking about trauma and, and emotion and energy and, and quantum, and then we did talk about, you know, the physical and the food and the movement and detox.

Where's the starting? I mean, where do you start with people or is it where they need to start.

Neil Cannon: Um, Good question. I, I norm, if it's private, I always start with where they need to start. If it's on a group session, I normally introduce people to the, to the physical because it's the most tangible. So a lot of people, don't understand what inflammation is. So I go about explaining that and then saying, let, let's have a look at your diet.

Is anything you're eating not real ? And how can we get back to nature and get that, get clean it up super clean. So some people can have alleviation of symptoms through diet alone. Many people can, in fact which goes to show the power of food, food is epigenetic, it changes the [Page//00:25:00] environment in the body.

So um, we normally start with diet and healing the gut. From a physical perspective I wa I, if people are sedentary, I get them to enjoy moving. We can't outsource exercise, so let's just enjoy it, and it's essential. We have to move our bodies. We can't be sedentary. And a lot of people are sedentary all day, every day driving to and from work and then on a couch in the evening and it's, that's, that doesn't work.

It just doesn't work. So we have to, we have to be active. So let's enjoy being active, do dancing or hiking or getting out into nature or taking a dog for a walk or just walking around the block with music or a podcast

Exactly. So I always find, help my clients find ways to enjoy being active.

That, that's normally where we start.

And then as the weeks progress we go through, well start with the physical, mental, emotional, energetic. So it is like an eight week program normally. Well it is [Page//00:26:00] an eight week program and yeah, we just go through, go through them systematically. If I work with someone on a. Private basis. And if they say to me, Neil, I've got the whole diet piece dialed in.

I'm anti-inflammatory. Everything. I'm already active, I'm working out, I'm grounding, I've got sunlight, I'm, you know, everything's good. I'd love to like more help with the mental piece or the emotional piece, or the spiritual piece, or the energetic piece. Then we do that. It's more tailored.

Julie Michelson: And then you say, now we're gonna have some fun

Neil Cannon: Exactly.

And, and I like, I like that you said that because it, it gets to be fun. It doesn't have to be a slog. It doesn't have to be. You know, some people start a health regime or a fitness program and it's, it's almost like a, it's gonna introduce a sacrifice into your life or pain into your life.

Julie Michelson: Right. Which then is not gonna be sustainable. And, and you and I both are about, you know, creating lifestyle. Not like, oh, anyone can hold their breath for eight weeks and do fill in the blank. Right. When be miserable and cranky. And that's not, that's [Page//00:27:00] not what we're, what we're about. And, and I know. like myself.

You, you have so many tools for your clients. I, I, you, again, I could have five hours of content with you and, you know, we could talk about breath work, we could talk about , you know, ice baths. We could talk. There's just so much. But, but I love also kind of pulling, pulling the lens back and saying like, Hey, look, but we have to be hitting all of this.

I, I'm just grateful that you're here sharing with us. I may have to have you back to, so that we can talk about, dig into the, the topic we were going to discuss today. I'm not even gonna say what it was.

So because, I love talking to people who are like-minded. And, and I do believe this is why, one of the reasons I do this podcasts were, were instrumental in my healing journey. I found a lot of information there. But also I think the more of us talking about these things, is where people are like, [Page//00:28:00] oh, maybe she's not crazy, you know, and this isn't woowoo, this is science and, and this works.

And we all, you know, have. Similar and different approaches. And, and, but it's all, like you said, holistic and we have to, we have to be really, you know, addressing the whole human to, to get that inflammation down.

Neil Cannon: Yes. And one, one thing I'd just love to say. The moment we reframe an illness to a gift, it becomes a, a gateway to a, an elevated way of living after breath. I, I actually wrong breathwork myself and a friend of mine, okay. , a friend of mine about a year ago, said he sees vanity as the gateway to consciousness.

And I paused and thought about it for a second and I thought, I like it, except I'm gonna make an adjustment and I put this in my late latest book. I see sickness as a gateway to consciousness.

Julie Michelson: And I believe that's [Page//00:29:00] true.

Neil Cannon: Yeah, we can, there's normally two routes that people go down and most people would probably start with the Western medical route cuz that's what they've been groomed to think.

But then what often happens is a fan of my own podcast, I interview people who reverse incurable illnesses according to Western medicine. They take it, they just take this drug, this drug, this drug they get sicker and sicker and sicker. And until eventually they go, okay, that doesn't work. And then they, then they go to the holistic health and healing route.

So, and then that's where the magic happens. Cuz they're like, they, they go through all the pillars and they start detoxifying their body. They discover all this information that wasn't there. They get onto Gaia. My Gaia is my Netflix. I don't use Netflix

I watch Gaia and look at all these amazing documentaries on there about energy and about healing the body through thought alone and discoveries of sacred geometry and understanding what we can do with energy and how we can heal other people with energy or how we can manifest. And it's just, it gets so much more interesting than just taking a bunch of drugs, which typically,

Julie Michelson: interesting is the [Page//00:30:00] least of it. It's also effective and yeah,

Neil Cannon: Yeah. It's effective and life transformative. Yeah.

Julie Michelson: Absolutely true. Absolutely true. And for those of you that haven't checked out Neil's podcast, the Vitality Secret is, is amazing that his book is amazing and he's gifting it to listeners and, and all of those links will be, in the show notes as well. One question I always ask at the end, and, and I know you have a million different, I can't wait to hear what you say, , which is the, what's one step listeners can take right now to start to improve their health?

It's almost a trick question, I think, but

Neil Cannon: That's, I like that you asked that question. I, I ask what's your number one vitality secret? Anyway, I

Julie Michelson: Yeah.

Neil Cannon: in response to your question, when I do breath, when I do my Wim Hoff, it's a type of breath. It's a type of meditation in, in of itself. So um, I say breath because so much can be done just by breathing [Page//00:31:00] and oxygenating. I was at the Truth about Cancer Life Symposium in, in 2016, and I'll never forget this. One of the doctors said the number one reason for chronic illness is under oxygenation of cells like above everything else.

So I thought that's the piece that

needs to be addressed. And pe we, you are familiar with the Wmh Health Method? I've

Julie Michelson: I am. I, I've, yep. I have done the training.

Neil Cannon: Oh, nice. Okay. Yeah. Every morning I'm, I'm with my, with my group we meet, we meet on Zoom and we breathe together, and then we have these amazing conversations afterwards and it's a wonderful way to start the day.

Activate the body, oxygenate the body. Calm, calm the body. Afterwards, we do hard and brain adherence afterwards, so we combine breath work with meditation, and then we're good. We've got that solid foundation. So whatever life throws at us, we're like, we're, we're ready.

Julie Michelson: and then that is the way to start a day without a doubt. It, it really is, [Page//00:32:00] is amazing. I have, I have a client whenever I say, are you breathing? You know, gives me that, of course I'm here. I'm like, no, really breathing because none of us do in li It's, it's got to become a conscious, intentional activity to, to really breathe.

Neil Cannon: For sure. I mean, at the very basic level, be active because if we're not, if we're just sat down, we're neglecting two thirds of our lungs and we're just not oxygenating ourselves. So at the very basic level, if we start moving the body, you're starting to oxygenate your cells again and.

Julie Michelson: We're not, you know, single dimensional. And I always say then start with what resonates for you. So, you know, take, take Neil's gold and ta start with that first piece that you were like, I could do that.

Neil Cannon: absolutely.

Julie Michelson: For people that are listening on the go.

Perhaps they're on their walk or perhaps they're driving. Where's the best place to find you?[Page//00:33:00]

Neil Cannon: My website is vitalitysecret.com and There's also Instagram, Neil Canon Vitality, YouTube, Neil Canon 80. So yeah, I, I would say probably the best place is my website though, cause it's just one hub. And then you can see the links for everything else. You can see the link from my podcast, which is the Vitality Secret Podcast.

If you go to vitality secret.com/book, you can get an e-copy of the Vitality Secret.

Julie Michelson: which is amazing. I can't encourage listeners enough to, to go grab that book. And what, it is so generous that you just have it as a resource for everybody which is incredible.

Neil Cannon: Yeah, I wanna, I, I like to give as much as I can and ob obviously there's, there's al also the business component where I coach people and then I have my online program that you'll see on the website as well. So, yeah, doing what I can to help.

Julie Michelson: It's amazing. We're we're grateful that you're out there. And seriously, if, if you're listening to this, you like podcasts, check out [Page//00:34:00] Neil's podcast. He has unbelievable guests and I'm gonna hold him to the invite. I would love, I'd be honored to share my healing journey as well. Neil, thank you so, so much for being here today.

It's been fantastic.

Neil Cannon: Thank you Julie. Julie, it's been an honor. Thank you very much.

Julie Michelson: For everyone listening. Remember, you can get the show notes and transcripts by visiting https://inspiredliving.show. I hope you had a great time and enjoyed this episode as much as I did. I'll see you next week.
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Neil Cannon
Neil Cannon is the Founder of Vitality Secret and Author of the bestselling book The Vitality Secret. He has been living a semi-nomadic lifestyle, working around the world where kitesurfing is possible, including Los Angeles, Bali, Brazil and now Southern Baja, Mexico. After stumbling upon his cure for the eczema he long suffered from, Neil created a coaching program through which he helps people reverse engineer a myriad of ailments they are going through by addressing the Physical, Mental, Emotional and Energetic Pillars of Vitality.
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