Episode 3
Aimee Carlson:

Should We Be Counting Chemicals Instead of Calories?

In this episode, Aimee gives us many steps that we can all take to start to clean up our exposure to hidden toxins. We dive into and reversing chronic illness, and how each small step we take can help us get our power back.
First Aired on: Oct 10, 2021
Episode 3
Aimee Carlson:

Should We Be Counting Chemicals Instead of Calories?

In this episode, Aimee gives us many steps that we can all take to start to clean up our exposure to hidden toxins. We dive into and reversing chronic illness, and how each small step we take can help us get our power back.
First Aired on: Oct 10, 2021
In this episode:
Today we are joined by Aimee Carlson, The Toxin Terminator.

In addition to sharing her journey back to health with us, Aimee gives us many steps that we can all take to start to clean up our exposure to hidden toxins. We dive into and reversing chronic illness, and how each small step we take can help us get our power back.

We discuss the four main areas of top toxins that need to be addressed to optimize health. It is time to terminate those toxins!
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Episode Transcript

[Page//00:00:00] Julie Michelson: Welcome back to the inspired living with auto-immunity podcast. I'm your host, Julie Michaelson. And I'm so excited. You're here 

[Page//00:00:08] today. We are talking with Amy Carlson. Amy is the toxin Terminator. She's the host of the toxin Terminator podcast, a bestselling author, a certified toxicity and detox specialist and a featured guest expert on numerous podcasts and summits.

[Page//00:00:27] Amy has spent the last seven years removing hidden toxins from her own home to be free of chronic disease and has helped hundreds do the same through her podcast. She's had access to some of the top doctors, healers, experts, and industry leaders in the natural health and wellness field. Amy's passion is giving hope to those who are still suffering.

[Page//00:00:49] Getting no relief from traditional medicine and ready to take control. Bye detoxing and cleansing their health and their environment. 

[Page//00:00:57] Welcome [Page//00:01:00] Amy. I'm so excited that you're here. I'm dying to find out how you became the toxin Terminator. Tell us a little bit about that. 

[Page//00:01:07] Aimee Carlson: You bet. So my entire adult life, I suffered from a lot of different chronic diseases. Number one, I had hormones that were all over the place.

[Page//00:01:17] I had a lot of reproductive issues happening. I was diagnosed in menopause at the age of 36. I had a partial hysterectomy at the age of 37. Now mind you, most women enter menopause at 47. That's the average age that we enter a menopause. I had periods that sometimes I just didn't even want to leave the house because I didn't think that I was going to be able to plug the dam so to speak.

[Page//00:01:40] Right. Lots of issues going on. Lots of cramping, just not a pleasant experience. I had headaches. Every single day of my entire adult life, not a day that went by and I attributed it to being in a high stress job. Now what a lot of people don't understand or know about me is that I [Page//00:02:00] was the only 100% female.

[Page//00:02:01] Automotive franchise in north America. For 30 years, I worked on cars for a living. That's what I did. And I had five service centers in the state of Iowa. I employed thousands of people. And so this was high stress, everything that was happening to me, physically, the doctors would always say, it's. But that's all they said, say, do this, do that.

[Page//00:02:31] You know, anything like that? In fact, I would have, well with the headaches. I also started getting migraines later on and the migraines would put me out. I would get them a couple of times a month to start with, and then they became more frequent. At, towards the end, I lost vision on the left side, it was completely gone from the migraine headaches, but Whereas I beforehand, you know, they don't tell you your, your job is high stress, right.

[Page//00:02:59] You know, [Page//00:03:00] or they tell you that, but they don't tell you what to do about it. Other than let me get my prescription pad out. And let me write you a prescription, which I did. I took the prescriptions and that only caused more problems with my body than what was already going on. I was literally hopping from doctor to doctor, to doctor trying desperately to have energy, trying desperately to sleep, trying desperately to feel like I wasn't crawling out of my skin.

[Page//00:03:32] And I just, you know, like, oh, I was going to talk about the high stress causing things to go on. Sometimes things aren't that chronic disease. Right. These are things that happen. And so one time I woke up in the morning and you couldn't even tell I had a jaw line. My entire side of my face was bloomed up and I'm like, what in the world is going on?

[Page//00:03:58] I had [Page//00:04:00] an abscess. They literally had to do surgery. Cut, open my face. Stick tubes in that I had to go back daily to have changed out and all this drainage happening again. You haven't, you obsessed. Well, why do I have an abscess? I don't know. You just do another time I woke up in the morning and I had a canker sore, not a big deal, right?

[Page//00:04:24] Lots of people get canker sores. I had a hundred, a hundred inside my mouth and down my throat. You know, it's like, what, how, where where's this coming from? So I knew in the automotive world, I was exposed to a lot of talks and I get that, you know, we have two government agencies that watch over everything that we do.

[Page//00:04:46] And so I knew that chemicals, we worked with what was coming out of the car, bad stuff. Right. And there's things that we have to do to protect yourself. But what I didn't know is that the stuff I was using every single day inside my [Page//00:05:00] home, we're also talking. And 

[Page//00:05:04] Julie Michelson: I want to make sure everyone catches that 

[Page//00:05:07] Aimee Carlson: the stuff that we use every single day inside our home is toxic, toxic, and listen.

[Page//00:05:16] I, when I married my husband 17 years ago we're coming up on an anniversary. He was into like manifestation and he was into meditation and he was into healthy foods. And I might keep that stuff on over there. And then I'm just going to keep on doing this whole adopter route because it's working so well.

[Page//00:05:43] Julie Michelson: It's really treating my body so well, yeah. 

[Page//00:05:47] Aimee Carlson: Could be. At being healthy, you know, are not even being healthy. I just thought if you weren't doing what the doctors told you to do, then you're like [Page//00:06:00] one of those hippie guru kind of people that run around singing kumbaya and you don't shower and say you stink.

[Page//00:06:07] And it's like such a, I mean, this false pretense of what it was. But I had this friend that invited me to learn about essential oils. Again. No,

[Page//00:06:23] can't hear me. How in the world are your little bottles of whatever you say it is going to help me out. But I was opened in that. To learn. And I, I I'm grateful today because essential oils were my gateway drug to learning about how the body works. And I was able to heal myself, not just because of essential oils, but because of what I learned, I became the sponge and I just began learning.

[Page//00:06:52] And the more I learned the matter I got. 

[Page//00:06:58] Julie Michelson: Number that phase. [Page//00:07:00] Well, yeah. 

[Page//00:07:02] Aimee Carlson: Oh yeah. I hear in the automotive industry, I've got the OSHA and I had the EPA governing everything. I do everything, even things I don't do. Consumers can bring stuff to me and drop it off in my lot in the dead of night. And now I'm responsible for it, then what I'm doing, right?

[Page//00:07:23] Yeah. Stuff that we use every single day inside our home one governing body. However, what did the safety of those ingredients? 

[Page//00:07:39] Julie Michelson: No, I have no idea because it makes no sense who would even imagine, like how could that 

[Page//00:07:46] Aimee Carlson: be?

[Page//00:07:50] Julie Michelson: They're there to protect us 

[Page//00:07:53] Aimee Carlson: for our good, you know, Austin authors. Right. We can go there if you [Page//00:08:00] want.

[Page//00:08:04] Julie Michelson: We don't have that much time today, 

[Page//00:08:08] Aimee Carlson: long story. And I apologize, but as I learned you know, there's 86,000 chemicals on the marketplace today and every year we're adding thousands more and there isn't anything that's testing it for safety. In fact, our government says, prove it's not safe. 

[Page//00:08:26] Julie Michelson: And we may add a little label.

[Page//00:08:27] We'll still, we'll still let people sell it. We'll just stick a little label on it. 

[Page//00:08:32] Aimee Carlson: Yeah. Well, I wanted to give this a voice. I, you know, if I didn't know this surely there's a whole lot of other people that don't know this and I wanted to be able to give this a voice. And so I created the toxic Terminator podcast because we're terminating toxins and I just wanted to reach the masses.

[Page//00:08:53] Julie Michelson: Well, I, for one I'm so grateful you do what you do as, you know, reducing our [Page//00:09:00] toxic exposure is part of you know, we both have our detox specialist certifications and, and is a big part of what I do with all my clients. But. I joke. I have the certification that says I'm a specialist. I'm not a specialist.

[Page//00:09:18] There's so much information that it really takes somebody like you, who this is your sole focus. This is so your lane. And again, this is, I. I feel that, you know, people ask, we talk about root causes. I work with auto-immunity, you know, we talk about chronic illness and root causes and there's never one root cause they're always interwoven and toxic load is a toxic burden is always part of it.

[Page//00:09:51] It doesn't necessarily matter. It's at the top of the list, but it is definitely there. And it's just such an empowering area [Page//00:10:00] for people. Of once they start learning. And again, everybody goes through that phase of they're so angry. They can't believe, you know, there's been, I've been using toxins in my tooth.

[Page//00:10:10] I just had a client say to me, we changed her toothpaste. Then she said to me, oh my gosh, my toothpaste doesn't burn my mouth anymore. My whole life, my toothpaste is burned my mouth. I thought toothpaste burned. Everybody's mouth. 

[Page//00:10:28] Aimee Carlson: Renormalize this conversation before normalize not feeling good. Yes. We normally sit in, in if hear me out with this.

[Page//00:10:41] Have you ever said to yourself well, I'm over 50 now,

[Page//00:10:48] Julie Michelson: but I hear it all the time, but that's only because I feel better over 50 than I did in my forties and thirties. So 

[Page//00:10:56] Aimee Carlson: how many say it's just part of aging? [Page//00:11:00] No, my, all my friends are on medications. You know, we have taken, we have no idea. What it feels like the feel good as a society. We don't,

[Page//00:11:18] we've been here. We've been in this pain. We've been in this spare. We've been at that place where you're like, but even down in those deepest, darkest moments, we are still. There's got to be an answer. This is not how God intended me to live this life here on earth. There has to be something that I can do, and we just didn't stop with just kept moving forward, trying the next thing.

[Page//00:11:44] And the next thing until we found solutions, and then we get to experience this. Like it's like on a mountain, right? When we're at the bottom of the mountain, we have this view and we think it's pretty darn good. Right? It's beautiful [Page//00:12:00] out here. I love this and we start climbing the mountain and we're like, oh wow.

[Page//00:12:07] And we get to the top of the mountain and it's like blow you away. 

[Page//00:12:14] Julie Michelson: And it, and it never stops getting better. You know, people ask me all the time. Well, how long did it take you to heal? And I still, to this day, if you asked me today, I, I think I couldn't possibly feel better. And again, I know from experience that in six months, I'm going to turn around and be like, wow, I feel even better than I did.

[Page//00:12:33] It is amazing. So I want to talk a little bit about this idea of chronic disease. And if you can dive into for the audience a little bit, Just kind of, you know, touch on epigenetics and, and why it is that you could have been so sick and now you're so well, and I could have been so sick and now I'm so well.

[Page//00:12:57] And so let's talk a little bit about [Page//00:13:00] chronic illness and epigenetics and how we really can take control. 

[Page//00:13:05] Aimee Carlson: The, the philosophy and the science of epigenetics is it's fairly new. It's only been around for, I don't know, 10, 20 years now, maybe. And the pretense I'm going to make it super, super simple. The pretense is we all have genes.

[Page//00:13:25] We everybody's got genes inside their body. Right. And why do. You know, you get ahead called and I get pneumonia. Why does, you know, you get, you know, the COVID virus and you're hospitalized and I don't, why do I get cancer? And the next person doesn't get COVID. So there, the genes are there for all of these things.

[Page//00:13:51] And I, I mean, cancer, high, high blood pressure, you know 

[Page//00:13:55] Julie Michelson: really any expression I just was reading a study of [Page//00:14:00] course, about auto-immunity a study about identical twins. Great, same identical gene pool and one expresses rheumatoid arthritis. And one does not one expresses, you know, lupus one does not. So explain how that's possible 

[Page//00:14:19] Aimee Carlson: for dull.

[Page//00:14:19] Everybody has these genes inside their body. We have a trigger that turns them on, right. There has to be a trigger that turns them on what's the trigger what's. Talk since are the trigger that turned the genes on. And the good news is if we can turn it on, we can turn it off too, you know? And that.

[Page//00:14:42] Hallelujah. How empowering is that? So the, the, the trick, and we don't know, it might be a multitude of toxic. It might not be, what is it? Mold? Is it heavy metals? Is that a hidden infection? Is it a general toxicity? Is it parabens? Sulfates? Is it [Page//00:15:00] stress? Is it stress speaking over our life? You know, are we creating it into existence?

[Page//00:15:08] Because my mom had such and such, I know I'm going to, right. So I like to look at talent like this. Our health is a jigsaw puzzle. And in order for us to have, you know, good health in this beautiful health, we have to have all the pieces fit together in all the right places, you know? And so. When we're looking at, it's never just one cost, right?

[Page//00:15:40] It's never just one thing. It's a multitude of things. And so when we're repairing and we're restoring, it's never just one thing either. We have to look at a multiple of things like that mountain and then, and the top of the mountain and the beautiful view we have when we [Page//00:16:00] come to restoring our health.

[Page//00:16:02] We can't get the whole amount. And, you know, we get one key at a time, one little chunk at a time, you know, so it's not overwhelming. And then and, and with each little tiny step that we take, we're going to have restoration and the. 

[Page//00:16:20] Julie Michelson: I love that. I think of epigenetics as you know, like just switches, like literally like an old school switchboard.

[Page//00:16:29] Yup. And every little thing, every toxin you removed from your home, every step you take every. Food that your body thinks is a toxin that you remove every thought pattern you change, you know, all of those things, every good night's sleep. Start to turn those switches back off and, and allow your gene expression to be that of, of full vitality and health beyond.

[Page//00:16:58] I always say beyond what I [Page//00:17:00] can imagine, you know, people say, oh, I want to do what you did. I want to get off all my meds and I want to feel amazing. And I'm like, well, let's, let's get you to let's feel amazing. Like I know her, you know, I sometimes medication has its place sometimes. And, and, and I always say, I never know.

[Page//00:17:17] How much improvement anybody's going to get. Right. I've had people come to me. I had a client come to me at 72, with 70 years of an auto-immune expression. So I certainly wasn't going to say, oh, I promise you won't have any symptoms. I just said, but I know we can move the needle. And I say this every time.

[Page//00:17:39] It's always better than I think it's going to be it just, the body is designed to heal. And that's why I'm doing this podcast because so many of us went through a period. So many are out there and don't know they've been told by their doctors. Like you were like, I was, this [Page//00:18:00] just is, you just have to live with this.

[Page//00:18:02] We'll give you meds for the symptoms.

[Page//00:18:08] Aimee Carlson: I guess I don't speak badly of the doctors that I saw because they know any better. No, they're not taught to look at root causes. They're not taught to look at lifestyle. They're not taught to look at food. You know, they're not taught. I'm going to steal 

[Page//00:18:26] Julie Michelson: your mountain analogy because they're, they, they only see their little section of the past right there.

[Page//00:18:35] You know, I was treated by a rheumatologist. They study that the problem with, or not even the problem, just the fact is they're all trained. To specialize in their little compartment of the body. And that's one of the gifts I believe functional medicine is internal medicine docs are trained to step back and look at that whole mountain and take into [Page//00:19:00] account all of those parts and pieces.

[Page//00:19:02] And we, our whole body. 

[Page//00:19:05] Aimee Carlson: Brain. Yes. Have anything to do with the brain. It might have to do with what's going on down here and the gut, right? Absolutely. 

[Page//00:19:15] Julie Michelson: Absolutely. So now that we've established, you know, big surprise, you believe the body can heal, you've experienced it, you see it all the time. Tell me, you know, help our audience out there.

[Page//00:19:28] Because as you mentioned, there are so many toxins we're exposed to give us some nuggets of, you know, what are some of the top toxins, if you will, 

[Page//00:19:38] Aimee Carlson: and break it down to four. And the fourth one is a little big, but take it down to. Here's the thing when we're overwhelmed and when we think there's too much information coming at us at once, what do we do?

[Page//00:19:57] We did nothing because it's just [Page//00:20:00] too much for the brain. The four worst offenders that we really want to pay attention to are mold heavy metals, hidden infections. And general toxicities. All right. Now I'm gonna give you guys a tip in each one of those categories. Would that be. Please. Absolutely. Okay. So mold, everybody thinks mold and they think about wet water damage.

[Page//00:20:28] They think about what, you know, a think link or a shower leak or a storm damage or something like that. They can see visible mold that they can see. They don't know about, you know, the stuff that's hidden in the here. That is absolutely can happen and that absolutely takes place. But I want you to, to go in and look at your food.

[Page//00:20:53] I want you to look at specifically anything that is grain oriented, [Page//00:21:00] anything that has dealing with coffee or. These three types of foods have a lot of mold in them. 

[Page//00:21:09] Julie Michelson: Oh my gosh. You're giving me Dave Asprey flashbacks from my Bulletproof training back in the day, 

[Page//00:21:16] Aimee Carlson: but we need, excuse me, we need to look at our food as being an option.

[Page//00:21:21] So if we, if we have. It's somebody come in. And, and they test our house for mold. We know that the body says we have mold, right. We've been tested and we'd done a metal Oxy test or a mycotoxin test or a hair follicle test. And we know. The body says, we've got some mold toxicity going on here. We need to fix that.

[Page//00:21:43] And then it comes back and they're like, there is no mold in your home. There is no mold into your workplace that, you know, so what else can we look at? We have to take a deep dive into our food, and this is another reason why it's so, so important to know the sourcing of your food and to [Page//00:22:00] eat organic as much as humanly possible.

[Page//00:22:03] All right. So don't negate the food side of it. Think about how great I grew up in the Midwest. How grains are stored. You have horses.

[Page//00:22:14] Julie Michelson: I don't even feed them moldy hay. I mean, I checked their hay before I feed it. And sadly, where it goes, everybody, the moldy hay that is to mean, you know, it doesn't qualify for horse feed. We'll go to be 

[Page//00:22:29] Aimee Carlson: cattle feed. 

[Page//00:22:32] Julie Michelson: There are cattle farmers around here, you know, when I get a stack of moldy hay and at the end of the season, I'll just post a little like who wants free head?

[Page//00:22:42] And, you know, and that gets that's in that food rotation. And this is, these are not the same ranchers that I get my grass fed meat from these, you know, because I don't want to eat that. 

[Page//00:22:56] Aimee Carlson: Right. We don't want to eat. And that's unfortunate. So [Page//00:23:00] that's my tip in, in mold, heavy metals. Hang on a second. Yes, absolutely.

[Page//00:23:08] Just got a tickle in my throat. Heavy metals. Where are they there? Well, there are a lot of places there in our food, water air. They're everywhere, but let's look at water. Here's my tip for you guys. Cause I want to give you actionable steps. I want you guys to walk away from this podcast and go, oh my gosh, I can go to this website and I can look this up.

[Page//00:23:30] So water is a really big source of our heavy metals and E w g.org. It was a website, the environmental working group. They've got thousands of scientists that work there that are researching for the consumer. And what they have is a tab called water. We'll figure within that tab, if you click on that tab, you can type in your municipalities zip code.[Page//00:24:00] 

[Page//00:24:00] And that will tell you what is in the water that's coming into your. 

[Page//00:24:07] Julie Michelson: Knowledge is power people take this tip and look 

[Page//00:24:12] Aimee Carlson: right. And, and you CA I CA I could tell you filter, filter, filter, but unless, you know, what is there, you know, what to filter you know, you don't know what type of filter that you need.

[Page//00:24:23] And my other tip when it comes to water, is everybody hears, you know, drink, clean water, get drink, filtered water. Please do not drink out of a plastic bottles. 

[Page//00:24:34] Julie Michelson: I love you say that. I'm going again to please 

[Page//00:24:39] Aimee Carlson: stop drinking out of plastic bottles, a plastic bottles that you're using to put your filtered water into, or be just buying plastic water bottles.

[Page//00:24:51] First of all. Not the time. There are no better off than what you're getting out of your tasks, but definitely there were soft because you [Page//00:25:00] don't know how long they've been sitting out in the sun or the heat or the exposure that they've gotten. And now they're leaching all of the toxins from the plastic inside the water.

[Page//00:25:12] Julie Michelson: What about BPA free plastic? Cause most of the water bottles now say that. 

[Page//00:25:17] Aimee Carlson: Well, 

[Page//00:25:20] Julie Michelson: and you know, that, you know, did, who was, who was the one in the group of all of us that pay so much attention to all of this walking around with her big glass water bottle at the conference two weeks ago, 

[Page//00:25:35] Aimee Carlson: I'll fill up with my stainless steel container.

[Page//00:25:37] Nope. BPA free is great. We're taking a step in the right direction, but they replaced it with BPS, which is even more toxic than the BPA. So if you think you're doing good for your body by eliminating the plastic with the BPA free, please think again, it's not good. Do not use it. And it's not even good for the UCON.

[Page//00:25:58] The. [Page//00:26:00] No. 

[Page//00:26:01] Julie Michelson: And that's another point where I think, you know, tempers can flare, because again, here, somebody thinks they're taking a step to do the right thing and make sure they're, you know, they're you, maybe you're using a refillable water bottle and you've specifically got a BPA free one. But this is not enough.

[Page//00:26:18] It's just not enough. It's 

[Page//00:26:20] Aimee Carlson: not enough glass or stainless steel. Those are two good options there. So we're filtering more than that. We want to filter the whole house. And if you are in a rental property, you are in something that you're leasing, it's temporary. You're like, Hmm. I don't know that. I want to go to that expense.

[Page//00:26:40] I have two options for you. Number one is Aqua sauna has a shower filter. Get it, it's having a sale 

[Page//00:26:49] Julie Michelson: right now too. Maybe not by the time this airs, but if you've 

[Page//00:26:53] Aimee Carlson: got a week share, you're like, I've otherwise I've got links on my website as well. Secondly, so that's a great [Page//00:27:00] option for you. And secondly, is there are many water companies out there that rent their equipment, so they will.

[Page//00:27:09] Yep. There they are down here in Arizona bullying one of them. They will set you up with the stuff that you rented. I pay, like, I think we pay, like, I dunno, $40, $45 a month for it. That's amazing. And then they replaced, you know, equipment and all of that stuff. So on check that out. That's an option. That is 

[Page//00:27:32] Julie Michelson: fantastic.

[Page//00:27:33] And I know I don't want to make it longer because we are getting close to time, but I can't stop myself. And I know you and I could talk for hours. 

[Page//00:27:43] Aimee Carlson: We can 

[Page//00:27:45] Julie Michelson: cause I hear it all the time. So I have to throw this one back to you. Why do I need to filter my water out of my shower? I'm not drinking the water in the shower.

[Page//00:27:59] Aimee Carlson: Of your skin [Page//00:28:00] and depending on the ingredients that you are using, are we okay? I got 20 seconds to two minutes. It takes for those chemicals to be absorbed into the skin, into the bloodstream. That can be actually. 

[Page//00:28:16] Julie Michelson: Okay. So unless you're taking less than, less than 20 seconds to take your shower, then the chlorine and the fluoride and the Andy and Dan, Dan that's in your water is going to absorb into your body, through your skin.

[Page//00:28:29] Aimee Carlson: fluoride, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, you name it. They are in preservatives, they're in the water sources and they are absorbing into our skin, the largest organ of our body. So please. Do me a favor and all you do is put a shower filter on. Please do that. You will notice the biggest difference with your skin and your hair immediately.

[Page//00:28:57] Julie Michelson: It is. It's fantastic. I had [Page//00:29:00] the opportunity to build my home that I'm in right now. And my favorite part of this home is my whole house water filter. It's it's just my favorite part. Okay. So infections, tell us about infections. 

[Page//00:29:15] Aimee Carlson: Infections are exactly that they're hidden, right? So that's the area that we're going to be looking at is the oral cavity.

[Page//00:29:22] You could have had wisdom, teeth pulled when you were younger and it just didn't heal up properly. Not that you have pain or anything like that, but there's like a cavitation. And what happens is the bacteria is allowed to get into the bloodstream and it's just constantly feeding. This negativity into the bloodstream and causing inflammation and disease inside the body that we're not even aware of.

[Page//00:29:45] Maybe you had a root coming off. It didn't heal properly. My holistic dentist will not do root canals and I I'm so grateful for that because many times root canals release the bacteria into the bloodstream as well. If they're not performed correctly [Page//00:30:00] and you know, and so there, we're getting all kinds of disease and inflammation occurring because of.

[Page//00:30:06] Line disease is also considered a hidden infection. So it, with a hidden infection, this is the one where you really do need to go to a practitioner that can work with you. You know, someone like you, Julie or myself, that we're going to be able to walk you through the process of knowing whether we have something like that, that we're dealing with with the.

[Page//00:30:26] Julie Michelson: Nope. And I always say, you know, we start with the basics, right? We know we need to clean up our house and our water and our food and all of those things that you can do with, or without the support of somebody like Amy or myself. And when you don't feel a hundred percent, when you've done all these things, you know, then that is the time to find somebody who can really take you by the hand and get that extra testing done.

[Page//00:30:50] Find a functional medicine practitioner, a coach who can order your some lab. And, and look, you know, dig deeper. I'm one who, I like everybody to [Page//00:31:00] feel better as quick as they can, not everybody can afford to hit every single area once. Right. And so we, we go for the obvious, we know we're being exposed to all these things, and then if we don't move that needle, like we should, we look at those, the layers of the toxins, unless, you know, you know, if you know, You hit a bullseye.

[Page//00:31:20] If, you know, you had mono as a kid, you might have Epstein-Barr, that's active that, things like that, but otherwise yeah, it is, it's like a detective hunt. It really is like a detective fund. 

[Page//00:31:31] Aimee Carlson: It truly is an and it's you know, just it's, it's generalizing what everybody needs, but then getting very specific, you know, we heard at the biohacking conference that the future is very personalized.

[Page//00:31:48] You know, because we know your gut microbiome is different than mine. Gut microbiome, skin microbiome is different than yours, my chemical and minerals and all of that is [Page//00:32:00] different than so what works for you might not be the answer for me. I'm excited. 

[Page//00:32:05] Julie Michelson: It is exciting. It's exciting to have. We know this in our circles, but it's exciting to have lambs and, you know, medicine in general, moving in this direction and catching up.

[Page//00:32:16] It's it's 

[Page//00:32:18] Aimee Carlson: yes. It's not a one size fits all answer because it's not. 

[Page//00:32:21] Julie Michelson: So I wanted cover, you talked about this general toxicity, which I'm guessing has something to do with all those household toxins and things you were talking about. Yes. 

[Page//00:32:33] Aimee Carlson: When I got ready this morning, I took a shit. I washed my hair. I washed my face.

[Page//00:32:39] I use shampoo conditioner. I used bodywash. I keep them shaved my legs this morning. Really smell 

[Page//00:32:46] Julie Michelson: really good. 

[Page//00:32:48] Aimee Carlson: She was dealed red. I put makeup on it, put, you know, a conditioner or a moisturizer on my skin. Used some hair product, you know, so I literally used [Page//00:33:00] about 200. Different ingredients Pentacles this morning when I was getting ready.

[Page//00:33:05] And this is what we're talking about with general toxicity. Do you know what's inside those products? Do you know what is in the products that you're using to clean your house, wash your dishes with, do your laundry with, you know, these are the things that we need to pay attention to because we're using them every single day.

[Page//00:33:24] My friends, when I change what I cleaned my house with and what I did laundry with. Yes. My headaches stopped. I have not had a migraine headache for eight. 

[Page//00:33:38] Julie Michelson: Amazing. Amazing. And I know you said, you know, it's a process, but I'm going to remind the listeners that you don't have to do this all at once. You know, this is, there are so many different ways to attack it.

[Page//00:33:52] You can go room by room. You can go as you run out of a product to replace it with a, you know, do your homework first. I always say. [Page//00:34:00] Remind, you know, what are you going to try? What do the research as to what's really clean and I do love ewg.org for that. It's a great resource to shortcut, but give us a better 

[Page//00:34:13] Aimee Carlson: one.org is fantastic.

[Page//00:34:16] I gave you them for the water and they do have a lot of resources. However, when it comes to the products we use every day at home, They don't have them all in there. Still think dirty app. You can download on your phone, literally thousands. And if you're sick, this not listed, even have MLM companies on there.

[Page//00:34:39] So your product is not listed. You can email them, they'll research it and they'll get it on. Wow. 

[Page//00:34:48] Julie Michelson: That's amazing. And I have to say there are so many options for truly clean products. Now I'm always the first to admit I'm not that good. I don't make my own household cleaners. I don't want [Page//00:35:00] to, I tried it once.

[Page//00:35:02] I didn't like it, but now, but that was also years and years ago now it's there are just no excuses. It's just too easy. To get your hands on clean products. 

[Page//00:35:12] Aimee Carlson: Now, one thing that I, I will tell everybody, there's two things I'm going to say right now. Number one is I do offer and I got to look and see where it is on my website.

[Page//00:35:22] Cause I'll get you a link. Julie, I offer a. Zoom virtual call with me where you were. I'm going to have you open up your bathroom cabinets. Cause I'm going to have the open up your laundry room cabinets and I'll help you identify what is bad. What is good? You know what to replace them with the second thing.

[Page//00:35:41] And I do that in it's it's $199, but she got me for the hour and it's cost me. We will get through your entire house. It is a great resource. Secondly. Companies, no we're looking for safe products, 

[Page//00:35:57] Julie Michelson: greenwashing, greenwashing, [Page//00:36:00] 

[Page//00:36:00] Aimee Carlson: we, and so what they're doing is they're using words on the front of the packaging, just like they do with food, you know, fat, free, keto friendly.

[Page//00:36:09] Okay, great. But from that around and start looking at those ingredients. And here's the problem. When it comes to our personal care, they use those words, you know, dermatology tested hypoallergenic 

[Page//00:36:21] Julie Michelson: natural. Natural is a good one. Wow. Well, Mercury's meant not. Lead's natural. I don't want it. My lipstick.

[Page//00:36:27] Thank you. 

[Page//00:36:28] Aimee Carlson: And there exactly. They know that there's certain buzz words you know, that we are looking for and they're using them in their marketing. The front of the package is marketing my friends, turn it around and read the label when it comes to our cleaning products and our, and many of our personal care products, they don't have to list every.

[Page//00:36:51] If you look at laundry soap, you look at your cleaners, your household cleaners. It will say active ingredients and list, whatever those are, and then inactive [Page//00:37:00] ingredients, 98%. 

[Page//00:37:03] Julie Michelson: So 

[Page//00:37:04] Aimee Carlson: what do you do as a consumer? That's where the app like, think dirty is hugely beneficial because they've gone to the website, they've gotten the list of ingredients and they've, they've put it out there for you.

[Page//00:37:16] So. Great 

[Page//00:37:17] Julie Michelson: resource 

[Page//00:37:18] Aimee Carlson: to turn it around because I have had you do not know how many clients that I work with. They're like, can I got, you know what is it Mrs. Meyer's or 

[Page//00:37:30] Julie Michelson: yes, that was one of my personal. Frustrations because when I had no idea when I was just starting this, I, again, that's I thought I was buying something that was truly clean.

[Page//00:37:43] And I used, I used Mrs. Meyers thinking I was doing my family a favor and it just it's, it's a pet peeve of mine. So I know you also have another gift. I know, you know, the audience members can reach out and literally can bring you into their [Page//00:38:00] home and go through their cabinets. That is so cool. But you also have a free gift for the audience, your toxic risk assessment.

[Page//00:38:06] And that link will be in the show notes. You guys, so you gave everybody. So many tips on, you know, where, how we can address our water and what to look for and how to find and mold and metals and, you know, looking for infections and these general toxicities it's a lot. And I invite everybody to listen to this several times and, or take notes when you listen, because there's, there's so much gold in here, but I ask everybody at the end of the episode, For one small step.

[Page//00:38:38] So this may be hard for you cause I'm going to ask you to back it up of all the things you mentioned. If someone is really just starting out, what is the one doable action step they can take that can start to move that needle and improve their health 

[Page//00:38:55] Aimee Carlson: buy products that are fragrance free, [Page//00:39:00] not unscented, fragrance free. If, if you see the, you want to see fragrance free on, on the label. And if you've made that one step you're, it's huge. It's going to move the dial in a big way. Oh 

[Page//00:39:19] Julie Michelson: my gosh and more gold. I mean, that is, I love that. Amy knows I am somebody who, if you aren't using fragrance-free products and you get near me, it's a problem for me.

[Page//00:39:32] So I, I'm not sensitive and I think that's just such great advice and I love the, again, not unscented. That's always driven me crazy. I buy something. I use it again before I knew I would buy unscented thinking. There's no fragrance in there. And it would give me a migraine 

[Page//00:39:51] Aimee Carlson: that consented here through your audience has all of the chemicals in it from the fragrance, and then more [Page//00:40:00] chemicals added to mask the smell.

[Page//00:40:02] So it's even more chemically burdened than the fragrance product. 

[Page//00:40:07] Julie Michelson: There you go. Amy. Thank you so much guys. Check Amy out that she is the toxin Terminator. I have a feeling. If I get my way, you are going to hear another episode with her in the, not too distant future, but we've got to start taking control and taking control of the toxins in on and around us is such a great place to start to reclaim our health.
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Aimee Carlson
The Toxin Terminator
Aimee Carlson is The Toxin Terminator.

She is the host of the toxin terminator podcast, a best-selling author, a certified toxicity and detox specialist and featured expert guest on numerous podcasts and summits. Aimee has spent the last 7 years removing hidden toxins from her own home to be free of chronic disease and has helped hundreds do the same.

Through her podcast she has had access to some of the top doctors, healers, experts and industry leaders in the natural health and wellness field.

Aimee’s passion is giving hope to those who are still suffering, getting no relief from traditional medicine and ready to take control by detoxing and cleansing their health and environment.
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