Episode 158
Justin Frandson:

The Surprising Link Between Your Personal Electronics and Chronic Pain

Discover how your favorite electronics, like your fitness tracker, might be secretly sabotaging your health. In this eye-opening episode, I am joined by expert Justin Frandson who reveals the hidden dangers of wearable tech and its surprising connection to chronic pain and inflammation. Learn practical tips to protect yourself and harness the power of nature for healing. If you’re battling unexplained health issues or autoimmune symptoms, this game-changing information could be the missing piece in your wellness puzzle. Don’t miss out on this must-listen episode that could transform your approach to technology and health!
First Aired on: Sep 23, 2024
Episode 158
Justin Frandson:

The Surprising Link Between Your Personal Electronics and Chronic Pain

Discover how your favorite electronics, like your fitness tracker, might be secretly sabotaging your health. In this eye-opening episode, I am joined by expert Justin Frandson who reveals the hidden dangers of wearable tech and its surprising connection to chronic pain and inflammation. Learn practical tips to protect yourself and harness the power of nature for healing. If you’re battling unexplained health issues or autoimmune symptoms, this game-changing information could be the missing piece in your wellness puzzle. Don’t miss out on this must-listen episode that could transform your approach to technology and health!
First Aired on: Sep 23, 2024
In this episode:


Justin Frandson is a performance coach with over 30 years of experience working with amateur and professional athletes. He's the founder of EMF Rocks, which offers natural EMF protection products. Justin shares his journey from athletic coaching to becoming an advocate for EMF protection and natural health solutions.

Episode Highlights

The EMF Wake-Up Call

Justin recalls the moment he realized the impact of EMFs on health:

  • A fit athlete experienced wrist pain directly where his smartwatch was worn
  • Removing the watch immediately alleviated the pain
  • This incident sparked Justin's interest in EMF protection

Understanding EMFs and Their Impact

Justin explains the difference between natural and man-made EMFs:

  • We are electromagnetic beings living in an electric universe
  • Natural EMFs (scalar waves) distribute equally in all directions
  • Man-made EMFs are unidirectional and disruptive to our bodies
  • EMF exposure correlates with increases in major diseases over the last 140 years

The Hidden Dangers of Modern Technology

Justin highlights some concerning trends in technology:

  • Electric cars can lower testosterone levels by 18%
  • Smart meters on homes act like cell towers
  • Wearable technology, like smartwatches and earbuds, pose risks
  • Laptops with batteries over reproductive organs are particularly harmful

Natural Solutions for EMF Protection

Justin introduces his EMF Rocks grounding bags:

  • Contain crystals with moisture content and magnetic properties
  • Create coherence between non-native waveforms and our natural state
  • Can improve sleep quality by up to 60%
  • Usable in homes, offices, and vehicles for protection

The Power of Grounding and Nature

Justin emphasizes the importance of connecting with nature:

  • Grounding by walking barefoot or touching trees
  • Spending time in natural bodies of water
  • Using EMF Rocks as a complement to natural grounding practices

Historical Perspective on Electricity and Health

Justin recommends "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenberg:

  • Correlates major electrification events with disease outbreaks
  • Suggests EMFs, not viruses, may be the primary environmental stressor

Notable Quotes

The challenge is that we're electromagnetic beings, all living organisms are, and so is our universe. It's an electric universe.
Net of it is. This EMS 5G, the wireless signals, electricity, they are the number one environmental stressor. It is a necessity. Everybody get outside into nature and get grounded as much as you can.
There's nothing to fear with this technology. [...] There's this cool thing called physics. And physics, you can convert these one directional waveforms into things that are unpolarized. And that's what nature does. That's what our grounding bags do.
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] I had one of the strongest, fittest professional athletes come in and said, Justin, I have pain in my wrist.

And I said, really, where, any pointed right to where his smartwatch was. I said, well, Hey, why don't you take that radiation off your wrist? And so he's, looked at me like radiation and, I said, yeah, take it off. And he takes the watch off and his pain goes away. And that was pretty much the aha moment for me, where I knew that new technology, with wearable stuff and all the wireless signals were only getting stronger and closer to us in proximity.

Julie Michelson:[00:01:00] Welcome back to the inspired living with autoimmunity podcast. I'm your host, Julie, Michaelson. And today we're joined by Dr. Chris Sargent. Chris wrote and published her first book, simply functional medicine in 2017. And her second cultivating a mind soul and body for God is almost complete. She offers keynotes and workshops based on her work in cultivating.

Julie Michelson: And she's the host of spark faith. Over the years, Dr. Sargent has accumulated hundreds of hours of continuing education in functional nutrition, leadership, and personal development, as well as certification in first line therapy, a postdoctoral master's degree in advanced clinical practice and internal medicine, and she has 32 years in private practice.

Julie Michelson: Dr. Sargent also considers herself a [00:02:00] clinical science geek and sleuth. In today's conversation, we are talking about true lifestyle medicine and faith as a powerful component of wellness. We discuss the power of leaving your comfort zone and embracing change and growth at any age.

Julie Michelson: Justin, welcome to the podcast.

Justin Frandson: Hi, Julie. Thank you for having me on. 

Julie Michelson: It's truly my pleasure. I have been so excited for this interview. Um, I always, I love differing opinions as well, but I, I we're so aligned that I, I'm like, Oh, I want to talk about all the things. So I will try to behave myself. Um, while we let the audience get to know you a little bit, tell us about your story because right before I hit record, I was talking about What I think of as the wellness continuum.

Julie Michelson: Um, and, and so I love that your journey starts with high performing athletes, but [00:03:00] everything you do also for those with autoimmunity or those who just want to be well, um, it all applies. So share your journey with us. 

Justin Frandson: Yes. It sure does. Thank you. I started about 30 years ago, working with the amateur and professional athletes started athleticism.

Justin Frandson: com and I'm a performance coach. I do nerve work and fascia work and coordination work for sports performance. And it was about the time, about over a decade or a dozen years ago, I should say, uh, 

I had one of the strongest, fittest professional athletes come in and said, Justin, I have pain in my wrist.

And I said, really, where 

Justin Frandson: any, 

any pointed right to where his smartwatch was. 

Justin Frandson: And 

I said, well, Hey, why don't you take that radiation off your wrist? And so he's, 

Justin Frandson: he 

looked at me like radiation and, 

Justin Frandson: and 

I said, yeah, take it off. And he takes the watch off and his pain goes away. [00:04:00] And that was pretty much the aha moment for me, where I knew that new technology, 

Justin Frandson: uh, 

with wearable stuff and all the wireless signals were only getting stronger and closer to us in proximity.

Justin Frandson: And I knew I, we had to look to something that I started emf rocks. com. And now we're one of the industry leaders in natural EMF protection products with our grounding bags sold through doctor clinics all around the country.

Julie Michelson: And so thank you, first of all, for taking it to the next step, because clearly the challenges aren't going away.

Julie Michelson: Like you said, you know, more wearables, things close, you know, we're just bombarded more and more and more. Um, and it. People are asking me all the time, you know, why are autoimmunity numbers on the rise like crazy, right? Why are our children sick? Why are people fat? Why, like all the things. Yes, I just said that on air.

Julie Michelson: Um, and, and I'm always talking about toxins and the, you know, [00:05:00] all, all of these. It's really just distance from nature, right? It, it, because we can't, you can pick food, air, water, toxins, all the things, but it's distance from nature. And I feel like, and I'm the person that everybody in my circles, it's like, uh, the eyes roll, um, when it comes to EMFs.

Julie Michelson: And, um, all of that stuff that we're bombarded with. And here we are, we're talking on a computer, right? Like I'm, I don't live in a cave. I can't do what I want to do if I live in a cave. Um, so I love that you were like, Oh, we need something to help with that resilience, right? Help get us back in touch with our natural state amidst the, what I call chaos.

Julie Michelson: Around us, these, these frequencies that are bombarding us all day. Um, so thank you, heartfelt, thank you for that. Um, and, and share with listeners [00:06:00] a little bit of the why, right? Because I think a lot of people say, and we're gonna talk about a lot of kind of different inputs, um, and, and I, I think the story people tell themselves is, well, it must be safe.

Julie Michelson: If they're putting 5g in my neighborhood, if they're putting solar panels on my house, if we're aware, you know, at wearables, I mean, wearables are, have exploded. Um, so what is the difference? We're electrical. Why is this a problem?

Justin Frandson: Yeah, definitely. Well, The challenge is that we're electromagnetic beings, all living organisms are, and so is our universe.

Justin Frandson: It's electric universe. We live as a, uh, electric blanket of an atmosphere that just, that's, we're one with, and we're one with it through these waves. We call them scalar waves. And these are unpolarized ways. They distribute equally in every direction, but all the [00:07:00] manmade stuff is a one directional waveform.

Justin Frandson: So the fundamental framework of how we're made, how the universe is made and how we're one is so different from the non native waveforms. And that's where it gets really challenging for our bodies to really adapt to this stuff. And so I can expand from there.

Julie Michelson: Awesome. Perfect. Cause yeah, I talk about inflammation a lot.

Julie Michelson: Um, which to me, you know, that's the driver of all of the chronic illnesses and aging. Um, what we think of as aging. And so I dumb it down and just try to get people to understand this. This is driving inflammation, right? This is, but tell us a little more about, um, you know, how is this impacting health?

Julie Michelson: And I love how you explain it. I've heard you explain it before. And so thank you for walking us through it again. It makes perfect sense, right? We're [00:08:00] taking something that yes, exists in nature, but we're changing it. And then again, we're, we're so surrounded by it. Um, and so How really is it? You know, I love the story about the Fitbit because I, the pain part is perfect.

Julie Michelson: I've heard of people talk about testing with weaknesses, right? Put it on, you're weak, take it off, you're strong. Um, tell us a little more about how long term this is, you know, what kinds of health impacts?

Justin Frandson: Oh, well, You're seeing a lot of challenges with this stuff because it's so different. And I, and I, I feel that we're only seeing the beginning of it.

Justin Frandson: And in the last 140 years, since we introduced electricity into our homes, the flu is here to stay. And then every major form of disease has increased from cardiovascular health, diabetes, Alzheimer's, [00:09:00] uh, cancer, suicide, and infertility. So. All the bigs have gone up on that bar graph and the one consistent variable is EMFs.

Justin Frandson: And the challenge is, is we're, we're not even 5g. They, they have the opportunity to turn it up three times the amount that it's on right at the, at the highest level of 5g, they can turn it up to 300 times more than that. So you guys were just beginning on this mission. And so. It's really critical for me to get the messaging out and explain that we're one with nature and nature is, has that healing potential and, and the best way to explain that unpolarized wave is our bio resonance.

Justin Frandson: Our biofield goes out in about six to eight feet, right, Julie? It does 

Julie Michelson: indeed. Yeah. And it's not 

Justin Frandson: a straight line out of Justin's right ear. And then, uh, if we're earthing in the ground, [00:10:00] You're not getting grounded in one spot. And then you step over a foot another direction and you're not getting grounded.

Justin Frandson: It's a resonance off the entire earth. They call it the Schumann resonance and, and same as the sun, the sun's not a laser dot that it's, it's a distributes equally. Yeah. Thank 

Julie Michelson: goodness 

Justin Frandson: it refracts. And, but that's how we're, we're really connected with nature, but. these cell towers, they have panels that face every direction because they're one directional wave current forms and they can only bend them.

Justin Frandson: about 30 degrees. So, so they have to have just a certain segment that they can capture. So they have panels facing every direction. And that's essentially how electricity works. They're one directional waveform. So when we understand how we're made and the framework and how different this stuff is, then we can start to, you know, move beyond these health challenges [00:11:00] because we're going to use develop usage and proximity protocols,

Julie Michelson: which I love and want to kind of get into a little bit.

Julie Michelson: But first I have a question that I'm guessing most listeners, cause we, we already touched on wearables. Um, and you gave us one example of, of a wearable are, is there such a thing as a, as a safe wearable? What about like, if you can put it on airplane mode, what are your thoughts on That

Justin Frandson: right. I mean, airplane mode would be a safer option.

Justin Frandson: Again. I'm just not a fan of all watches. They have batteries and on the batteries are messing with us too. Even low level electricity is disruptive to our energy field. And because there's a vibration that happens. So this Dr. Martin, Paul discovered it. This, this vibration affects our voltage gated calcium channels.

Justin Frandson: Those are four big words that say, that's your gateway [00:12:00] for your mitochondria to drive energy. So the cells of your body, that's that gateway for to get energy. And if it's disrupted right out of the gates, even with low level electricity, these faster cells. Speeds of electricity, and they measure them in the speed of a wavelength.

Justin Frandson: So electricity is a slower speed of a wavelength. And then the wireless signals are in the millions to billions of waves per second. So those are faster speeds of a wavelength. Those are just equally as disruptive. They'll just probably be a little faster breakdown process with them. So we're got to really understand that connection with it.

Justin Frandson: So wearables. I don't feel any of them are optimal for us. And I think there's a time and a place for these technologies. So I work with athletes and you don't test an [00:13:00] athlete every day. Let's just make that clear. 

Julie Michelson: This is so key because, because I, I got to functional medicine through biohacking. So I love data.

Julie Michelson: And tracking and and I'm really excited for you to share with audiences the proper way to use these tools.

Justin Frandson: Yeah, definitely. Well, we established baselines and then a midpoint and then an endpoint. So maybe there's three tests that you're going to do if you're going to test your, your performance output or how much faster you've gotten or how much stronger you've gotten over, you know, several months period of time.

Justin Frandson: So that's how you use technology. You don't use it every day. So we got, we have to. Let everyone know that this meta universe that technology industries are selling us on as health and wellness and optimization are The antithesis of it. They're actually slowing you down and we want you [00:14:00] to reconnect with god And know how your body feels and get grounded by nature But you have to intuitively things.

Justin Frandson: And if you don't know how many steps is a thousand steps, well, where one day and test your thousand steps, then, you know, and you got, we got to get everybody away from having technology. Tell them how they feel when they slept, when it's time to eat and how good their workout was. I know you have to know that you're.

Julie Michelson: I love that. I love that you, you talk about that. Um, because even in the general sense, not, not even referring to wearables, you know, one of the first steps in any healing process is reconnecting, being connected with your body, which often requires reconnecting, especially if we're talking about people with chronic illness, chronic pain, right?

Julie Michelson: There's a, it's kind of, we tend to disconnect from those signals, our [00:15:00] body. Or, you know, it's the pain is communication. That's exactly what it is. Um, and, and so I love that you're sharing that with audiences of like, we know it. I mean, when you wake up in the morning, you know how you feel, like, just take it, take a beat, check in, like, and how you feel doesn't mean how, you know, you're stuck that way, if it's not great, you know, um, So, and I love that you also, one of the reasons I was so excited to talk to you, not only about the EMF rocks, which I really want to get into, but, but, you know, you're not telling people, Oh, just use these.

Julie Michelson: You don't need to go stand on the earth. Right? Like I, I've listened to a bunch of interviews you've done and I haven't heard you ever, you know, this isn't a this instead of that. This is like to help us buffer those negative effects of living in today's electrified world. 

Justin Frandson: Right. Yeah, that's a big point because a lot of products people are putting [00:16:00] out there are blocking.

Justin Frandson: They're like, how do I block this stuff and keep it out of, we're, we're just in a place where we're not going to be able to block this stuff and, and live in a normal world. Like you can't live in a Faraday cage, an ironclad, massive cage. We just can't. And we wouldn't want to anyways, because we want the frequencies of nature.

Justin Frandson: Because that's what helps heal us. So the answer is, is how do we develop usage and proximity protocols? And when we use them, how do we create that coherence between those non native waveforms and ours? Because The cool thing about physics is we can convert a one directional waveform into something that's unpolarized and something that distributes equally.

Justin Frandson: And that's what being out in nature does. And that's what our grounding bags do. So, do you know Eileen McKusick and her work? 

Julie Michelson: I do not.

Justin Frandson: So she has a sound tuning [00:17:00] fork, a healing system. Yes, I do. And she clears, she clears the biofield of any stuck generational trauma. And what, what we're seeing is that people have stuck EMF in their biofield.

Justin Frandson: And when you could clear that your body starts to heal. So we have a tapping protocol that goes along with our grounding bags that you do. Okay. But what I love about Eileen, Julie, is that she talks about the body being a body battery and we get new nutrients from nature in five different ways. We get it from the earth's resonance and that negative ionic charge, and we pull those electrons to support our electron transport chain.

Justin Frandson: That's what really gives us energy is being grounded and the earthing and grounding outside. She also says we get it from the sun and we get [00:18:00] because we're essentially a holograph of light. Our bodies are light beings and their energy and water and light and we, they basically are a pressurized system, a pressure system.

Justin Frandson: And so when we combine all these facets, that light really starts to. allow us to thrive and expand. Cause if you see someone at the later stage of their life, they're really pale, their cells health is dying. But when you see someone younger, they're, they're glowing. The, you see it in their energy and that's how these cells communicate.

Justin Frandson: So that light is so important. Uh, we also get it from the food and Zach Bush will say, you also get it from the air and breathing in different amazing. biomes, uh, you know, environmental microbiomes. And so breathe in the air. And then the last would be, we get it from the water and the conductivity of the water.

Justin Frandson: So having good quality structured spring water would [00:19:00] be the great. So if we're missing the ground, the sun, the air, the food and water, And that conductivity from the water, our body batteries, which are essentially capacitors, there's a, there's a gap in that. And then we're a gateway for disease to occur, 

Julie Michelson: which makes perfect sense.

Julie Michelson: And, and anyone listening. on some level understands like mitochondrial health and, and that impact that has on our overall wellness. Um, and I can sadly like imagine somebody who's not getting any of those things, right. Not, not getting, you know, not putting feet on the earth. So they're not charging their inside all day.

Julie Michelson: What they're calling food. Isn't really food. You know, they're, they're, Oh my gosh, you know, when I think of the poor people that, that believed and wore masks for years, I [00:20:00] mean, it just all of these things and then water don't even go, let's, that's a whole nother topic. So, um, it, it sounds so simple. And, and kind of hard to argue, right?

Julie Michelson: It's hard to say, uh, you're just an alarmist. What do you need? I mean, we, you know, we need the things we were designed to have around us. Um, so I, I, I want to know a little bit. So, you know, we've got these EMFs and like all the things that is one unidirectional we're being bombarded all the time. And, and I think it's getting worse and worse.

Julie Michelson: I want to briefly touch on some of kind of the newer exposures, if you will. Um, that I find really alarming and I was excited to find it here that you find just as alarming and you've seen the same data I have. And then I want to dig in a little bit about the [00:21:00] rocks and how they work and, and, um, how people can use them to support their, their wellness.

Justin Frandson: Yeah. So yeah. 

Julie Michelson: What are, yes. Give us some of the newer, I mean, you mentioned a couple already.

Justin Frandson: Definitely. So basically we're, this is a great question because we want to identify the stressors. And electricity, we all, we're all essentially living in these homes. We call them homes with their electrical boxes.

Justin Frandson: I mean, that's the fact of it. So electricity is a stressor and then we have dirty electricity, which is a faster speed of a wavelength. And that's from static in the lines and sparking static in the lines where signals don't meet going in and out of a junction. And you could get that from electricity from dim switches on a light, uh, or.

Justin Frandson: Excuse me from, uh, solar on a homes to the batteries of electric cars being charged in your homes. The battery of electric car driving it all [00:22:00] kick off lots of dirty electricity. And then you, you can also buy meters that meter, you know, the electricity, the dirty electricity and the signals, which would be earbuds and computers, all smart devices.

Justin Frandson: So those are the categories. And then there's meters to measure each of those categories. And I think right now, Julie, the bigs. Out there are smart, it's on the homes because they're a two way router. They're basically like a cell tower on your home. People are really leaning in on this wearable technology.

Justin Frandson: So smart watches and earbuds, we, and laptops over apps. We got to get that stuff out because probably one of the evil, most evil marketing schemes of all time was to put a. A battery in a router of a laptop, so you put over your reproductive organs, that's really challenging. Or 

Julie Michelson: do that and sit in an electric car.

Julie Michelson: Sorry, [00:23:00] but yes, you know, I, why, um, I want to pay, I, I want to share with listeners, um, for people who haven't heard this conversation before, um, what did we're talking, you know, we're talking about Obviously, exposure and electric cars are newer, becoming more popular. The batteries are, I'm guessing, getting more and more powerful.

Julie Michelson: Um, I've seen, I see it in day to day and I've also seen, you know, studies. What is going on? What's happening? And we'll pick on men just because, um, uh, why should men maybe not be driving around an electric car specifically?

Justin Frandson: Yeah, because of low testosterone. And when I am in two, but it lowered 18%. Yeah. 

Julie Michelson: And actually as a woman who knows better, like we need healthy testosterone levels as well.

Julie Michelson: Um, and so I, you know, I, I have to [00:24:00] imagine along with, you know, all of the Xeno estrogens and, and toxins and things, but, but one of the, I have had several clients, male clients Um, usually luckily anybody who chooses to work with me has a pretty good sense of humor. So they can handle it when I'm like, your testosterone is lower than mine and your estrogen is higher.

Julie Michelson: Right. And these are men ranging from, I would say 30 to 50. These are not, you know, these are not men in their seventies. Um, and seeing it more and more and more. And I have to think that these exposures are really a big factor here.

Justin Frandson: They really are. And the electric car fad is, is really got to go in a big way.

Justin Frandson: And, and, uh, I'm seeing it more in Denver, you know, when I fly out to Colorado to meet with, and, um, uh, it's, it's super challenging [00:25:00] out Uber and they're electric guys are in the mountains. Like these batteries freeze. You don't, they don't get more fuel efficient. You're using more electricity. That everyone's touting.

Justin Frandson: You got to use less electricity after you use the vehicle. It's absolutely, there's no, there's no rhyme or reason. Thank you for adding 

Julie Michelson: that logic. It's like, not like electric cars are just running on magic. They're still taking, you know, they still need to get charged. 

Justin Frandson: Yeah. And the charge, the manufacturing is really dirty.

Justin Frandson: So they're using coal, cadmium, nickel. All these precious minerals, copper, uh, there's a lot of copper in them. And so someone, you know, this whole, the thief stealing copper from buildings, they, they, all they need to do is go to the copper is so there's so much copper in there that [00:26:00] the mining, the process, and these batteries and panels are, are just, extensive and dirty and they're using what we call fossil fuels, but fossil fuels are really bone fossils.

Justin Frandson: Like they're, that's what it should be called, but we name it wrong. There's the whole thing is just an unlearned opportunity. So we got to get out of this fad. If half the U S It is living in multifamily opportunity or for say, there's never going to be structure or grid for it. And with this AI usage of the extra voltage to the, the grid will never be able to sustain everyone driving electric vehicle and AI and all this computer usage.

Justin Frandson: It just, it just can't. There's just too much. Usage with it. And the amount of usage people, it throws off the grid, electric cars throw off the grid of your home. So when you, the second you charge your [00:27:00] car at your home, if you healthy wired home, it's not healthy anymore. The second you get in the car, it's like a slow cook process.

Justin Frandson: And then it's a fire hazard and then they could shut it down at any time. And then if the electricity goes off, you can get stuck in your car. And if you don't know the override, how to get out. You're stuck in your car. And so lots of fire hazards with it at home, and then also driving it. It doesn't, it's really heavy.

Justin Frandson: It doesn't get more fuel efficient. It tears up the roads. I mean, there's like literally countless reasons not to drive an electric car, but the main thing is it has all three of the major stressors of electricity at the highest level. And sitting on without dirty electricity. It's takes the cake that that's the strongest and the worst for us.

Justin Frandson: Cause all combustion cars have lots of wifi, Bluetooth, cellular, GPS tracking, broadband spectrum. Like they have like a cell phone, like [00:28:00] a laptop, like your cars, they have those five different ban lists in it. So plus radio, I mean, we're getting a lot in just a regular combustion car, but. It's that battery that sit on a massive battery that is so devastating for us.

Julie Michelson: I couldn't, I thank you for so eloquently joining this conversation because again, people it's just like the food industry. Honestly, the marketing is so good, right? The shaming the, you know, I, I have horses, I have big horses and a big horse trailer. I drive a truck. Um, you know, it, it runs on gasoline and I'm okay with that.

Julie Michelson: Like I, it's okay. You know, when I walk, when I need to drive, um, I do have a smaller car for when, when [00:29:00] I'm running around town, but it also runs on gasoline. Um, so thank you for, because I really do feel like the, the, the, uh, You know, it's same as and I wasn't expecting to keep bringing up like, there's just things that keep reminding me of the pandemic that, you know, we all kind of went through a few years ago in one way or another, um, There's the shaming, right?

Julie Michelson: Like I, I was shamed and ridiculed for not wearing a mask all day, every day, because I understand how health works and that's not a healthy approach. Also, they didn't work. So anyway, um, but, but I feel like with this whole, you know, so the same was solar on your house, right? I get probably once a week, either a piece of mail, an email.

Julie Michelson: Something about, Hey, you know, let us put solar panels on your house. And we'll, you'll get, you'll make money. No, thank you. [00:30:00] Um, so it is, I love, it's such an important conversation, but here we are. We're in this world. I'm talking to you on my laptop, which is not on my lap. Um, but far away, let's talk, let's talk a little bit about the, the grounding bags and EMF rocks, because, um, again, it's not about go live in a Faraday cage, go live in a cave.

Julie Michelson: It's about how do we, you know, I think of it as a reset, um, creating that resilience, you know, to, to counterbalance some of these really negative inputs. 

Justin Frandson: Thanks. Yeah, well, before I get into our EMF rocks, the grounding bags, and I, and I definitely, of course, want to share them with you. But, um, I just want to second what you just said about, you know, the, the things that everyone experienced the last several years.

Justin Frandson: And where we were being shamed and, and [00:31:00] really manipulated in a lot of ways. And there is a book called the invisible rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg and categorizes the history of electricity and life. And that book is fantastic for anyone who wants to learn about the history of electric. How are we one with electricity and whether it's cosmic electricity or non native?

Justin Frandson: And what this book talks about, it's, it's absolutely riveting. It correlates every major electrification in our atmosphere and directly correlates it with dis ease. Starting with the flu, right?

Julie Michelson: Starting with the flu, like, back with the flu. Yeah, it's amazing. Yeah, so, 

Justin Frandson: it's amazing, so listen to this, Julie.

Justin Frandson: 1889. That was the first year we introduced electricity into the homes. Well, [00:32:00] prior to that, they called the flu the flu. They called it influenza and they called it the flu because it would fly in and fly out with cosmic shifts, the solar flares with atmospheric pressure shifts when it was under the influence of the stars.

Justin Frandson: That's where it got the word influenza and that you saw like sporadic periods of disease because when there's a cosmic shift, a full moon, like our REM patterns are disrupted. Our bodies do the best they can to adapt now, not until we put electricity in the homes was the flu here to stay and it became seasonal.

Justin Frandson: But then every major electrification in 1918, we rolled out radio waves. For the first time that was correlated with the, with the Spanish flu and then World War II radar, Hong Kong flu satellites in the belt, this, this atmospheric belt, like where we're really close to [00:33:00] the satellites now in it. So disruptive.

Justin Frandson: And, and then obviously the last, you know, several years. What did we roll out? 5G, it was the first time we rolled it out in Wuhan, everyone got sick, in Seattle, everyone got sick. I mean, the first places, but, but remember these waves, we can make a phone call instantly to across the world. Right. And so there's no scratch in your head that these broadcasts of these frequencies, That's the poison.

Justin Frandson: That's the contagion. It's an environmental toxin that our bodies do. And Tom Cowan, Dr. Tom Cowan says it best. He has a amazing, uh, website, drtomcowan. com. And, but he had a viral video and he said, if you're studying dolphins, You know, are you going to say to that dolphin, give that dolphin a virus if they get sick?[00:34:00] 

Justin Frandson: No, you're going to say who polluted their water. And so the, all the medical doctors, they have this, this aha moment and they're like, okay, it's environment. It's not. Uh, a virus is the bad guy, the virus has never been isolated or purified and proven to be the cause of disease. This is, it's been a meme from pharma for over a hundred and, you know, 40 years with Louis Pasteur and Beauchamp.

Justin Frandson: And you know, I mean this, it, it, it goes on, but net, net of it is. This EMS 5G, the wireless signals, electricity, they are the number one environmental stressor. It is a necessity. Everybody get outside into nature and get grounded as much as you can. And then once you're inside, it's a necessity to use our grounding bags to create that coherence.

Julie Michelson: Amen. Love [00:35:00] it. So tell us about how, how, how does this work? I understand grounding. I do it all the time. I'm pointing this way because I'm out barefoot right there all the time. Um, how, you know, tell me a kind of a little bit about the rocks themselves, but also how do we use them? Um, Because yeah, I don't live in it.

Julie Michelson: I'm not living outside. I come inside. I sleep inside at night for the most part. So, 

Justin Frandson: yeah, so we're all essentially electricians carrying routers and batteries in our hands and pockets versus all day long. Right. So, and then we go inside to have more technology. So the grounding bags, what I did is I looked to nature to solve this challenge because Everyone looks to nature to get grounded, right?

Justin Frandson: Sure. Sure. So, so did I, and that's what our technology is. It's, it's [00:36:00] nature's resonance in a bag. So if nature has this incredible healing capacity, I found the proper crystals that have a strongest resonance that you can bring into your home to create that coherence. These crystals are colloidal crystals.

Justin Frandson: We hand mine them in the western U S. They have a moisture content in them. They have moisture with magnetic property. Now, shungite, amethyst, black tourmaline, all the other known crystals, they only have magnetic properties. They don't have a moisture content. So, our crystals have a life expectancy of about two to three years.

Justin Frandson: when they turn really white and they're normally pink or they dry out, it's time to replace them. So if you get them in extreme heat, or if you open the bags, uh, you, you're probably not going to get the shelf life of that full [00:37:00] shelf life. So we deploy them like this. You use them as is keep them sealed.

Justin Frandson: And Julie put this on your bed at the head of the bed between you and your partner. And you will sleep up to 60 percent deeper. 

Julie Michelson: Amazing. And, and, or could you instead put one on either side? Like, 

Justin Frandson: yeah. I don't like anything 

Julie Michelson: between myself and my partner.

Justin Frandson: Yeah. Well, it would be at the end of 

Julie Michelson: the bed. Dogs too.

Julie Michelson: So, but you can put it like between the mattress and the wall, right? Yeah. Yeah. That would be a good 

Justin Frandson: spot. So you can have, uh, where you won't touch it. It's not, it's not going to bother you. And, uh, what we found is they test really well, the more of the mass of mine that you can accumulate together. So essentially the more grounding bags you have together, the stronger the resonance it is versus doing, uh, [00:38:00] like corner to corner of your room.

Justin Frandson: So if you put five grounding bags On the floor of your home, centrally located, that'll clear 2000 square feet. And then at least one grounding bag on your bed, on your desk and under your car, a combustion car, uh, at least one per seat, uh, you'll clear up, you know, you'll, you'll clear each of those as well.

Justin Frandson: And the other part I want to mention is because you're dealing with more chronic, uh, challenge patients and clients. Is that the grounding bags are there. One of the coolest things about it is because it's not a manufactured device. It's not eating GMO food. It's not a manufactured frequency trying to keep up with the other manufactured frequencies that would be like eating fake food and you're, and having fake food in your environment.

Justin Frandson: Or so, uh, no one does it better than nature. But what she does [00:39:00] is you can use these as a self healing protocol to flush any toxicity out of your energy field. Number one, and number two, recharge your body battery. And what I found the weak links for athletes are their ankles and their wrists. Typically people sprain those, those joints.

Justin Frandson: Well, the weak links for the body, Julie, are your eyes. your teeth, your thymus, which is your upper chest and then your intestines below your belly button. So you can 10x your energy by tapping on the bag and breathing and then tap on the bag and cover your eyes and do it for about 20 seconds and then go to your teeth.

Justin Frandson: direct the properties of the crystals to your teeth. And then thymus, this is the electrical system for your body. So this is where everything kind of comes together. Uh, and then [00:40:00] do it for the intestines if you're not digesting well, and you can flush. You, you have a, maybe a sign of a subtle detox during breathe through it, but you guys, you'll be able to increase your energy right away because it's really, really difficult to heal, especially from a chronic challenge when your body loses its polarity and it's de charged.

Justin Frandson: So you gotta get out into nature or even more specifically target those areas that are de charged and recharge them with our grounding bags. 

Julie Michelson: I love that. And, and one of the things that makes that so powerful is you don't need somebody to do it for you. You just have to learn how to do it and it becomes a self healing tool.

Julie Michelson: And we can't hit the body is designed to heal. We don't need. Nobody has a medication deficiency, like that's not the problem and I'm not anti [00:41:00] medication there's a time and a place. Um, but, but this depletion is why our bodies aren't rebounding and able to fight these things and recover, whether you're an athlete wanting to recover to up level, or, you know, you're somebody who has been, you know, slowly declining because of chronic inflammation for years.

Julie Michelson: It doesn't matter. You have what you need. We just need to, this is part of that. I'm always talking about removing the blocks. Um, and, and I have to say it, although I know we don't have a ton of time left, but you know, I was going to make a joke. I'm a Jersey girl. I can't help it. But like, are you saying we can direct energy?

Justin Frandson: What? 

Julie Michelson: Yeah. Another conversation. 

Justin Frandson: Yeah. 

Julie Michelson: Um, but, but the, the exercise you just showed us and for people listening on, on audio, um, it's not complicated. And you don't, you don't need, you know, training and [00:42:00] education to, to learn how to use this tool, um, which is huge. So you talked about, you know, where, how we can use the, the grounding bags on the rocks and in our homes and in our cars.

Julie Michelson: I know you make a little one you can carry around. Um, if you're working in. like an office building, is there even any point like having something there for, you know what I mean? Like, is there a level at which it's like, ah, just fix yourself later. Don't bother.

Justin Frandson: Right. So the challenge is, is we're so depleted from so many ways.

Justin Frandson: That we're, it's kind of to have some support with you around 'cause we're not shall and monks, we're not grounding and breathing all day long and having our vitality so, so strong anymore. We're just, unfortunately not. And when there's blockages in your system and your system gets [00:43:00] stuck in this, uh, perpetual cycle of chronic state because it's not flowing properly, or you have fascial adhesions or what, whatever the case may be, uh.

Justin Frandson: It's, it's tough to heal. So I feel it's really a necessity to carry the mini grounding bags in your pocket, purse or backpack for on the go protection. And then if you're in an office, yeah, bring some grounding bags for your office and keep them at the office. And that'll create a coherence in your environment.

Justin Frandson: And I mean, of course, there's going to be times where you don't have them, but when you have them on you, it's all it's doing is. Replenishing your, your body and making your life force and your vitality stronger. So if you take it away, you're going to be stronger to fend against it. And I want to really make this point as well, is there's nothing to fear with this technology.

Justin Frandson: I, and I, I got into a [00:44:00] rut or, well, not a rut, but I had an experience where. I metered and I've been metering homes and offices for about a, over a dozen years now. And I went to one and I got an instant headache and the, the signals, the towers were so strong and I'm like, Oh man, we're doomed. Like this is absolutely crazy.

Justin Frandson: And then we were young, all healthy guys in our forties at the time. Like, you know, super strong. All of us got a headache within 10 seconds. It was crazy. I'm like, wow, these are weapons, directed energy weapons. And literally they are. And so I'm like, what do I do? So I had to get an emotional clearing, but there's this cool thing called physics.

Justin Frandson: And physics, you can convert these one directional waveforms into things that are unpolarized. And that's what nature does. That's what our grounding bags do. So once I really grasped that concept and know and knew it that I can. [00:45:00] We can do it just with our intent and our own polarity. Once we develop that wizardry, but when you're feeling it's a little challenging, so use these products that there, these are the support systems that will help facilitate you to get into those higher.

Justin Frandson: Strength levels.

Julie Michelson: Love it. And share with listeners, you know, you mentioned kind of lifespan, um, of the bags of the rocks, but there, you can recharge them as well. Not, I'm guessing not if they've dried out and gone too far. Um, but like, you know, the little ones you carry around, what is your high tech way to recharge the rocks?

Justin Frandson: Yes. Well, technically, if they're installed on a farm, they're still ground. So you don't have to recharge them. But what we've seen, Dr. Rodney White did a sleep test and he did it over three months, but he, every month he would reground the bags by putting them outside on the lawn in the shade [00:46:00] for 20 minutes.

Justin Frandson: And. And this, the, the second his sleep would drop 5%, he would recharge it. And then it would go back up, which is really interesting. So the tests are showing that you'll get more out of them when you regrow on them every couple of weeks. 

Julie Michelson: Yeah, which makes perfect sense, right? They, you know, you're there, you think of it as there.

Julie Michelson: Yeah. They have these amazing properties still, but they've been separated from the earth. So it just, um, I, I just love, I love the whole thing. And I, and I think if, if people could start to learn a little bit about the amazing power of nature, We would be less impressed with the next gadget and more impressed with how do we get back closer to nature.

Julie Michelson: Um, so, 

Justin Frandson: and we won't live in fear, like quite honestly, like there there's, there's nothing anyone could say, Oh, this flu, this pandemic, this pandemic. [00:47:00] No, it's not that it's, what is the pollution? And we can get it from chemtrails, which, you know, these are one of the blockages where the barium is. It's just destructuring our fascia and dehydrating us.

Justin Frandson: And Gary Lineham at Human Garage will say that. And that's an incredible self healing fascia maneuver system and it's free. Online human garage. net. You guys check that out. And, but you get it from, you know, obviously Zach, say, Hey, we have 40 years of glyphosate poisoning. Sure. And yeah. And then I'll say we have 140 years of electricity poisoning.

Justin Frandson: And I mean, there's so many toxic elements, but that's, it's the environmental toxins and we can even create toxicity just with stress in our body. So sure. Those are the contagions, if you will. There's no pathogenic contagion. It's environmental toxins. I love that. 

Julie Michelson: And the good news, listeners have heard me say this over and over, [00:48:00] A, we can't get to perfect anyway, but you don't have to, right?

Julie Michelson: So yeah, if we're using the rocks and there's other exposures, every, Every aspect of what I would call contamination that we're being exposed to better is better and and we can find that level of whether it's for the athlete, you know, of like ultimate power and recovery, or if it's for my listeners, it's that healing, right, you're just getting things down to a level that creates the resilience.

Julie Michelson: And so the EMF rocks are a huge tool. Plus you gave like literally a dozen other resources. Um, you know, listeners are going to have to go, this is one, you guys need to get the transcripts and the links for sure. Because so many resources here, um, to, to support the healing journey, Justin, I, I really genuinely am grateful for your work and [00:49:00] your dedication to, to get the word out in a way that is not promoting fear, um, because it is easy for us as we start to understand what's genuinely impacting our health to go through that phase of fear, but then move out of it and, and take action, it would be ideal for sure.

Julie Michelson: So we're at the point of the conversation where, and I do this thing in my head where I try to like, in my mind, guess what you're going to say, but it really can be anything. Um, what is one step that listeners can take starting today to improve their health?

Justin Frandson: Okay, this one's easy because it's free. Get outside and get grounded by nature because that is your nature.

Justin Frandson: It's free. All you need to do is get outside, take in the sun, touch a tree if you don't want to go barefoot, but ideally go barefoot, touch the surface, maybe even just have a picnic, lay down a blanket. And or don't [00:50:00] feed in. What's that? 

Julie Michelson: I said Or don't or just, yeah. Yeah. Sit. Sit on the ground. 

Justin Frandson: on a rock, touch a tree.

Justin Frandson: Literally sit on the lawn. Uh, put your feet into a body. Water. Get into a body water. I'm the living, breathing ambassador of getting grounded by nature. I was in the ocean literally. probably about an hour and a half yesterday. And, and then I was barefoot all day playing volleyball at the beach, literally.

Justin Frandson: So in the sun. They are the ways now I, now I live at the beach, so that's great 'cause I can access it. But if you're in a lake, lake, if you're in a river, get in the river. These are the resonances that our bodies really love. Love the survival instincts from it, and it's all free. Just get outside in the nature.

Justin Frandson: It's free. Uh, 

Julie Michelson: amazing, amazing gold you gave us today or rocks. Justin, thank you so much for your time and wisdom. I appreciate [00:51:00] it. 

Justin Frandson: Thank you so much for 

Julie Michelson: everyone listening. Remember you can get those transcripts and show notes by visiting inspired living dot show. I hope you had a great time and enjoyed this episode as much as I did.

Julie Michelson: Listen to it twice. Have a great day. 


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Justin Frandson
Justin Frandson, is an Athleticism Performance Coach and Founder of, Athleticism.com and EMFRocks.com. He is the author of Athleticism, Whole Body + Whole Brain = Performance and Grounded by Nature: Everything You Should Know About Electromagnetic Fields & How to Thrive or Ground With Them books. In his over 25 years of experience, Justin does nerve work for sports performance with amateur and professional athletes in most major sports. He successfully treats concussions quickly. Knowing that everything has a resonance, Justin uses light, sound, frequency and vibration to facilitate healing and performance. About a decade ago he saw his athletes breaking down from wearable technology and looked to nature to solve this man-made, electricity and EMF challenge. His EMF Rocks Grounding Bags are sold at doctor clinics across the country, not only to help athletes but people in general, The Grounding Bags are the leading natural protection for helping people co-exist with EMF's and get a dee
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