Episode 140
Brian Johnson:

The Impact of EMFs and How to Reduce Exposure at Home

In this episode, I am thrilled to have Brian Johnson, founder of Senergy360, as our guest. Brian and I go way back, and his journey from construction to creating healthy living environments is truly inspiring. Today, we delve into what it means to build a healthy home and why it’s so crucial, especially for those of us dealing with autoimmune disorders.
First Aired on: May 20, 2024
Episode 140
Brian Johnson:

The Impact of EMFs and How to Reduce Exposure at Home

In this episode, I am thrilled to have Brian Johnson, founder of Senergy360, as our guest. Brian and I go way back, and his journey from construction to creating healthy living environments is truly inspiring. Today, we delve into what it means to build a healthy home and why it’s so crucial, especially for those of us dealing with autoimmune disorders.
First Aired on: May 20, 2024
In this episode:
Founder of Senergy360, Brian is a pioneer in building healthy homes. With a background in construction and a passion for integrative and functional medicine, he combines his expertise to create living spaces that promote wellness.

Episode Highlights

Evolution from Construction to Wellness:

  • Brian's Background: Brian’s journey from traditional construction to focusing on health-oriented building practices reflects a broader trend of integrating wellness into home environments. His shift was driven by personal experiences and the realization that conventional building practices often neglect health impacts.
  • Integrative Approach: His work at Centergy360 embodies an integrative approach, combining construction knowledge with principles from functional and integrative medicine to address root causes of health issues through home design.

Defining and Creating a Healthy Home:

  • Key Components: Brian emphasizes that a truly healthy home goes beyond “green” building. It involves ensuring high air and water quality, using non-toxic materials, and considering factors like ventilation and moisture control.
  • Building Biology: He introduces listeners to the Building Biology Institute, which sets standards for creating health-optimized environments, highlighting the importance of certification and expertise in this niche field.

EMF Exposure and Mitigation:

  • Types of EMFs: The discussion on electromagnetic fields (EMFs) is extensive, detailing the various types (electrical fields, AC magnetic fields, RF radio frequencies, and dirty electricity) and their potential health impacts.
  • Practical Tips: Brian offers actionable steps to reduce EMF exposure, such as using battery-operated devices, implementing kill switches for electrical circuits, and being mindful of EMF sources like WiFi and baby monitors.

Air and Water Quality:

  • Importance of Filtration: Ensuring clean air and water in the home is highlighted as foundational for health. Brian discusses the use of HEPA filters for air and the necessity of filtering water to remove contaminants.
  • Ventilation and Moisture Management: Proper ventilation is crucial to prevent mold growth and maintain healthy indoor air quality, emphasizing the importance of functional exhaust fans and moisture control systems.

Non-Toxic Building Materials:

  • Avoiding Off-Gassing: The use of non-toxic materials in construction is critical to avoid the off-gassing of harmful chemicals. Brian shares insights into selecting materials that contribute to a healthier indoor environment.
  • Sourcing and Verification: He stresses the importance of thoroughly researching and verifying the materials used in building or renovating homes to ensure they meet health standards.

Innovative Building Techniques:

  • Rammed Earth and Thermal Mass: Brian introduces innovative building techniques such as rammed earth construction and insulated concrete forms, which offer natural insulation and breathability, aligning with his philosophy of integrating nature into home design.
  • Natural Plasters: The use of natural plasters in home construction is discussed as a method to maintain breathable walls, which help regulate indoor air quality and moisture.

Practical Steps for Homeowners:

  • Immediate Actions: For those not building new homes, Brian provides practical advice on improving existing living spaces. This includes reducing chemical cleaners, checking for and addressing leaks, and using non-toxic products.
  • Grounding and Nature: Emphasizing the importance of grounding, Brian recommends incorporating elements of nature into the home environment and spending time outdoors to enhance overall well-being.

Future of Healthy Home Building:

  • Long-Term Vision: Brian’s vision for the future includes broader adoption of health-centric building practices, with a focus on sustainability and integrating advanced building science with natural principles.
  • Educational Resources: He encourages listeners to utilize resources like the Building Biology Institute for education and to find certified professionals who can help create healthier living environments.

Key Takeaways

  • Continuous Learning: Emphasizing the necessity of ongoing education in both personal health and professional practices.
  • Holistic Health: Health optimization is a comprehensive approach that includes environment, mind, body, and spirit.
  • Grounding: The benefits of grounding and practical ways to incorporate it into daily life for better health.

Notable Quotes

"The moment that we stop learning, we’re done. We’re falling behind." - Brian Johnson

Take Action

Start by being mindful of the chemicals in your home. Look under your kitchen sink and reconsider the products you store there. Opt for non-toxic cleaners and be vigilant about leaks and moisture to prevent mold growth.

Other Resources:
Connect with Brian Johnson
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My Guest For This Episode
Connect with Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson
Brian Johnson is a licensed general contractor and founder of Senergy360. Brian is dedicated to building new standards of modern living by designing and building holistic homes of the future, today. Accredited by The Building Biology institute with over 20 years General Contracting in the home building industry; his passion is health, performance, wellness and longevity. SENERGY360 mission is to provide access (and the know-how) to the PROVEN Cutting-Edge Technologies & Systems for building holistic living structures. Brian specializes building helathy homes and also is an environmental consulting, EMF mitigation and construction advisory.
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