Episode 134
Julia Lupine:

Flipping the Switch: Organic Living in a High-Tech World

Today we're exploring the impact of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on autoimmunity with Julia Lupine, author of "Under a Rock: An Electro Sensitivity Survival Guide."
First Aired on: Apr 8, 2024
Episode 134
Julia Lupine:

Flipping the Switch: Organic Living in a High-Tech World

Today we're exploring the impact of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on autoimmunity with Julia Lupine, author of "Under a Rock: An Electro Sensitivity Survival Guide."
First Aired on: Apr 8, 2024
In this episode:
  • Introduction to Julia Lupine: Background on Julia, her life before and after recognizing her sensitivity to EMFs, and her motivations for writing her book.
  • Julia’s Personal Health Journey: Detailed recounting of Julia’s health decline due to EMF exposure and her path to recovery through significant lifestyle changes.
  • The Science of Electromagnetic Sensitivity: Discussion on current research and findings on how EMFs affect our health, with a focus on autoimmunity.
  • Practical Steps for Reducing EMF Exposure: Julia shares actionable advice for listeners to decrease their EMF exposure, including diet changes and technology use adjustments.
  • Debunking Common Myths About EMF Protection: Clarification on misconceptions surrounding products claiming to offer EMF protection.
  • Lifestyle Choices and Their Impact on Health: How making informed, proactive lifestyle choices can significantly impact our health and well-being in the context of autoimmunity.

Notable Quotes:

“Living in a remote area with minimal EMF exposure has allowed my body to heal in ways I never thought possible.”
- Julia Lupine

“Understanding the invisible impacts of our modern world is the first step toward safeguarding our health.”
- Julie Michelson
Other Resources:
Connect with Julia Lupine
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Episode Transcript

Julie Michelson:[Page//00:00:00] Welcome back to the Inspired Living with Autoimmunity podcast. I'm your host, Julie Michelson. And today we are joined by Julia Lupine, author of Under a Rock, an electro sensitivity survival guide. Julia is also a homesteader, goat trainer, herbalist, songwriter, and primitive skills enthusiast. In today's conversation, we are talking about how non native [Page//00:01:00] electromagnetic fields can exacerbate autoimmunity and cause chronic illness.

Julie Michelson: And we share steps that we can all take to reduce our exposure and allow our resilient bodies to heal.

Julie Michelson: Julia, welcome to the podcast.

Julia Lupine: Uh, thanks for having me on. 

Julie Michelson: I am so excited for this conversation

Julie Michelson: As I have already told you, this is a topic that's near and dear to my heart. And, um, I'm just thrilled to get to have this conversation with you today. So I would love to have you start by sharing a bit of your journey with listeners.

Julia Lupine: Today I live in a remote area with no cell phone service and I don't even have a, um, cell phone at all, haven't used one in many years. And I, um, yeah, live on a farm and milk goats every day and I'm in very, very good health. But things were not, yeah, but things were not always this way. [Page//00:02:00] So I'm originally from Fairfield County, Connecticut.

Julia Lupine: And around the late nineties, early two thousands, um, cell towers started going up everywhere. And this was around the time I was in high school and I never thought twice about it or thought that that could be a bad thing. Um, my mom had one of the early cell phones. I didn't have one till after high school, but some of my friends did.

Julia Lupine: And anyway, um, uh, during high school, I went from a straight A student. To a D student almost overnight because I had, I could not concentrate. All of a sudden I had chronic fatigue and, um, just extreme tiredness, uh, depression, um, just kind of felt horrible about life. And I thought maybe this was normal and that teenagers were supposed to be depressed, but it was, it was to the extreme.

Julia Lupine: I, um, I couldn't even get out of bed. Every in the morning to go to [Page//00:03:00] school or later on to work. I just felt horrible all the time and except once in a while, it would flip and I would get so much energy that I couldn't focus and I would like just go for walks around the city for miles and not sleep for days.

Julia Lupine: And

Julie Michelson: Oh, wow.

Julia Lupine: yeah, and there was no. Um, doctors told me I was bipolar, but,

Julie Michelson: I was wondering.

Julia Lupine: yeah, and it was pretty and I would get really creative. So I love these times, but it was also kind of insane because I couldn't focus. You know, it was also hard. It's still in class when this was going on. So, um, So things were a rough ride for a few years and after a while I, and I, I, I knew there was a correlation between diet and this because I had created horrible sugar cravings and, um, and I'd feel awful when I gave in to them, but I would anyway.

Julia Lupine: And then, um, and then I was addicted to caffeine, massively addictive to caffeine to balance it [Page//00:04:00] out. Um. But so I started looking into natural, more natural, um, healthier. We didn't, we didn't have the word organic at the time, really, but I started eating a lot of fruits and vegetables and, um, eventually figured out to give up gluten.

Julia Lupine: And I got a lot healthier after that and could focus. And, um, but there was still, and then over the years I researched herbs and taught myself a lot about diet and tried out different things. And improved in health, but there were always there was always something wrong that I just could not pinpoint and I'd get, um, symptom.

Julia Lupine: I'd still have the chronic fatigue at times and joint pain and swelling. Um, I, for a while, I thought I had Lyme disease and I may have, I never had a definitive test,

Julie Michelson: From Connecticut. That's

Julia Lupine: yeah, exactly. Everybody gets it and there's ticks everywhere. And so I had a lot of those symptoms. And, [Page//00:05:00] um, other just mysterious things, low thyroid, um, all of these problems.

Julia Lupine: But so that contributed to me dropping out of college three times. And, and after I walked out of the middle of class, the last time I, um, decided to just teach myself what I wanted to know, you know, saves the money. And so I started. Um, one of the things I wanted to learn was wilderness survival schools and nature stuff.

Julia Lupine: So I started spending a lot of time in nature and sleeping outside and in remote areas. And I noticed I always felt better when I slept outside. And around 2011, I was living in the Moab, Utah area. And, um, living in caves and different and under rocks and different places in the desert just for fun and teaching myself about edible plants and had had this notion of living off the land, you know, and I noticed, and then I would come into [Page//00:06:00] town on weekends to hang out with friends and immediately when I'd come into town, of course, I would.

Julia Lupine: Turn on my cell phone because it didn't work out there and I checked the messages and um, I started noticing contrast between how I felt in the wild and how I felt in town and I would get this buzz this burning pain right here when I talked on the cell phone and

Julie Michelson: for people listening on audio.

Julia Lupine: yeah, um, like just this, these sharp, uh, nerve pains and kind of stuff with my, with my arms too, like this tingling, especially in the, in the hand that held the cell phone.

Julia Lupine: And I started noticing too, in certain people's houses or places in town, like the grocery store or, um, anywhere where there's wifi and also going under those big power lines, I started feeling things. And I would [Page//00:07:00] rant about this to my friends and they thought I was crazy. And so I started spending more and more time in the wilds.

Julia Lupine: And this went on for years. And eventually, even in winter, I would be like, living under a rock ledge in the desert and making campfires to stay warm. But over, over the years, I've um, the symptoms became more and more severe. And I really didn't want to go to town

Julie Michelson: Sure.

Julia Lupine: and people really started thinking I was nuts.

Julia Lupine: And then, so, um, I, it eventually culminated, long story short, it eventually culminated in a health crisis where, um, I, um, had lost all this weight and was really having autoimmune symptoms and weird nerve pain and eye twitching and all this weird stuff with blood vessel problems, varicose veins, um, swelling joints.

Julia Lupine: Uh, yeah, the headaches were [Page//00:08:00] the worst. And um, still felt okay when I was not in town, but it became harder and harder to hike into town, hitchhike or walk into town every few days and load up the backpack with food and go back to the wild, especially since I couldn't really work because there was, there was always a smart, I did, yeah, I did freelance, um, gardening for the most part.

Julia Lupine: But there was always a smart meter or a power line. And of course I had to get to go through town to get there. I didn't have a car. I was walking in hitchhiking everywhere. So it became more and more difficult to survive. And I was malnourished and, um, like dumpster diving for food, you know, when you can pick and fruit, only organic food, but I'm going to pick and fruit trees too, and I'm just doing the best I could, but things were getting more severe.

Julia Lupine: So, um, Long story short, [Page//00:09:00] I found a friend with a farm in a remote area, and because I had this idea that raw goat milk might help, because I was having digestive issues too, and so I found this place in, yeah, in a remote area where there was no cell service, and my friend was electrosensitive too, so she didn't have Wi Fi, and, um, my, yeah, my health started coming back pretty much immediately after moving here.

Julia Lupine: And, uh, to this day, yeah, so now I'm pretty much symptom free. I have my own farm nearby in the same valley, and I'm, you know, out digging fence posts and, um, milking goats and taking care of turkeys and doing, you know, various, whatever I want to do, various farm chores and still kind of trying to scrape by to survive because I can't get a job anywhere, but I make enough money doing odd jobs and selling cheese [Page//00:10:00] and different things.

Julia Lupine: to survive. Just recently dug a big hole in the ground, hired a backhoe to dig out the hole to put my underground house in.

Julie Michelson: Which and again is now at this point by choice, right? So now it's like, okay, this is what works for me.

Julia Lupine: Yeah, making my own cave

Julie Michelson: yeah, and I'm, I'm

Julia Lupine: under a rock.

Julie Michelson: that you're well and you're strong and you know what to do to stay well, which is, is amazing. And I'm sure listeners are thinking, okay. I can't go live on a farm and milk goats and be in the middle of nowhere.

Julie Michelson: You know, um, although it does sound as we were saying before we hit record, you know, it's one thing when it's by choice that there is an appeal for sure. Um, so let's shift to, you know, some, let's talk about a little bit. Um, first of all, a, you're not [Page//00:11:00] crazy. You may have been an early adopter where, you know, probably nobody around you had heard of this electromagnetic sensitivity, didn't know what EMFs were.

Julie Michelson: There's still a lot of people who don't even believe it's real. Um, so first of all, I want to just, you know, for listeners that are like, you know, is this really a thing? Um, is there any research coming out, any kind of scientific data that, you know, can, can prove beyond, you don't need the proof, you know, how you feel.

Julie Michelson: Um, But I really do believe that this is, this is such an important issue because first of all, the amount of exposures is just, you know, higher, higher, higher. Um, we already have this explosion of chronic illness and autoimmunity. It's kind of hard chicken. You know, we can't, we can't take Cell service and Wi Fi and all of that out [Page//00:12:00] of the equation.

Julie Michelson: I think it's another toxin. When I talk about toxins is where this comes up in my practice, um, to me, it's another time, but it's also a toxin that, you know, if somebody has mold and mycotoxins in their home, Wi Fi makes those mycotoxins more active. So it's definitely compounding. Um, but is there science?

Julia Lupine: And you can actually just search under PubMed about the effects of electromagnetic radiation. And there is a multitude of studies. Um, none of these studies are done by the telecommunications companies themselves. They do their own, they do their own research, and their studies say that it's completely safe.

Julia Lupine: But anyway, real unbiased studies, um, there's, there's a lot of proof. Um, there was a recent one, um, yeah, by the National Health Institute, I believe, that was a multi year, like, several billion dollar study [Page//00:13:00] on rats, and it proved that it does cause cancer in rats. Um, and there's some other studies too. Um,

Julie Michelson: more and more. I think, you know, this is very early on in the information, which is why I'm so excited about your book, because again, for so many people, it's not something they've ever even thought about at all. Um, so for those of us that, Are either unable unwilling or just not living either really remotely or in a cave or under a rock.

Julie Michelson: Um, what, you know, what can we do?

Julia Lupine: right. Well, the first step would be stop using it as much as, as much as possible. Now, I know it's our main communication option in the modern age, but the landlines are still available. And if the law of supply and demand, if more people stop using cell phones and start using landlines. Then the demand, you know, then the companies [Page//00:14:00] will be more willing to install them.

Julia Lupine: This is a landline here that I'm using. It doesn't give me heart palpitations, nausea, vomiting, seizures, migraines, and any of those things that Wi Fi might do to me. I just can't even talk if I'm around it and my friends notice there and it's not a panic attack. It's just more like my mind. Uh, something wires don't connect like something goes blank and just can't even, um, articulate at all, but landline landline is totally fine.

Julia Lupine: And, um, so yeah, that would be the first step. But before, yeah, before even going there, just start turning your Wi Fi off at night and turn your cell phone off at night. Um, if you can, you can turn off the breaker to all of the electricity to your bedroom at night. Um, definitely turn off lights at night.

Julia Lupine: Don't use those new fluorescent twirly lights. They're, they put off EMFs and they're really bad for your sleep [Page//00:15:00] and it's a really ugly, hideous kind of light too. Um, but yeah, the main thing would be turn off Wi Fi at night and see if your, if your insomnia goes away and you start sleeping better. And if you notice those effects, then maybe start thinking about a landline.

Julia Lupine: Um, another thing people, yeah, another thing people can do if they're inspired, well, I would say, um, get a meter. That's the one, um, like people think about getting all these harmonizers and neutral, all of the, all this bliss mini stuff that doesn't act, new age woo woo crap

Julie Michelson: And I want to, yeah, I want to get into that. Um, let's talk about meters and then we can talk about like, you know, because always when you see an opening in the market, right, you're going to get flooded with products that make claims. So,

Julia Lupine: wants to make a buck. So anyway, um, yeah, we'll get into that in a 2nd, but, um, instead of spending money on any of that stuff, [Page//00:16:00] the main expenditure, um, when you are, when you're 1st suspecting, you may be electro sensitive is invest a little money into a good meter, like, uh, probably 100 to 150 dollars.

Julia Lupine: You can get a entry level meter. That'll serve you for. You know, for, for years. Um, I use, uh, I've used either a Safe and Sound or a Cornet are both good ones. There's a few others, um, and these have, but I like these ones because they have red, yellow, and green lights, um, to, you know, to estimate, um, what levels of exposure, you know, the different levels of exposure.

Julia Lupine: Some meters have a sound function too, and it converts the Wi Fi to a sound waveform and lets you know how it sounds like feedback. Yeah, it sounds like a nasty screechy feedback on a microphone

Julie Michelson: go for the lights personally.

Julia Lupine: Yeah, well the sound you can let, the sound you can [Page//00:17:00] let your friends listen to it and sometimes that makes an impression.

Julia Lupine: Um,

Julie Michelson: right. Well, and this is the, you know, it serves a couple purposes. A, it helps you find, you know, that there could be areas in the home that you have exposures that you're not expecting. And so I think that can be really helpful. Um, and then there is that seeing is believing part, right? Like back to data.

Julie Michelson: If we have data, then we can make a change. And so, um, I love that so far every, I'm like, Yay. Every step you've said is like, yes, these are. And I want to talk about, we'll talk about products, um, but we were, we were talking before the show and this is really, really important. And listeners hopefully by now know me, they know I'm never doom and gloom.

Julie Michelson: That's not the purpose of these conversations. Um, and so. Less is better, right? Like, we don't need to go live in a cave if we're taking control and reducing that that [Page//00:18:00] can help improve our health, correct?

Julia Lupine: it can make such a big difference, and I mean, that would have been enough for me if it hadn't gotten, you know, yeah, because I still was getting exposures, one of my camps early on was under high voltage lines, because I just didn't know any better, I also climbed a cell phone tower because I thought it would be a way to face the earth, so, um, you know, there's things that I, and I hitchhiked across the country and just had major exposures during

Julie Michelson: you didn't know, right? We always

Julia Lupine: I thought I was just crazy and I needed to just fight it and, you know, get over it with my mind because I'd never even heard the word electro sensitive.

Julie Michelson: Right,

Julia Lupine: You know, I thought it was just me and that this dark force energy was attacking me and I needed to fight it off. But, um, you really can't fight it off, but there's things that you can do.

Julia Lupine: Um, and especially early on in the game, if we start taking these steps, um, some of the symptoms can reverse, and we can still have a normal life, but, you know, [Page//00:19:00] maybe without streaming, whatever, streaming Twitter, Twitter feed on your iPhone or

Julie Michelson: probably healthier anyway, for other reasons as well.

Julia Lupine: Exactly.

Julie Michelson: But I love so let's let it let's talk about because I do feel like there is a flood of products on the market. And I'm always looking for, you know, what can I do that works? So first of all, is there anything that You know, um, that you can use on your devices or in your home to shield ourselves for those of us, again, that are still going to, like, I'm recording right now on my computer. 

Julie Michelson: Um, so are there things that do work for shielding?

Julia Lupine: there are, um, so natural fibers are best for, um, for, for thing, for something to wear. The best thing you can do is, um, different layers of natural materials, some linens, a [Page//00:20:00] really good one, cotton, wool, and then the best thing ever is leather because you're literally getting a thicker skin. And you can test this with a, with a meter, but it actually blocks out a significant amount of radiation.

Julia Lupine: So when I go to town, I wear my cool leather coat. And I also have this leather aviator style helmet with like little wings on it that a local artist made. I get compliments on it all the time. I don't always tell people what it's for, but it looks a lot better than a tinfoil hat. And, um,

Julie Michelson: does. It's a little less obvious.

Julia Lupine: Uh huh. And so yeah, those, those metal lined beanies and clothing that people buy online, they generally don't work.

Julia Lupine: There's, there's some electrosensitive swear by them, but for the most part, it could even make it worse because metal conducts electricity. So, and mostly it's just an expensive waste of money and they don't even look that good. So. I, um, don't recommend that. [Page//00:21:00] And then as far as shielding goes, same thing.

Julia Lupine: Everyone wants to make a buck and those metal and anything with metal has helped. I'm not going to say it doesn't work, but it hasn't worked well for me. And then some electro sensitive, as I know, have adverse reactions to it because again, metal can conduct electricity and, and it can shield it. It's complicated, but what works better is same thing, natural materials.

Julia Lupine: Um, so for example, my friend recently built a cabin with, um, she used cardboard for insulation because she wanted something that was toxic. And so she put many layers of cardboard between the pallets of the cabin that the cabin was built with. And she found that it was originally, there were, there was four or five bars of service.

Julia Lupine: And once she did this, like it was, it went down to one bar of service.

Julie Michelson: Wow.

Julia Lupine: And so it [Page//00:22:00] has significant effects, and then she painted the walls with shungite. She mixed shungite, which does work, but, um, not necessarily just as a bracelet or something you carry on you, because that wouldn't block the waves, but if it's in a paint, then it does have an effect.

Julia Lupine: Um, at least I've had good results with it, so mix a little bit of, yeah, mix a little bit of that in with a non toxic play paint, such as BioShield. Um, I've also mixed wood glue and sand. There's a recipe for it in my book. It was, um, invented by this guy, Gary Duncan, who was a top EMF researcher. And he, Comes up with, um, low cost natural solutions.

Julia Lupine: So this, this, um, sand paint called carlionite, it's, um, sifted sand mixed with wood glue, or you could probably mix it with the paint as well for something more non toxic, but I haven't done that yet. Um, but you, yeah, you just make a do it yourself paint and, [Page//00:23:00] um, it makes your walls look like the walls of the cave, but I did it with my trailer and it seems to help, although I'm in a low EMF area anyway.

Julia Lupine: I'm

Julie Michelson: Sure, sure. I love that. Let's let's actually talk a little bit about the book. Um, you know, what can listeners expect from the book under a rock?

Julia Lupine: so it's a combination survival guide and with, um, my personal story. And I tried to kind of alternate the chapters to make it more interesting.

Julie Michelson: to read.

Julia Lupine: had tips on herbalism and natural building. And I even talk about goats and I, um, have different, different types of, um, electronic devices and what to do about them and, um, Um, then I talk about the studies and research and I also go into, into philosophy and, um, you know, what we might want or not want in the future.

Julia Lupine: So I talk about Elon Musk and [Page//00:24:00] his evil plan and, um, you know, some transhumanism stuff and, um, just some of the stuff that we don't want, that I don't want to see in the future. But we take steps toward preventing that through our everyday choices, such as, um, paying for a landline instead of cell phones.

Julie Michelson: Right. And, and it makes such a big impact. We talk about this, you know, with food choices at well as well, right? Like if we are spending our dollars really thoughtfully, um, eventually the bad stuff's going to go away. If it's not making money, it's going to go away.

Julia Lupine: you know, people have all these conspiracies about, but the thing is, um, you know, conspiracy theories about evil plans of people trying to kill us. But the thing is, we're doing it to ourselves with our own, with our own choices every day. And if we stop demanding these technologies. Then they would go away because no one would be paying for [Page//00:25:00] them.

Julie Michelson: I love that. That's so, so it sounds like the book, you know, the book has everything, um, as far as, uh, you know, it's interesting, it's easy to read and it does, it also gives doable tips. I do want to touch on, because we started to mention it, um, There are a variety, you called them woo woo, of different products, some, you know, things people can wear, things you can put in your home, that are marketed to protect you from EMFs.

Julie Michelson: Um, at this point, for the most part, you feel like those things don't work.

Julia Lupine: For sure. Um, and what I would but if people still want to try it out what I would say is Um, first invest in a good EMF meter, and then get one of these gadgets and see if there's an effect. It's easy. And I know some of them say that they, that they affect the scalar waves and all of that, and I don't, and there isn't, conveniently isn't any way to test for that, but, [Page//00:26:00] um, you know, you're like, like, if something makes you feel better, then by all means use it, but don't use it as an excuse to still continue using Wi Fi and check your Twitter on your iPhone, you know, it's like common sense.

Julia Lupine: People.

Julie Michelson: and I want to highlight, you know, we were talking about shutting down the very least shutting down Wi Fi and cell phones at night and maybe even flipping the breaker to your bedroom. Um, I can't tell you how many times I have had, you know, when I start with so many people are sleeping with their cell phones on.

Julie Michelson: on their night table next to their head. Ah, um, and just getting them, you know, to, to turn it off and, and move it. And, and silence does not off everybody, by the way. Um,

Julia Lupine: Right.

Julie Michelson: the same, like most of the time when I first bring it up with new clients, they think I'm asking, you know, are they getting phone calls in the middle of the night?

Julie Michelson: And I'm like, no, that's not even what I'm talking about. Um, But it is, it's kind of like making a diet [Page//00:27:00] change. So, for people that are listening that, that, you know, are not aware that they have sensitivity, you will be surprised what you notice when you start to make some of these changes. It's like people that, but I've been eating gluten my whole life.

Julie Michelson: And, you know, so they don't, they're not aware it's a problem until they take it out and they feel better. And that's what I really want to encourage listeners to do is to take some of the steps that you recommend, you know, in this interview and, and get the book and, and see, again, I, I don't live in a cave.

Julie Michelson: Um, I, you know, I also don't live luckily under wires. And, and again, I'm, this

Julia Lupine: That looks like a brick wall behind you though.

Julie Michelson: It is.

Julia Lupine: So that's like a cave.

Julie Michelson: Yep. Um, and they, I built this house seven years ago and they thought I was crazy. I love that you mentioned, you know, the compact fluorescent bulbs, the, my electricians thought I was insane. I, I, when I said, you know, [Page//00:28:00] you can, I only want incandescent lights.

Julie Michelson: We don't do that anymore. I'm like, do it. Yes, we do. This is my

Julia Lupine: We do now. Things have

Julie Michelson: and, and it is, it's one of those things, but dollars matter. That's a perfect example. I feel like it's almost every year where they say they're going to stop selling incandescent lights and those of us that care run out and stock up and what do you know, they don't stop selling incandescent lights.

Julie Michelson: So we, we really can, you know, create the future we desire with our dollars if we're, if we're thoughtful, but I can't encourage people enough. Just because you can't feel it doesn't mean it's not impacting you. And I think of inflammation as cumulative, um, not that I think of it, it is cumulative chronic inflammation.

Julie Michelson: And this is a factor whether you're aware of it or not. So,

Julia Lupine: It affects everybody.

Julie Michelson: yeah,

Julia Lupine: I mean, like the bees went away after a new 4G tower moved to this [Page//00:29:00] valley here.

Julie Michelson: Oh,

Julia Lupine: You know, they've gotten, they've gotten antennas. Like,

Julie Michelson: Yeah, they know.

Julia Lupine: affecting life, all life on earth and whether or not people are aware of it. I mean, I thought it was pretty crazy when I, well, I hadn't even heard of it, but I was sick all the time and now I'm not so, and, and when I, and when I go back into town, I feel immediately everything comes back

Julie Michelson: wow.

Julia Lupine: if I turned on that bridge over there, um, cause I'm at a friend's house right now with the power turned off, but, um, If I turned on that bridge over there, uh, immediately everything would come back too.

Julia Lupine: And I'd probably get a migraine that would last the, the night. And this is, I'm not saying this as a negative thing, it just cause and effect what happens.

Julie Michelson: Well, and so is there a connection between, you know, chemical sensitivity and, you know, electromagnetic sensitivity?

Julia Lupine: definitely. There's, um, a direct correlation and [Page//00:30:00] all electrosensitives are also chemical sensitive. Um, and the two, yeah, there, there's a definite overlap and so, so a vital thing to do if you're electrosensitive is, or even if you're not, go electro, go, um, a hundred percent organic

Julie Michelson: Yeah, and I love that, you know, again,

Julia Lupine: and 99% organic is not the same as a hundred percent.

Julia Lupine: A hundred percent, and my symptoms go away. Occasionally. I've eaten something the past couple of years that, that I didn't know was not organic. So I didn't keep the label close enough and I started getting nerve pain and stomach aches and some brain fog and then, um, realized that what I was doing and stopped and the problems, the problem went away.

Julie Michelson: again, because they are, it's all different kinds of toxins and, and those are cumulative. And so, you know, I love that, that you're touching on, like, we need to be, it's what we're [Page//00:31:00] eating, what we're using, you know, and, and what we're near all the things, um, really matter. And that's where every step you take does count.

Julie Michelson: Um, so I, I love that. You shared with listeners, it's not just, you aren't really, you know, the crazy lady in the tinfoil hat. Like this, this is real and it's, it's, it's whole lifestyle. That's why I see so many people that are, you know, they're just eating well, or they're, you know, they're, they're picking one lifestyle area and they're focusing on that and they're not getting the results that they want.

Julia Lupine: Yeah, you need to it's all spectrum you need to do everything also I, it sounds cliche but positive mental attitude is the most important thing you have to have a survivor's attitude when you're When you're living in a cave and everybody thinks you're crazy and you can't even afford food, like you have to not accept defeat as an answer.

Julia Lupine: Not feel sorry for yourself either, just live day to day and you know, probably everything will be [Page//00:32:00] okay.

Julie Michelson: Well, and I love, I love that. And that's exactly why we're here having the conversation, right? Because it can be really difficult when you're really sick, especially, oh, see puppies agree, especially when, you know, you don't know why. And sometimes, usually even sometimes, you know, doctors, oh, your labs are fine.

Julie Michelson: You must, it must be in your head. Um, and so that positive attitude, that's why we're here having this conversation to give hope and, and really let people know, you know, the body can heal. Look at how resilient the body is. You were so sick now you know how to be well.

Julia Lupine: Yeah. Now I'm totally fine. And before I was like 106 pounds and like, um, had a non functioning gallbladder and systemic candida. Like this was all diagnosed by doctors and they said that I, um, was, you know, in pretty rough shape and now years [Page//00:33:00] later, totally fine. So, you

Julie Michelson: so we can heal no matter what, you know, it's never.

Julia Lupine: body's resilient and wants to fix itself.

Julia Lupine: You just have to give it the tools that it needs.

Julie Michelson: Yeah. I love that. I love your message. I love your information. What is one step that listeners can take today? You already gave us a bunch of them, so you can repeat or say something new. Um, but if, if listeners were to do one, take one action starting today to improve their health, what would you recommend?

Julia Lupine: I would say buy an EMF meter and start minimizing exposure.

Julie Michelson: I'd love it. Hopefully there'll be a big, like, rush on sales for

Julia Lupine: Oh, yeah. And buy my book too.

Julie Michelson: Yes, definitely get the book. Um, it, it's, it is a fun, it's a make, you make it fun. So thank you for making it fun.

Julia Lupine: part of a secret club for special people.

Julie Michelson: well, [Page//00:34:00] and I, I,

Julia Lupine: the book, I'm going to also say the book The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Furstenberg is, um, really explains the science of it.

Julie Michelson: Awesome. I'm going to check that one out. As well, um, you know, just such really good information. And again, I just am grateful to have the conversation and I'm guessing that this is totally new to a lot of listeners. So I, I thank you for not only sharing your journey and your resilient story.

Julie Michelson: Um, but just the information of, you know, some of us wouldn't mind going and living in a cave. Um, but just

Julia Lupine: But we shouldn't have to.

Julie Michelson: Right. And so the things that we can do, um, I always say it's never too late to heal and it's never too early to prevent. So, um, I encourage everybody to take some steps. So you live in a cave.

Julie Michelson: So where, [Page//00:35:00] where do listeners find you?

Julia Lupine: Well, um, I recently just joined Facebook.

Julie Michelson: Oh, no way.

Julia Lupine: but mostly, mostly just to promote the book and I'm having fun with it. People are reaching, electro sensitive people are reaching out to me all the time and asking advice and sharing stories. So, yeah, Julia Lupine Facebook and also, yeah, and then my book is on Amazon, um, because they have a, yeah,

Julie Michelson: Yeah, it's great.

Julia Lupine: so, yeah, if you link to that, it'll help people find it.

Julie Michelson: Absolutely. All

Julia Lupine: leaving me a review really helps sales, by the way.

Julie Michelson: There you go, guys. So check it out, order it on Amazon and, and leave a review. But I love, I was shocked. I love that you're also on Facebook because again, this is the, I'm somebody who would love to go live in the middle of nowhere, um, but then I wouldn't be able to help people

Julia Lupine: Well, I went, I went years without even being able to send an [Page//00:36:00] email hardly at all. Um, I, I still write hand written letters, by the way, too.

Julie Michelson: is beautiful.

Julia Lupine: and yeah, and I couldn't look, I couldn't go online hardly at all, but now I have this landline. So I, you know, decided to start branching out and, um, trying new things.

Julie Michelson: Well, I love it. Julia, thank you so much. You have shared amazing information with us today.

Julia Lupine: Okay, well, thank you.

Julie Michelson: For everyone listening, remember, you can get the show notes and transcripts and all those links by visiting Inspired Living Show. I hope you had a great time and enjoyed this episode as much as I did. I'll see you next week. [Page//00:37:00]
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Julia Lupine
Julia Lupine is a homesteader, goat trainer, author, primitive skills enthusiast, backpacker, gardener, herbalist, and songwriter. She is based in the western U.S., where she often can be found "under a rock," usually accompanied by goats and cats. Julia is not a fan of the unrestricted use of wireless radiation, and is active in helping EMF sensitive people to find creative solutions to remain healthy and thrive in the modern era.
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