Episode 77
Radka Toms:

You can Heal!

This week we are focusing on the body's ability to heal with Dr. Radka Toms. And...how we can take action to successfully create a healing lifestyle.
First Aired on: Mar 6, 2023
Episode 77
Radka Toms:

You can Heal!

This week we are focusing on the body's ability to heal with Dr. Radka Toms. And...how we can take action to successfully create a healing lifestyle.
First Aired on: Mar 6, 2023
In this episode:
Dr. Radka Toms, MD is an Ophthalmologist, Functional Medicine practitioner, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, author, philanthropist, and proud mother of two.  She is the Founder and CEO o of MySugarStop™️, helping women and med around the world improve their metabolic health, gut health, energy, weight loss and more.

Dr. Radka found the healing in her pain.  When she was a resident, she struggled with Rosacea, and didn't want to take the antibiotics for six months that were prescribed for her.  She wondered if there was a different way, for her, and for her patients.

She was on the beach one day in Sydney, Australia and read how inflammatory sugar is.  So, she decided to give it up...and IT WAS DIFFICULT!

Dr. Radka uses BLAST to check in and determine what might be driving cravings:
are you:
or Tired?

What you eat, you crave!
So add in nutrient density and you will begin to crave real food.

Eat foods without a label...real foods

Count goodness instead of calories!

Crack the code...one successful change leads to others...the domino effect.

As an Optholmalogist, Dr. Radka realized that her early diabetic patients were at a crossroads...either change lifestyle and heal, or lose their vision over time.

"Intuition is the power!"

Surrender and let the body heal.

Mindset it key.  Use visualization to see yourself fully well

MySugarStop offers the knowledge and support people need to change lifestyle successfully and heal.
Dr. Radka Support - Facebook group

Our routines create our reality.

Blast plus 3 W's
What you eat
When you eat
Why you eat

Dr. Radka's method:

Dr. Mark Hyman - Weed, Seed, Feed

Dr. Radka's 1 thing:
Take a moment to find your starting point - visualize your future...what is the one thing you can successfully change right now to start your healing domino effect?

Other Resources:
Connect with Radka Toms
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Episode Transcript

Julie Michelson: [Page//00:00:00] Welcome back to The Inspired Living with Autoimmunity podcast. I'm your host, Julie Michaelson, and today we are joined by Dr. Rad Toms, who is a licensed medical doctor, ophthalmologist functional medicine practitioner, integrative nutrition health coach, author, philanthropist, and a mother of two beautiful children.

She's also the founder of My [Page//00:01:00] Sugar Stop, which helps women and men around the world improve their metabolic health, gut health energy, and helps them lose their stubborn weight using the philosophy, let Food be thy medicine, and she empowers people toward a self-healing journey so that they can be more energized and feel healthier and happier.

Our conversation today is going to bridge that gap between ophthalmology and functional medicine. We are going to talk about everything from healing mindset to gut health and how the body is designed to heal.

Dr. Radka, welcome to the podcast.

Radka Toms: Hello. Hello. Nice to be here.

Julie Michelson: I am so excited for our conversation because I, I, we were talking before I hit record. There aren't many people doing what you're doing, especially with your background . So I find it [Page//00:02:00] amazing and exciting because I think as functional medicine and just real health, Grows, you know, we're gonna have people in all different specialties, bringing wisdom.

So, but I would love to hear about your journey. How did you go from, you know, practicing ophthalmology to functional medicine, or both marrying the two?

Radka Toms: Yes. Thank you. No, it's, it's really exciting and I'm really so passionate about this, so I, I'm really happy to share my story because I, I found I found the healing in, basically in the pain that I went through. But before this, this was happening, so I. I was really a conventional doctor. I was treating the patient like, we do that, and I'm grateful for this because we have fantastic drugs in these days.

We can really heal much, many more diseases than we did before in the past. But I basically as a, as a young resident, I was working hard, didn't take care of myself. and doing night [Page//00:03:00] shifts and eat chocolate all the time and not really good food, and I didn't understand the power of all these lifestyle that I was actually living until one day I got sick myself.

And I developed really rosacea, which is I was inflamed all over the place. And the best thing my, my friend dermatologist said, oh, you is so bad you'll need antibiotics for six months minimum. And this was my wow. Like really? Like, do I have to take antibiotics? And this what I would prescribe to my patients because rosacea is also in the.

And that was really when I was kind of had the mirror in front of my face and I'm thinking, well, what I do now, I, I'm doing it to other people. I, I'm, so, I was, this was the moment when I actually realized that I have to find another way, but I didn't. I didn't think that I, I would ever heal naturally.

But in circumstances we were living sometime in Sydney, in Australia, [Page//00:04:00] and I'm sitting in that beach and I remember like yesterday, it was like 12 years ago, I read the article from Professor Lusik, sugar Cause Inflammation. And I'm thinking, What is that true? I dunno anything about it. This is, it's, it's, it's something that really surprised me because I was of course hook on sugar because all the things that we were eating because patients bring the chocolate that was quick fix.

You know, you hungry, you have one bomb bond and you have another one and that goes like you own the sugar rollercoaster. And I'm thinking, wow, maybe that's my problem. Maybe. . So I try and I start with that sugar. I really, and I could not do it because it's hard, it's really

Julie Michelson: It's so. It is so, and I love that you're saying that because I feel like almost everybody I work with has sugar addiction at some level, and they feel like it's a shortcoming or a weakness, and I'm [Page//00:05:00] like, no, it's not you. It's the sugar. It's the chemical response. So I love that you admit that a wise physician.

Radka Toms: Oh yeah. No. Yeah. And, and I was really like, I, I mean I love chocolate and I have chocolate now, but it's not controlling me anymore because I did the, the work that is required. But it's always for people who are, who are listening and who are addicted to sugar some way, like you have to really have this approach, holistic approach and really like think of like inside out healing and do that because it's many aspect can be emotional eating.

So that's for that I would. Use blast thinking of eating when you bored, lonely, anxious, stress or tired. And then as well, we, what we eat, we crave most of the time. So if you stop eating less produce food, you'll naturally eat less sugar. And you will, when you have this nourishing meals nourishing foods that has no label, basically more fruit and vegetables, [Page//00:06:00] but for somehow for someone can be like, oh my gosh, it's too big a step, but just read the label.

Then is sugar first ingredient? Put it back in the. Fructose in any form you don't want to have in a body because, cause inflammation, cause liver, you know, liver, fat, liver. It's just, there's no, no, no go there. And just really slowly and gradually adding these nourishing meals will will feel better and you will have less and less temptation to reach for these processed food and sugary foods really.

But of course it's more complex. But this is just like if people want to. Realize and really start counting goodness instead of. , like the calorie, it's outdated already. Of course sometimes we need to count calories if it's, if we're pregnant, remain on or when it's someone running marathon. But really counting good food that we eat and really often when we doing this transition because when we nourish the body with good food, rub less hungry, have less craving.

[Page//00:07:00] And this is how it built. I always say it's a domino effect. You have to crack the coat, find the one domino, and that ghost itself . But it's really important people realize that it's, and try to find, like to do this like long term it's not, there is no quick fix and there is no magic bullet. You have to realize that you have to really work on it as many aspects.

And it's like really like doing the puzzle. And really for. Even two years ago when during Covid, actually we were living in, in New Jersey and all my family is in, in Europe, and one day I was thinking actually I was doing the time lounge, like the unlock sugar, sugar solutions. So it's like seven days.

I'm talking to people how to break this habit and I'm thinking that I'm, I'm craving some sugar. And then I said, oh, actually I should have the blast. And then I realized actually I was missing my family. And I'm thinking, no, instead, Having this sugar, I actually should call them because this is what I need to do.

Not [Page//00:08:00] feeding

Julie Michelson: It was emotional nourishment you needed. Yes,

Radka Toms: No, and so it's, it's such a complex thing and, and food companies really doesn't help because they create this bliss point and we all hooked on it. And so it's not really it is not people's fault. It's just company's fault, because.

Julie Michelson: It's intentional. Sure,

Radka Toms: And, and it's

Julie Michelson: buying more and buying more and buying.

Radka Toms: Yes. And it's very easy to make to make easy decision. When you go to supermarket, it's very hard to make a good decision because every time we go this is my experience, I go to the supermarket. It's like, okay, I can't buy this bread. 20 synchronous, no. So only pro produce. And so it can be hard, but it's possible.

And that's basically where the healing as well, that's how we nourish the gut. Microbiome is very often autoimmune disease. It's affected. So we have to really feed the gut the good g good good bacteria that will take care of us. They will create, or the good metabolites then they, in [Page//00:09:00] the, you know, doing the job that it's anti-inflammatory instead of when we eat all these processed.

we are feeding the, the bad guys and then we are creating inflammation. So it's kind of vicious cycle. Like everything, what we do, , eh, Yeah, but it was here, , I go back to my rosacea. So I was reading this article and then I basically, that's where I started with the sugar. And in, in that, that, that time I was working as ophthalmologist.

And I've seen a lot of diabetic patients. And of course we have the first manual, the early diabetes patients. Up to the really on blind people from diabetes because that's what happens with a complication. People can go blind. And every single time I see these patients, it's really, it's really sad to see.

And the early diabetic patients, the other quickest appointment because they come and we [Page//00:10:00] say, oh, you don't have diabetes in the eye yet. See you in one year. And I'm think.

Julie Michelson: you're waiting for it to

Radka Toms: do this. I can't, I can't. I have to tell them that this is the time where they can, they are in a crossroad. They either do something about it, they can, you know, we know now that it, we can even put diabetes in the type two diabetes into remission.

And so, but this was we talking 10 years ago and I'm thinking I have to do more, something more for these people. And because I was living my healing journey, it just fit in a place because I was able to heal my rosacea. Completely. It took me maybe eight months because it was, I did a lot of things.

First of all, I was working on a diet. I was really trying to up level my gut microbiome because that was the research and was booming. Like, we have to really, like I said, what is gut microbiome ? This was 10 years

Julie Michelson: beginning of the conversation.

Radka Toms: So now it's like there's, there's no discussion. This is what we have to do. [Page//00:11:00] And learning about leaking out. So I, I, at that time, there was no testing, so I just really was doing my best doing the fasting. Now we know the fasting, you know, can, can really put on the out fgi. So, and that can help as well to, to really heal. And but so I was doing well with this, but then was like, I still have, I was not healed completely.

And then actually I had, I, I really went deep and I did family const. Which is and that was that was, that was basically the breakthrough for me because I realized that I have to let the body heal itself. That I cannot tell the body what to do. It's like follow, like listen to your heart.

Follow your gut and use your brain, because we always think that the brain is, is the everything from A to Z, but it's actually we can tap into intuition and it's, it's, it's the power. And when you can do that, I know we don't talk about it and too much. And it's kind of, but it's, [Page//00:12:00] it's now back in science that we have this power, so

So that was for me to, to surround, surround. not only believe, but really let the body do the work was the biggest piece that, because I also resisting so much, you know, my doctor ego was not allowing me to go that way. But it's clear to me now, and I see with people when they really believe themselves to do the work, first of all, that can, it can stop them in the beginning because they don't, they can't see that they can actually heal.

And it's hard. I mean, I could not see. , but with, you know, with visualization, all these technique, when you can imagine, when you can imagine you can do that, it's only question of time when you do the steps and you really walk the line and, and then you will achieve the results that you wish for.

Because I mean, it's not easy to to g either heal sometimes we can't heal the autoimmune disease, but we can really manage it that we feel better. So I, I, I have rosacea forever because that's my genetic predis. But I don't [Page//00:13:00] have it because I live lifestyle that switching off something, genes that they don't do.

The genetic expression, I can influence that. That's the epigenetic science that we know we can do that. So really we can do so much. But I think that the mine is really important as well. And that's back to my, my ophthalmology practice when I really connect the dots that I start giving people.

Food to eat less food not to eat. I can't imagine like, this is ridiculous how much, because we have 10 minutes appointment. You, you don't have more. 12. Yeah. So you do the important stuff that you have to do, but then I just start giving, I think this, I'm not helping anyone. So that's why I opened the, the company called My Sugar Stop and start really educating people and not only because knowledge is power.

So we have to know all this stuff, but as well, give them.

Julie Michelson: Yes.

Radka Toms: coach, you know, you, you are coaching, right? People have coaching, so you know, how important is this? How, how they can really achieve [Page//00:14:00] big, big things if, if they trust you and they just following

Julie Michelson: themselves,

Radka Toms: Yeah, exactly. Trust themselves. Yeah, trust themselves.

Exactly. So, so that was the patient, first patient that I actually. Told, I was like, oh my gosh, okay, I'm doing this because like if, if, because not everybody's open to this work. But he came back, I, I give him just this list with food to eat and not to eat, and he was there with his wife and they made joint decisions.

So they did this together and they, they joined the gym and, and they came back in six months and he lost weight, his diabetes. , her her blood pressure was we could reduce the medication. And I just said, what did you do? It's like, you amazing. So well, I did what you told me last time, . It's like, okay, it's, it's, I can't, I cannot do this

So basically that was the start point when all these when I start studying functional medicine, you know, become a health coach and. Doing [Page//00:15:00] Aveda courses and stuff like that. It's, it's really something that I believe so much and we don't have enough of this and we know that we, we, we cannot cure everything, but we can, we can change so much and we can really improve o overall health with all these lifestyle of lifestyle and, and nutri.

So, yes, it's it's, it's amazing. And your podcast is, is wonderful. Last time you were talking about Dr. Alma, about the

Julie Michelson: I love her.

Radka Toms: yes. So it's, I'm listening. It's like, yes. It's, it's

Julie Michelson: I know. Yes, yes, yes. Well, and that's what I love and, and. I think that's the conversation we want to change globally is it doesn't matter, you know, if it's diabetes, if it's improving fertility, if it's auto, other autoimmune or type two diabetes, or fill in the blank. All the, this approach works.

Like you said, you know, with the epigenetics, and I love how you said cuz [Page//00:16:00] sometimes, I, like, I get hung up on, do I say I don't identify with rheumatoid arthritis anymore? . And, and it, so to me it doesn't matter, but I try to be careful about like, I had it, I have it, but I don't have it. Symptoms. I, you know cuz yeah, it's there.

I know I can get symptomatic again. And, and so, oh my gosh, there's so many.

Radka Toms: Yeah.

Julie Michelson: of your story I wanna follow up on first of all, question. It doesn't really matter, just mere curiosity. So I know other people are wondering too, did you take the antibiotics or did you just say, no, I'm not doing that for six months.

Radka Toms: Actually, you know, I was lucky because I, I was feeding my daughter so I didn't took it

Julie Michelson: I love

Radka Toms: So thanks to breastfeeding,

Julie Michelson: Yes,

Radka Toms: to breastfeeding, I basically avoided and then I just Because we were moving around the world and I just didn't follow up with the doctors and then I found this, so I didn't do antibiotics sometimes, but [Page//00:17:00] I just want to tell people sometimes it's absolutely necessary.

Like we have conditions that we must take antibiotic. If I didn't heal, I would need to take, and I have PE people that I hope with rosacea and sometimes they have to take antibiotics, they have to take things for parasites. So, but like we talking. , like what you do as a first thing. That, because that changed so much.

Julie Michelson: And I, I love that you clarified that. I say that all the time. People come to me and, and they'll be like, I wanna get off my meds like you did. And I'm like, wait, wait, wait. , back it up. It, it doesn't, this is not an either or. This is, you know, sometimes you need the, the medications and, and doing the lifestyle change allows them to work better.

And, and so, you know, it, it's really, I, I always like to clarify too that I, I'm not bashing the medications and the prescriptions, like you said, worth this amazing time where we have treatments for things that, that, you know, we didn't used [Page//00:18:00] to. And, and so I, I love that. admitted, you know, like, oh, it was a struggle.

It's not like you read, oh, sugar causes inflammation, and you just stopped eating sugar. And I wanna highlight for listeners, I say this all the time i's almost, you know, we could , we could practice together. I'm so excited. I, I have so many similar approaches and people love to focus on, you know, tell me what to avoid.

Like, what do I need? And it's, I'm always the same. You've gotta add in first. It's not just about avoiding inflammatory foods, it's about nourishing your body so it can heal. And so I wanna highlight that for listeners and also some of the other brilliance that you shared with this, you know, you're gonna crave what you're eating and so you know what a great hack for if you're adding in those nutrient dense.

Doesn't mean you're not gonna have sugar cravings ever. It just means that it's going [Page//00:19:00] to be easier and it'll be a gentler experience.

Radka Toms: Yeah, we will never, like we are basically our genetic is we crave sweets, but the the cravings never go away. We just manage them better and we will appreciate how the body feels. And everybody tells me this when they do this transformative work, they don't choose the cake purposely, and they don't feel the deprived because they prefer how the body feels without the cake.

Julie Michelson: Yes. I, I have a client who reminds me, you know, we say things in passing and I don't always listen to myself , cause I'm talking all day with clients. And I have one client who always reminds me of she quotes me all the time with, I know nothing tastes as good as feeling well. And is that simple?

Once you start to make the change, that's not enough in the beginning when you don't know, when you're still not feeling well. But once you do feel the physical freedom, the [Page//00:20:00] emotional freedom, thes. Symptomatic freedom, all the things. And the other thing I wanna highlight is it's a journey. You know, this isn't, I stopped eating sugar and I, I worked on my gut and, you know, three weeks later I was free of rosacea.

Right? Like, this is

Radka Toms: Yeah, health is a journey. It's health is, journey is not destination for sure. And you always discover something new and that's the beauty of it. Like, you know, now I want to, to have more muscles because when, when we age we, I don't want to ended up a Sarco sarcopenia because you know how it goes. So it's like you always find something that you can work on and really. And you said something about I forgot now, but you were talking about something before I want to mention as well. But I just forgot now. Anyway,

Julie Michelson: It's okay. Love if it pops back up. Yeah. . So I love that. You also. So many good things. You know, we, we tend to, and it's always a really great starting [Page//00:21:00] point, we focus on the, you know, what are the things we can do, right? What are, you know, is it the food, the movement, the, the, the pieces. But you mentioned that emotional, energetic, spiritual piece.

And, and I, I, again, your process is, is so, so aligned with mine. I know when I was first coaching, it was like about the things, you know, it was the food and it was, it was all the things that I had done and, and. We would work on mindset. At some point, , and then I realized this is silly. If we do that in the beginning, the results are so much faster.

So I wanted to highlight, you know, yeah, we're talking about sugar, we're talking about inflammation, we're talking about lifestyle. But. in case anybody, you know, if your ears didn't perk up or you didn't get goosebumps when you heard Dr. Radko say, you know, that we can imagine what [Page//00:22:00] it's like to be, well, we can feel it.

Get to a place where we do these visualizations and really feel it. You're teaching your body, you're teaching your cells, and, and that's what you're cre. You're creating your reality.

Radka Toms: Yes.

Julie Michelson: if you're sitting on the couch eating cake every day, imagining you feel well, it may not work.

Radka Toms: work. No, that doesn't work. It's basically, in the beginning is is a little bit, you have to invest time. , you have to, it, it, it is a little bit of discipline in the beginning, but if you want to learn piano, you have to as well practice, right? If you want to learn skiing, you have to be on the ski.

So this is, I would say, I would think it's very similar. You have to really invest time in yourself because it's, it's self-care. Like we are going to hairdressers rights, it's all outside, but this, when we. Then get this, this reward like this, that that's something that we want to be, and that's, we, we don't need anymore.

The the out outside [Page//00:23:00] sources telling us. We just know what we have to do. And that's sometimes it's really difficult in beginning and we need support. We need, like, you know, this, what we are doing basically with people. But I want to say that one client told me in this Facebook group, she was kind of Thinking back and she said, you know what, in the beginning it was chore, but now it's my routine.

And this was like, this is, this is where we want to see things. It's not something that we like with children now, I want them to reach every, every evening before they go to sleep. Not as a chore, but it's something that they look forward to and they, right. It's a similar thing. So I think this is very powerful and as well, really just think of healing from inside out.

it always works because people then go really deep instead of just, I want to lose weight, I want to gather off inflammation because they, this is not sustainable. They will not keep the motivation there. They will just, ah, I don't, I don't mind, I just take a pill after [Page//00:24:00] three months. But if you have this, if you approach this from a deeper place, like you want a longevity, you want to be there, healthy in the years to come, and really that, that's, they always succeed.

and they will do the work. And when you have this feeling as you, as you're describing that you feel good in your body, that this is it, then you just, then you just go,

Julie Michelson: It's priceless. And I love, thank you for being so open and honest and vulnerable about like, this is what you do, you know, for a living, right? You've created this amazing program. You support people all the time. And you know what? , you have sugar cravings sometimes and you need to check in and see what's going on.

We all, you know, but I tease like people think I was born, you know, eating the way I eat, and I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. . You know? And I'm just as human as the rest of us, you know? So I love that you said that. I wanna circle back to [Page//00:25:00] because it's, it's brilliant and I'm going to borrow it. I will credit you every time.

I love blast. I love this check-in of, you know, why am I craving sugar? Or sometimes it's, why am I hungry? You know, it depends on kind of what your pattern is. And, and so repeat that for us again. It'll be in the show notes, but, but repeat it again because it is, it's so brilliant.

Radka Toms: yeah, so I have, I actually tell people two things. So it's blast and three W. So the blast is you eating because you bored, lonely, anxious, stress, or tired. and the three Ws is that you always find a trigger because you asking yourself what you eat, when you eat, and why you. . So that's the three Ws.

That's basically how people find out that maybe their trigger is in the work when their, you know, their coworkers has donuts and coffee at four, 4:00 PM . Or maybe it's a husband at home when sh [Page//00:26:00] when wife is cooking the dinner and he's eating chips, or maybe it is you know, it's gonna be so many. I have one client and she always, when she drove home from work, she stopped in a coffee shop and she, both coffee and zucchini.

and only way while we, we could stop this of happening is that she has to take a different route home. Sometimes you have to be so creative, otherwise it's like you, you can never win

Julie Michelson: Yeah. Well, Anne, like you mentioned before, she doesn't have to take a different route for the rest of her life.

Radka Toms: no.

Julie Michelson: You know it, pretty soon she's gonna drive by that, that coffee shop and, and it's not even gonna call to her. But I, I love, I, I love the just intention and, and it takes intention. It really does.

For me, I'll admit it, I used to be the, you know, like ice cream or chocolate pudding neither of which I can eat cause I can't do dairy anymore. But well I couldn't then, I just didn't know it. But when my kids went to bed, it was like my [Page//00:27:00] reward for myself. And you know, so I didn't, I talk to people all the time about, it's, it's not about executing perfectly.

And so I knew I had a habit. of, now I don't eat anywhere close to bedtime, but back then I traded, I traded the ice cream. People are gonna be like, really? But yeah, really for a half an avocado, right? So I didn't change the whole pa I, I couldn't avoid going to bed and I couldn't avoid putting my kids to bed or didn't want to.

But so I changed it that way first. So sometimes it's a gentle shift of just replacing until you, you know, get to a place where you just change the habit.

Radka Toms: Yeah. And I, I have actually created method so I, I can share for people so I, they can do it themselves. So it's d r r N, which is define, replace, rebalance, and nourish. And it's basically I, I create as well, like a picture that you go uphill , because sometimes it feel like you go uphill.

and you have all these, and you basically, you create foundation and then you [Page//00:28:00] build on it. And so defines you have to find your trigger. You have to find you have to really do out it like what you eat, what you li, what your life is, how you, how your relationships are, how you stress, what is your sleep.

So all the aspect of, because it's all connected. If, if people have not enough sleep they will have craving in the morning because we know how it has effect on insulin resistance. And the same way.

Julie Michelson: an article on this this morning, , literally on sleep and yeah,

Radka Toms: I have one client and she, she said, you know, I don't have time to do the food, what I can do now.

I said, you know what? So we went through all this and she said, I, my sleep is horrible. I sleep only five hours. I go too late. We work on the sleep first, and she lost so much pounds already, only because we fixed her sleep. . So yeah, and if people waking up at one till two, one till three, it's the liver calling eating too much, too late at, so, so, yeah.

So that's the define. So you find all the triggers. and you kind of that's where you define where you [Page//00:29:00] have to work on. And the replace is exactly, is not about taking away, it's about, okay, I switch my husband, for example during Covid, he saw so many successful stories. I said, I have to do the program as well.

So he was the ice cream ice cream

Julie Michelson: Uhhuh

Radka Toms: So, yeah, sure. So for his he, he switched the ice cream for yogurt. With so Greek with berries and with some nuts, and that was his thing. And he was able to to do the work and be successful. And I remember when he did I think in six months in, in the, since he started, he went for the bike ride in the morning, he came back and he told me, you know what, this is the first time in my life I did a bike ride without b.

because he was, he created his metabolic flexibility, so he was able to, so I said, wow, that's wonderful.

Julie Michelson: And how amazing I have to commend you because I can say from firsthand [Page//00:30:00] experience that living with a health coach is not always easy. And my partner is a functional medicine physician, , so he definitely knows where I'm coming from, but it's still so I have to just commend you on allowing him to come to it on his own, which is the only way we're successful.

Radka Toms: No pushing. Doesn't work.

Julie Michelson: No, it,

Radka Toms: More pulling like inspiring, empowering. That works, but pushing. No, never

Julie Michelson: Yes. So, and I, I love that you said, you know, because again, we are, we're talking, you know, we mostly, we started talking about sugar, but we're talking about lifestyle and I, I think that's such a, a great tip for the audience to, if, if you know you're listening and you're, this, some of this sounds so overwhelming, like, oh my gosh, I could never do that.

Take that inventory, you know, it's not just your food. Look at your sleep, look at your stress, look at your relationships, look at your movement, and [Page//00:31:00] then find, because they're all gonna move the needle and you need all of them eventually. So find the, like, what can you do? That was the question you asked your client, right?

What can you do? What's

Radka Toms: Exactly.

Julie Michelson: and and build that creates that momentum.

Radka Toms: absolutely. And I always say, start with one thing. One thing because if you catch two rabbits, will not catch either one. And so the one thing, the domino effect is always like, I always say no, just baby step. And when you master that, we do another baby step. It can be just starting drinking more water, you know, like doing little things.

And this is, this is magical because I believe. Big change starts small. And like if people have this, you know this, this, this ambitious plan for themselves, they will work it, they will not, this is not sustainable. We have to start slowly and really gradually, and this is, this is then the magic point.

It's there somewhere on, [Page//00:32:00] on, on the way and it'll be feeling so good and that, yeah, I didn't finish so, so. Does the define and replace is the when we exchanging when this was when my husband,

Julie Michelson: Yep.

Radka Toms: you

Julie Michelson: My avocado, his yogurt.

Radka Toms: good. Yes, exactly. Exactly. And not only that, you're basically focusing more on your sleep and starting doing the fasting and rebalancing.

We are really focusing on a gut microbiome. So really to like, I always feel I have one month when I really didn't eat well, I felt I have to wheat. . It's like, I didn't, I couldn't tap to my intuition that well, because when you inflame, when you, when you eat from this processed food, you get this feeling that you don't feel your body at all

So actually Mark Hyman says wheat seat and feet. So we have to, we, we have to take all the, excuse me, crop stuff away from, from our diet and from our. , and then we will see, we take all the probiotics bacteria, either supplement or just really probiotic [Page//00:33:00] food, and then we have to feed them because with the fiber.

So that's something that people always forget. Like they take probiotics but they don't take the vegetables. Like they, they will not stay there. They will

Julie Michelson: Right. They're going through

Radka Toms: Yeah. And, and the last phase is when we all. That we will connect the dots and really this is the fine tuning when people realize like they can't have milk.

Sometimes we do elimination diet, which is like really can be breakthrough for so many people and they

Julie Michelson: think it's powerful.

Radka Toms: eliminate all other stuff they, they thought never can do

Julie Michelson: That was me. I even back when I was still having the, the ice cream, I was off of gluten. I was actually grain-free already, and I kept saying, you know, oh, thank goodness I could have dairy. Well, I had never taken it out, so I didn't know how much better I could feel. You know? Now I know.

Radka Toms: Yes. That's, that's, yeah. Oh my gosh. Yeah. So, and that, that's the journey. We have to all find [Page//00:34:00] out what is, that's why I, I always, people ask me, so what do you follow? I say, well, I, I'm everything. I'm Pao One day on Monday on Pao. Tuesday I'm vegan. Wednesday I'm vegan because it's like, I'm.

Julie Michelson: then I'm

Radka Toms: have vodka diet.

Yeah, exactly. And, and we have to find what really works for us. And when you have this, when you tap to the wisdom of the body, when you feel your body, well then you, you have guidance forever. It's like, we don't need anymore. You know, outsource, looking for outside. We have this it's hard to explain, but it's there

Julie Michelson: from the

Radka Toms: all have it.

Julie Michelson: ladies and gentlemen, amazing. And I know I wanna just share with listeners I know you have this incredible, we, you were talking about how support can be so important, and I know that you have a Facebook group. that people can, can join the Dr. RACA support and they can learn from you and get supported in the group.

And what a, what an amazing gift to to, to the [Page//00:35:00] universe. That is

Radka Toms: Thank you

Julie Michelson: so amazing. So here's the question that throws a lot of my guests because it's can be tricky but it's also an opportunity. What is one step that listeners can take starting today? to start to improve their health.

Radka Toms: I think I would go to the one thing because we know that there is the most powerful, we use it in functional medicine, the smart.

Julie Michelson: Mm.

Radka Toms: either it's, it's can be visualization. So, so they visualize like themselves in the future version, or it can be they, they close their eyes and they're like, what is the one thing?

And when they find the one thing, I would just suggest just do it. Just try to do it for one day, half day, just that moment. Just try to really commit to the one thing. Because when you will for example, for some can. Drinking more water because we know that many of us are dehydrated.[Page//00:36:00] 

Julie Michelson: Yes.

Radka Toms: And that's why it's like very hard to say what is the one thing for, for all of us?

Because we will have different, different story. And so that, that's what I would say that trying to find what is your one thing that you start your journey the day?

Julie Michelson: So, and I'm gonna back it up because your one thing was to visualize, to find the one thing. and then execute that one thing. So I love it. That's why I said it's, it's kind of a tricky question, . But you look at how beautifully you handled that, you still manage to individualize it for everybody. So that's, that's amazing.

So amazing. Where for those that listen on the go, where's the best place for them to find you? And it might be the Facebook group I just mentioned. I'm not sure.

Radka Toms: Yes. So either is the Facebook group, or you go to my website, my sugar stop dot. or in Instagram it's under Dr. Raca dot coms or Facebook? My, my name is well [Page//00:37:00] Rakas but the Facebook group, it's called Dr. Raca support, but yeah. Or Instagram. Yeah, or my sugar stop.com. That is everything.

Julie Michelson: She's all over. Ladies and gentlemen. She is everywhere.

Radka Toms: No, I'm not on TikTok. Never will

Julie Michelson: me either . Me either, so. Oh my gosh. Raca, thank you so much. This was incredible. I, I just, you gave so much gold to listeners, like if they just put this on loop and address things piece by piece, they are, you know, really on their way to healing. So I so appreciate you giving us your time.

Radka Toms: Thank you so much. Thank you. I enjoyed it. Thank you.

Julie Michelson: For everyone listening. Remember, you can get the show notes and transcripts by visiting inspiredliving.show. I hope you had a great time and enjoyed this episode as much as I did. I'll see you next week.
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Radka Toms
Dr Radka Toms is a Licensed Medical Doctor, Ophthalmologist, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and published contributor in medical journals. Dr. Radka is also a Philanthropist, Author, and mother of two beautiful children. Her expertise has been featured in podcasts, summits, and a variety of professional webinars. She is the founder and CEO of MySugarStop™ which helps women and men around the world improve their metabolic health, gut health, gain energy, and lose their stubborn weight, using the philosophy “let food be the medicine”, and empowering people towards a self-healing journey so that they can be more energized, feel healthier and happier.  Dr. Radka's greatest passions are being an eye surgeon, with a subspecialty in glaucoma, cornea, cataract surgery, and functional medicine practitioner with a focus on Nutritional Ophthalmology and Rosacea Healing. Going forward, Dr. Radka is committed to continuing to transform people's lives. 
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