Dr. Dan Cardellichio joins me to talk about food sensitivities and how critical it is to identify them in order to reduce inflammation and improve health.
Dr. Dan Cardellichio joins me to talk about food sensitivities and how critical it is to identify them in order to reduce inflammation and improve health.
Today I am joined by Dr. Dan Cardellichio, a leader and educator in the field of Metabolic Nutrition and Functional Biochemistry. He brings 32 years of clinical experience, and his vast knowledge of Functional Nutrition to Nutrition of Westfield, in New Jersey. Today we discuss our shared experiences on just how important food sensitivity testing is in reducing inflammation and improving your health. Dr. Dan dives deep on intestinal permeability, testing and treatment, and individualized eating plans for true results. Listen in and learn the difference between food allergies and food sensitivities, and how leaky gut may be driving your symptoms, as well as the steps you can take to jumpstart your healing and feel better and younger as you age.
Julie Michelson: Welcome back to the inspired living with auto-immunity podcast. I'm your host, Julie Michaelson. And today I'm joined by my friend, Dr. Dan Cardellichio. Have you ever wondered which foods you should be eating? Have you tried an anti-inflammatory diet with less than optimal results? Dr. Dan and I are going to discuss our shared experiences on why food sensitivity testing is key to reducing [00:01:00] inflammation and improving your health.
[00:01:02] Listen in and learn how leaky gut, may be driving your symptoms and the steps you can take to jumpstart your healing and feel better and younger as you age.
[00:01:12] Dr. Dan, welcome to the podcast. I am so excited that you're here.
[00:01:17]Dan Cardellichio: Thank you very much, Julie. It is an honor and a pleasure. And we got a little role reversal today. So I'm not going to start asking questions. I'm going to wait for questions to be asked to me, and that may be difficult, but it's going to be fun and I'm looking forward to it and thank you very much for having me on.
[00:01:35]Julie Michelson: It is. I'm so excited. I been asking you to be on for awhile. I'm glad we finally made it work and that's okay. If you ask me a question, I'll just remind you that this
[00:01:46]Dan Cardellichio: And who's the boss in this, in this contest?
[00:01:48]Julie Michelson: Yeah. W we switched seats for this one. So I, I know your story. I know how you came to be doing what you're doing. I would love for you to [00:02:00] share with listeners, you know, how, how did you become.
[00:02:06] Dr. Dan and the functional medicine world. How did you shift what, you know, most of us didn't just decide when we were little kids that we wanted to be healing people and by taking this approach, so give us, give us your story.
[00:02:20]Dan Cardellichio: Sure, thank you very much for that. And so, I mean, my trade I'm a chiropractor and I had offices. I started to open up multiple offices. I had offices in multiple states at one time New Jersey, New York and Connecticut simultaneously together at the same time I had. And this was in the nineties and they were doing well.
[00:02:40] We were serving humankind and we were doing great work underneath that chiropractic model. And it started to change. Insurance has changed. We had a lot of employees. I don't recall the number Juul. I think it was over a little, over a hundred, a little under a hundred employees. And it was a lot of fun and we were helping out a lot of people [00:03:00] and it changed.
[00:03:01] And I changed in a negative way. Because I'm traveling to different offices. I had partners at that time and I started to eat poorly and I was in a lot of stress and it was in that downward spiral that spiral, that valley of despair type of a thing. And I started to notice, I started to gain some weight and I was gaining more weight.
[00:03:25] I went from 195 division, one athlete to a two hundred and sixty, sixty five pounds. Individual and I was stressed and I remember one Sunday night, I thought I was going to the hospital. I didn't go to the hospital. That, that night, Monday I went to the hospital. They said I was having a vestibular thing, cause that was dizzy Tuesday.
[00:03:46] I was in the hospital. I was at my, I was in my New Jersey office and it was in the hospital and it was a stressful day. And I remember walking around the office and it was getting worse. I went [00:04:00] to the ER, which was right across the street from the office and it really hit me. As I was lying there on the gurney thing, whatever that is, they had the pads, they had the nitric oxide paste.
[00:04:15] They had, you know, doctors that were around me, blood pressure, two 30 over one 10. And then it happened, it was a marble rolling in my blood vessel. That's the way I felt. And I passed out. I made my peace at that point in time because I didn't know where I was going. I made my peace and I, I said that I needed to do more and better on the other side of this.
[00:04:38] And I realized that my lifestyle eating poorly processed foods were just not. Was healthy for me, the stress management, there was no stress management, you know, smoking cigars, drinking wine and beer and stuff like that. And especially on the weekends and [00:05:00] I just gained it all of this week, all of this weight and it was just terrible.
[00:05:02] It was horrible. And it feel good about myself imposter syndrome, because here you are talking about natural health care and I needed to change. And I found a nutritionist. The nutritionist helped me out significantly became my mentor and I decided to get a master's in in human nutrition. Right.
[00:05:20] I teach it now at the graduate level and I just changed my whole career, different pathway. I love it. This is where I live. One of the reasons why you get up in the morning and besides my 14 year old son, So I love, I love helping people display.
[00:05:40]Julie Michelson: Well, and for so many of us, there's either a, a longterm pathway, a wake up call. But talk about a wake up call. I mean, you literally were killing yourself, not, not consciously.
[00:05:55]Dan Cardellichio: You don't know what that is because you don't know what you don't know. And, [00:06:00] you know, You know, you know, you're not supposed to eat, you're supposed to eat. Right. But what did that mean? I didn't know what that
[00:06:07]Julie Michelson: right,
[00:06:08]Dan Cardellichio: You know, I didn't really didn't know what that meant. So we'll get into that. And so, you know, did I have some ice cream?
[00:06:15] Did I have some fast food? Yes. Was it in access times? It was. Was it any different than anybody else that I was no. No. Right. You go, you don't, you know, you don't know. And, you know, to take it to a higher level and what you should be eating and so forth and had the help out humankind, you know, that's, that was the question that was burning in my mind and my partner, my soul.
[00:06:47] What was that, that I needed to do to get to that?
[00:06:52]Julie Michelson: Well, I'm so grateful, not only for you because. I, I know the contribution you make, but I know [00:07:00] your, your clients and your patients are so lucky to have you as is your family. Of course, all of us are. So I'm so thrilled that that not only did you get through that, but you know that it drove you to be the contribution that you are now.
[00:07:15] And we, I was joking before I hit record because you and I could talk for hours cause our passions on this.
[00:07:21]Dan Cardellichio: Right.
[00:07:23]Julie Michelson: I want to, most of our listeners have auto-immunity or have someone they love with auto-immunity. And so I want you to kind of dumb down for us, cause I think many listening to your story think, oh, he had a heart attack. But it's more than that. And, and it's, it's, you know, we, we hear overweight and we hear, you know, fast food and we hear alcohol. The words you didn't use that I know are such a part of your story, our chronic influence. Right, but that's, that's what that led to for you. So I just, I wanted to kind of [00:08:00] share that piece with listeners of, of not that all of the same changes wouldn't be you know, definitely in order, but you know, let's, let's, we know we're going to talk about inflammation today, cause that's my jam and that's your jam.
[00:08:16] So.
[00:08:16]Dan Cardellichio: So important. It is really important that chronic low grade inflammation from lifestyle. Lifestyle diseases, auto immunity or right. Cause I live in that, in that, in that world, in addition to can be caused by things such as low grade inflammation that were low grade inflammation come from. Right. That is the question of what we're finding out today in research, it's finding that.
[00:08:48] That it's a food intolerance. It's a food sensitivity, not a food allergy is a much, it's totally different, totally different. [00:09:00] A food sensitivity. We're sensitive to a food that you're eating and that can create something called intestinal permeability that can lead to an auto immune. Type of a condition.
[00:09:15] This is what we know today. We have different lab testing that we do in order to determine what this food sensitivity is. And just to illustrate the difference between a food allergy and a food sensitivity or food allergy causes an immediate type of reaction. You can eat a food such as peanuts or a.
[00:09:41] And your throat would close. It's called an NFL lactic type of reaction. You need to take Benadryl. Sometimes you got to go to the hospital for this
[00:09:50]Julie Michelson: Epi pen.
[00:09:51]Dan Cardellichio: right. And epi pen. Totally. It's it's, it's an immunoglobulin that causes this. That's a different immunoglobulin that what [00:10:00] causes your food sensitivity.
[00:10:01] That's just an, that's just an immune term immunoglobulin that causes some type of reaction. That's all that. So the food sensitivity testing is the game changer for you and for I and for our clients and patients, because once we find out what individuals are sensitive to, it's really a game changer for their life.
[00:10:27] And it's really something that I love to do. And, you know, I go over diets. I went over one today with somebody and they went over one last week. One last week is crying to me. He and his wife, because his fasting plasma glucose is normal for the first time in 10 years. And he's over 400 pounds and he's been with me for a week and just the power of eating for rec foods.
[00:10:52] So this food sensitivity test is an IgG namely, and it's an immunoglobulin low grade inflammation. And. [00:11:00] So many different types of foods I, we can test. I mean, the lab, I use tests 260 different types of foods and it tells me what you should be eating and what you should be avoiding because we all have a different metabolism.
[00:11:15] Julie, we all have a different biochemistry. We, you, you, you, and I know this and for the listeners here today, that is so powerful because you can tell me that you're eating the Mediterranean diet, but there may be components of that Mediterranean.
[00:11:30]Julie Michelson: Sure.
[00:11:30]Dan Cardellichio: are creating an inflammatory response where you're not getting better.
[00:11:36] How many times have you heard I'm eating an inflammatory, I'm eating an anti-inflammatory diet. I'm eating the Mediterranean, the paleo, the dash diet, all good stuff, but there may be something in there that's creating. And this is the powerful stuff right here. This is so powerful to look at different things.
[00:11:59][00:12:00] From tuna to salmon, to macro herring trout, to look at different types of beans, kidney beans, Navy beans, Pinto beans to look at the night shades, the veggies.
[00:12:12]Julie Michelson: spinach and that that's and I know you and I are both. And I want listeners to really understand the power in this testing to, to underscore what Dr. Dan just said, there is literally no one diet for everybody.
[00:12:29]Dan Cardellichio: No.
[00:12:29]Julie Michelson: People come to me all the time and say, well, tell me what you eat.
[00:12:32] And, and I'm like, well, but those are my sensitivities. It doesn't help you. And I will tell you this in the population I see, which is 90% auto-immune if not more by the time. You have an auto-immune diagnosis, you do have intestinal permeability or leaky gut. Once you have leaky gut, you will accumulate food sensitivities.
[00:12:57]Dan Cardellichio: That's correct.
[00:12:58]Julie Michelson: So there is no such thing [00:13:00] as well. What if I don't have any.
[00:13:01]Dan Cardellichio: It's a vicious circle. Who's the food sensitivity who caused the intestinal permeability leaky gut. The leaky gut can cause it it's a vicious
[00:13:09]Julie Michelson: Yup. And all of it continues to drive inflammation and we don't need to get in the there's molecular mimicry where you're eating those foods and your body thinks you're, you know, oh my gosh, I should attack your thyroid because you ate dairy or gluten or so, but, but here's the key. I want everybody to understand there were you and I don't order these tests to charge people more.
[00:13:32] We order these tests to get people results. And as somebody who has, I'm a certified auto-immune paleo coach, I am bid on elimination diets, and, and that's what was happening. And when I first, first few years of practice, we would do the elimination diet and then. If the needle wasn't moving, I try to convince you, you know, oh, you really, you really need a food sensitivity panel.
[00:13:58] I don't even give the option. Now. [00:14:00] That's just a standard in all of my programs, because I used to call it a shortcut. It's essential. It is it's essential. And it is, there are always
[00:14:15]Dan Cardellichio: The first two things I always recommend are the food sensitivity test that then we test for leaky gut. Okay. Because I'll do it. You know, what happens is that, you know, all right. So I'm thinking of somebody that came in there, they're they, they, they have an autoimmune condition and they're also diabetic and they were 375 pounds.
[00:14:34] Clearly they need it to lose weight. They're eating a bad diet. We did the food sensitivity test. Most of the stuff they were eating, which creating this low grade inflammation, Julie. And what happened was, is that they were somewhat resistant in the beginning. To change because you know what, taking away something from somebody is painful.
[00:14:57] Listen as an Italian American, if you took [00:15:00] away, which it was in and I'm eating macaroni on a daily basis, my mother's homemade Monaco, Monte Kati, delicious, having a little espresso with, with, with the cannoli, with this should be Adele. I mean, all of this. Just so bad for me and what I did this, you know, when I did the food sensitivity testing on this individual, and they finally were able to understand what's going on and how they should eat, they started to lose some weight.
[00:15:36] They started to understand. And I literally have an exchange here with this individual where they were saying. I have to remember, this is not forever. This is just the beginning point. And I said, listen, unless you want it to be, why not get addicted to success? Well, it's one day at a time for me right now, I said, okay, I think that's good.
[00:15:57] Let's gain momentum [00:16:00] call. You know, he texted me. I could have eaten a little bit more. I said, don't be cooler. Leave restricted. You're eating good stuff. He calls me his fasting plasma glucose in the morning for the first time is under 200. It's 1 36 by the afternoon. It was one 16. It was normal. Now he still has a long way to go.
[00:16:19] But this food sensitivity test to tell me what he should be eating and what she be avoiding is so powerful. It had me lose 65, 70 pounds. You look at me today and he would say no way that you needed to lose that. But, but listen here, I have, I have a list of just, just the simple list of vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers, garlic.
[00:16:45] This is what we test in order to do this. It's scientific it's, it's, it's a lot different than when we first started, where we did hair analysis. This is a blood test and this test, you know, 99.9% [00:17:00] sensitive specific, it's just science terms. That means. What we do is there, the research is behind this and to change their diet on a daily basis.
[00:17:08] And you know what, what's interesting, especially with me and this patient that I'm thinking of is that they don't want to go back now because, cause you're, if you're eating something truly, that's creating this inflammation and we do the elimination diet, we take it away. I'd love to put it back in at some point.
[00:17:30] Six to eight weeks. I want to see how they, I just got off. I just got done with a tele-health with somebody and they said I was away. I went off. I've been with you for two weeks and I didn't really didn't need to lose some weight, but I lost about five pounds. It's inflammation because you can carry 12 to 15 pounds worth of inflammation.
[00:17:49] And she, and she said to me, I went off and I didn't think that it would make much of a difference, but she said, I felt the brain. The rashes [00:18:00] started to come back. My joints started to hurt. My stomach was bloated. I felt the abdominal pain. I wasn't really constipated. I had that headache type of a thing.
[00:18:12] Next thing you know, it, she went off of it. Then she came back on because she came back from, you know, going away for a weekend trip. So he said, now, you know, she goes, I need to strategize more to make this better. And so that I'm going to bring the foods with me that I should be eating. And she said to me, she goes, Dr.
[00:18:33] Dan, I didn't think, I didn't think that this is how powerful it is. And she's very much into, you know, she wants the research articles and stuff like that. And I sent them to her and she's like, wow. She goes, there is a ton of research behind. I said, I wouldn't be doing it. If there wasn't research behind it, why would I do.
[00:18:53] Right. It goes back to what you were saying. You just not doing this for money. You're doing this because you [00:19:00] want to serve humankind
[00:19:02]Julie Michelson: And it works. It really does work. And we may take, you know, that's, that's part of what I do with my clients is, is all of that strategizing, cause they're not gonna think, oh my gosh, I'm going on a trip and I need to bring food. Because they're not used to doing that. They're used to grabbing something at the airport or eating the crackers that the airlines handing out.
[00:19:24] And so it's, it is then, then we, we mentioned the word lifestyle before this is a piece of that lifestyle. But I want to circle back to, and we can dig in as deep as you want on the food sensitivities. I want to circle back. You mentioned that you test also for leaky gut,
[00:19:44]Dan Cardellichio: Let's get right into that. I love that it's another blood test. So when you're eating foods that are not good for you, you were exposed to toxins. Then the environment, you're eating foods, [00:20:00] insecticides, pesticides, herbicides, you and I grew up in New Jersey. I'm still in New Jersey. I grew up in Northern.
[00:20:07] Yeah. I grew up in Northern Maine where I live. It's the garden state. But when I grew up in Northern New Jersey, And the Bloomfield north area, there were chemical companies that actually made agent orange that went to, you know, overseas to a war. It'll let you're exposed to this type of stuff. You're eating foods that are processed foods.
[00:20:27] Your gut becomes Mickey because of that direct inflammation. Here you go. Very simple. So here's your gut. Here's the inside of your gut. And over here is your bloodstream. What happens is that when you have inflammation, it begins to separate there's proteins that keep your gut lining the shelves together called zonulin.
[00:20:49] That zonulin as your cells begin to separate dumps into your bloodstream, we test for that zonulin on top of the cells are Villa [00:21:00] and they bring the food in. They have. As a protein in there. And as they break down that actin goes into the bloodstream. So we're testing for the actin and the zonulin. So we can tell specifically what's going on when you are having this leaky gut situation.
[00:21:23] Listen, you know, what are the factors that bring out a leaky gut refined sugars? Oh my God. Processed foods, processed foods, cakes, panties. Okay. You know, at some point in time in the seventies, we were eating TV dinners. It wasn't homemade types of foods. You know, we have the busy lifestyle, stress, high starch, diet, gluten, and grains, gluten, gluten, and grains.
[00:21:49] It's not even the gluten. It's the two proteins in the gluten. It's the gliadins. And it's the name that's in there. We test for that in the blood test. And glee [00:22:00] bleeding and gluten. And we test for that. We test for non gluten grains, such as coops. We make sure that we take away those types of foods. If you're on antibiotics and CEDS you know, you're smoking who smokes today, stress all of this. create this intestinal permeability, leaky guts, just the term that is used so that we can understand it. It's just like a painkiller. It's just the term. Think about it. Leaky gut paint. It's just a term that people understand, you know, muscle relaxer. It's just a term that people understand. That's what a leaky gut is.
[00:22:43] It's a. That you must understand. And what happens is that we're looking for those different proteins in there. And what happens is that once they're in there now that we've got to heal your gut, because you can get an autoimmune condition from the leaky gut. [00:23:00] I have thrombocytopenia, which is a, she's an autoimmune condition.
[00:23:04] I don't coagulate. Well, we did the food sensitivity test. We did the leaky gut. I change. It changes every seven to 10 years, your food sensitivities. And I changed my diet, Julie and my, and my thrombocytopenia. We, you know, there's, there's different enzymes. I lit it up. I don't light it up anymore. So I went through with detoxification process and I'm not talking about a sugar detox or a you know, like, you know, you're thinking about a juice detox, you know, it's, you know, It's the diet that we put together from the food sensitivity test, along with some targeted nutrition, nutrition shapes, because the detoxification process in order to help out the leaky gut and to help get rid of these food sensitivities, when you're detoxifying, you're looking at the liver, which is the main [00:24:00] detoxifying organ, there's different phases and it needs energy to get rid of it.
[00:24:06] Th the toxins in your body, your, so it's an energy dependent process. What happens is that each phase of this detoxification process, there's a bunch of, I don't, I'm not going to get into that, but it requires a certain amount of vitamins and minerals in order in different arrays in order to help out the process magic.
[00:24:30] So we, we, we, we recommend this. To help with the food sensitivity to help start healing the gut. Then I go into the leaky gut itself. You know, we look at taking out foods. We do, you know, we, we look at doing that elimination diet. We take out the foods that you're having the sensitivity to. And again, it's just a game changer.
[00:24:55] When it comes to this and we take them out, we may add in a [00:25:00] probiotic, we may add in different foods that have probiotics in there. I'll reintroduce those foods foods at one time. Julie and I, I, I get 99.9% of the time. I don't feel well.
[00:25:13]Julie Michelson: Yeah.
[00:25:14]Dan Cardellichio: I don't feel well. And I don't want to go back to eating the way I was eating.
[00:25:20] Cause you're. Processed foods you're eating.
[00:25:24]Julie Michelson: it bullet doesn't. It doesn't feel like food anymore. And, and I, I always laugh when I see kind of the glazed look when I'm telling clients as we're moving into the elimination, right. We've got the test results. Sometimes we'll start. There are certain things that I do remove from everybody temporarily.
[00:25:46] And so sometimes we'll even just people are ready. They had said, we'll start that while we're waiting for the food sensitivity results. And it makes it a little gentler working our way in. And usually in the very beginning, it's, you know, they're counting [00:26:00] their I'm on day one. I'm on day two. And I laugh because I always say, I promise.
[00:26:07] You're not going to want to do reintroductions and we are going to do the introductions while we're working together because they're that important? That's the gold.
[00:26:19]Dan Cardellichio: That's where the magic happens, because if you re-introduce and it doesn't, and you know, and you get this reaction, this low grade inflammation, you get the brain fog, you start getting your symptoms back. Maybe you start getting. Skin rashing back because you're dealing with some type of autoimmune type of a condition.
[00:26:35] It's really an educational type of a thing where, you know, you know, those clients to those patients are like, I just don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to eat that way. And I think this is important. I want to make one point and I say this to patients and clients all the time. You know, sometimes they're like, oh, I don't want to do this, but yet you're here. But yet. [00:27:00] don't want to do this, but yet you're here, but yet I'm the last individual you've come to see, but yet you're here. Well, I don't want to give up, you know, eating bacon. We'll see, just as a way, it's just, just as an example, but if the bacon is not good for you, because you have a intolerance support products, we'll say, and Turkey products, you know, and, but you're eating it and it's not good for.
[00:27:23] But yet you've done the diet and done what we've recommended specific targeted nutrition and supplements. And you feel 85% better, 70 or 50, or even 40. That's a home run, you know, show. We're just going to supplant what you're eating with. Something that's better for you. And we want you to do that everyday.
[00:27:45] Like, you know, doc, I can't eat, I can't eat broccoli every day, but you're. A bacon cheeseburger every day,
[00:27:56]Julie Michelson: Yeah.
[00:27:58]Dan Cardellichio: but yet you're here.
[00:27:59]Julie Michelson: Well, [00:28:00] and I love the point you make. Cause I know you do this too, cause I heard it in there. It is. So it can feel if you have the deprivation mindset, it can feel impossible. And like there's nothing I can eat anymore. And the reality is if we can shift focus, which I know you do. And I do with our clients and patients too, let's focus on what we can.
[00:28:26] Jimmy food's there are out there that we can eat. And that's the thing we touched on it earlier. Usually the things we're eating often, once we have leaky gut are the things we've become sensitive to. And so there's going to be a change. It's going to be a significant change and it's going to be so worth it.
[00:28:48]Dan Cardellichio: It's going to be, and you know, what, what you just said is important because again, taking away something sometimes means painful, but there's so many foods that you can eat. And let's just say that you're restricted. You [00:29:00] can eat a dozen foods, but that never happens, but you'll complete a dozen foods. I literally give patients and clients, recipes and menus.
[00:29:10] There's so much you can do with any type of food to make it nutritious and delicious. It's just that we're so used to a certain way. So we're frying, we're frying our steaks in vegetable oil or corn oil or something like that. Right. But that's what you're used to that. Then you're putting salt on it. It may taste delicious.
[00:29:39] But on the other side is another delicious meal. That's even better for you. Right?
[00:29:45]Julie Michelson: And here here's the I'm, I'm sure you see this all the time because it, it literally, it's a hundred percent across the board. Once people are eating real food. They are so surprised [00:30:00] by how good real food is. Once you take all that processed junk and the sweeteners and all that stuff, that's designed to be high flavor and addictive, and you can actually taste.
[00:30:12] I had a client literally call me one day and say, oh my gosh, have strawberries always been this sweet.
[00:30:21]Dan Cardellichio: You're right. Because I think you become sensitized. Cause if you're drinking sugary Cola's and you're having ring dings and all of that, that stuff may not remember those
[00:30:35]Julie Michelson: I do.
[00:30:35]Dan Cardellichio: on the bones. Funny bone, funny bones for breakfast here in the morning, peanut butter and chocolate. It was fake peanut butter.
[00:30:43] And you know what you know, just to get a little science. There was a study that was done at the Mayo clinic, a proceeding that was published in the Mayo clinic proceedings. They were looking at Spain because their diet has changed. And they were saying that, and I don't remember any of the statistics, the [00:31:00] confidence in intervals, the P values, all of that stuff as it makes you ghost.
[00:31:03] But I remembered they were looking at these processed foods. They were highly palatable, readily affordable, and they were just available. All over the place. So it's easy. You're driving home. I'm a little tired. Let me go get a can of Coke with some, you know, you know, you know, sugary soda along with whatever, a piece of cake I used to do it on the way home.
[00:31:30] When I was at, then I would have a poor diet, a poor meal at the way home. And I, you know, you know, it's like eight o'clock at night and I'm sitting on the couch and I can't get up and I can't move. I didn't want to live life like.
[00:31:42]Julie Michelson: Yeah.
[00:31:44]Dan Cardellichio: because at the age of 60, not that I keep up with my 14 year old who plays hockey, Julie.
[00:31:48] But
[00:31:49]Julie Michelson: Oh, you're out there moving. I've seen it.
[00:31:52]Dan Cardellichio: and let me tell you something. I was contacted just recently by a friend of mine to two friends of mine. And they said to me [00:32:00] send me a picture of you. Okay. Sent them picture. They said, no, I need a picture of you and your gym shorts. It's an okay picture of me. Why do you want. So I am going onstage in a masters bodybuilding division, either in November or the following November, because I want to show that you can be 60 years old and you can still be healthy.
[00:32:24] It doesn't have to be. So I have friends of mine that are figure pros, world
[00:32:30]Julie Michelson: Yeah.
[00:32:31]Dan Cardellichio: that they're calling me, you know, from males, females, they're like you're training and you're training with me. I'm starting. I've been, I started, but I'm starting more getting serious next week. I have an appointment with a friend of mine and she just won a world, figure a championships.
[00:32:49] She's like, I don't care. You're you're, you're you're going to do this. So it's just a matter of living
[00:32:55]Julie Michelson: And I, I want to correct or add on to, you said you CA at [00:33:00] 60, you can be as healthy. You can be healthier and younger. You're younger now than you were back then. I'm younger now than I was in my thirties. I mean, I do more and more able to be physically active and trying new things and learning new things.
[00:33:17] And I know you're the same way. Cause we share that mindset.
[00:33:20]Dan Cardellichio: Yes, right.
[00:33:21]Julie Michelson: So Dr. Dan you're, you're based in New Jersey, you're doing this amazing work with people. How, how are you work? Do you have someone have to be in New Jersey to come see you? How do you work with.
[00:33:32]Dan Cardellichio: I'm licensed, I'm licensed in other states, so I can do tele-health in those states. So you know, you can, you can contact me email Dan Porter. luquillo@gmail.com. You can go to social media. Dan just put it in. There's nobody. That's how many people would fill that thing or to
[00:33:49]Julie Michelson: And all the, all the links are in the show notes as well.
[00:33:52]Dan Cardellichio: Yeah. So you can, you can contact me and if I can help you out personally, I will. If not just like you, Julie, we know the [00:34:00] same people in many different states, more than happy to get you in touch with somebody. Who can help you out in your particular area of the country? Listen, you can, you can, you can talk with me and I can offer your I can offer your, your listening audience to discovery call half an hour, which is just going to chat.
[00:34:18] We'll do it. We'll do a zoom. If I, if you're in a region where I can help you find it. Get you to somebody I could speak with Julie, you know, who do we know in this state? You know, and who do we know, whatever. So I do tell a health from all over in states that I'm licensed in, and then we can help you out with somebody.
[00:34:35] It should, it's a matter of serving humankind. It's a matter of getting those individuals into. That healthy lifestyle. And I'm not just talking about that. Like, you know, fluffy type of stuff I'm talking about seriously changing who you are, positive lifestyle changes. This is such a game changer. I love doing this.
[00:34:56] You and I have the same passion
[00:34:58]Julie Michelson: We
[00:34:59]Dan Cardellichio: from, [00:35:00] from, from, from New Jersey and you tolerate my north Jersey accent. So it's all good.
[00:35:05]Julie Michelson: Well, my, so after I speak with you, my kids will say, who, who are you talking to? And there's a handful of people that if I'm talking to someone with a north Jersey or certain New York accents, my kids swear, you know, I've been gone a long time from Jersey, but it's still in there.
[00:35:28]Dan Cardellichio: So what happens is that when you talk to them, you'll have that you'll have that action. I wish I was talking with was talking with one of our, or, or colleagues. And she lives in California now and I called her and she said, are you from Brooklyn? Are you from Northern New Jersey? And I said Northern New Jersey, she goes, I love your accent.
[00:35:48] I said, I'm going to be like Arnold Schwartzenegger, I'm going to go for accent removal classes now, because I said, that's the way it is. They said, you know, you know,
[00:35:58]Julie Michelson: I love it to [00:36:00] me as you know, it feels like home. So I, I it just makes me happy, Dan, as you always do, you, this has been so amazing. We talked about a lot and I know, again, we could talk for three hours because this is so important to both. And we know how important it is for listeners. What's one thing listeners can do today.
[00:36:23] One step, if they, you know, just do nothing else and they start one thing today, that's going to improve their health.
[00:36:30]Dan Cardellichio: you know what. You know, I'm going to give you three things because they think that they they're, they're all, they're all tied together and we want
[00:36:38]Julie Michelson: you're a rule breaker.
[00:36:40]Dan Cardellichio: Yeah. Yeah. Cause I am a rule breaker, you know that I want you to get restful restorative sleep because without that, does it matter how much nutrition you know, how much your nutrition is good.
[00:36:50] The, the, the, the, the second thing is I want you to take an inventory of your life, and I want you to sit there and say, where can I make it? Mentally physically, [00:37:00] emotionally. And then the third thing is you're going to, you're going to pick up the phone and you're gonna call Julia. And I, because we want you to get these food sensitivity tests, and we want you to get these leaky cuts, these leaky gut tests, and we want you to make it where you start the process.
[00:37:17] And as a friend of mine says, and you know, this person to gain momentum, you could do those three things and you gain momentum each day becomes the little bit better. And then from there, you know, let us help you out. Let's let us find somebody that can help you out. So I am a rule breaker. I'm sorry, Julie, that I did three.
[00:37:36]Julie Michelson: Oh, I can't say I'm surprised. It's all good. You know, and you're an over giver. I asked for one, you gave three,
[00:37:44] I love it.
[00:37:45] Before we wrap up. I know I already said the links will be in the notes, but if somebody wants to find you in one spot, they're listening, they don't want to look at the show notes.
[00:37:55] They just want to go somewhere. Where's the best place to find you.
[00:37:58]Dan Cardellichio: So if you go [00:38:00] onto Facebook and if you go to nutrition of Westfield, that is my main office. just put in, you just put in nutrition of Westfield. It has on there. It has my website, it has my phone number. It has my email. If you're going to email me, you know, just say that you, you know, you know, you show me on Julie's podcast, I'll be more than happy to get back to you.
[00:38:21] So that's the best way to do it.
[00:38:24]Julie Michelson: Wonderful. And we'll have links in the show notes as well for that amazing, generous offer of the discovery call with you for anyone who wants to connect and see if they're lucky enough to be in a state where you can help them, or if they will simply be guided by you.
[00:38:41]Dan Cardellichio: 100%. It's always good to help. Always good to coach, you know, always good to collaborate because we can collaborate with somebody that can take care of you. So that's always good.
[00:38:51]Julie Michelson: Wonderful Dr. Dan, thank you so much. You have shared some real gold with us today.
[00:38:57]Dan Cardellichio: Thank you very much, Julie. It's an honor and a [00:39:00] pleasure. Julie and I are really good friends and we've been trying to get, I was one of the first to be asked to come on the podcast, but, you know, we're, we were, we were trying to get together. So it's always an honor and a pleasure. And for everybody listening, please also quote, contact Julie, because she's the best of the best of the best.
[00:39:15] So it's an honor and a pleasure Julie. Thank you very much.
[00:39:18]Julie Michelson: Thank you, my friend for everyone listening. Remember you can get the show notes and transcripts by visiting inspired living.show. I hope you had a great time and enjoyed this episode as much as I did. I will see you all next week.
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My Guest For This Episode
Connect with Daniel Cardellichio DC, MS
Daniel Cardellichio DC, MS
Metabolic Nutrition Expert
Dr. Cardellichio brings 32 years of clinical experience as well as his vast knowledge of functional nutrition to Nutrition of Westfield.
Dr. Cardellichio holds an MS degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport where he serves as an Adjunct Professor. Diabetes, heart health, thyroid disorders, and autoimmune diseases are but a few conditions that functional nutrition plays a vital role. Dr. Cardellichio is a Leader and Educator in the field of Metabolic Nutrition and Functional Biochemistry.