Talia Halberor: Using Your Mind to Create Your Health Talia Halberor: Using Your Mind to Create Your Health
Episode 25

Talia Halberor:

Using Your Mind to Create Your Health

Talia Halberor is a mindset coach who helps people recreate their lives and heal their bodies by working on and shifting their thoughts.

First Aired on: Mar 7, 2022
Talia Halberor: Using Your Mind to Create Your Health Talia Halberor: Using Your Mind to Create Your Health
Episode 25

Talia Halberor:

Using Your Mind to Create Your Health

Talia Halberor is a mindset coach who helps people recreate their lives and heal their bodies by working on and shifting their thoughts.

First Aired on: Mar 7, 2022

In this episode:

Today we are joined by Talia Halberor, amazing mindset coach.

Talia helps people recreate their lives and heal their bodies by working on and shifting their thoughts.

After reversing her own Multiple Sclerosis symptoms by mindset work and lifestyle changes, she created her company ALFA by Talia and now dedicates her life to supporting others in achieving the same healing results. Talia shares her journey with us and we dive into how our perspectives create our reality.

We talk about that we have the power to heal, and how healing requires living a love-based life vs a fear based life, and epigenetics: how we can change gene expression.

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Episode Transcript

Julie Michelson: Welcome back to the inspired living with auto-immunity podcast. I'm your host, Julie Michelson. And today we are joined by Talia Halberor amazing mindset coach. Talia helps people recreate their lives and heal their bodies by working on and shifting their thoughts. After reversing her own multiple sclerosis symptoms by mindset work and lifestyle changes.

[00:00:55] She created her company alpha by Italia, and now dedicates her [00:01:00] life to supporting others in achieving the same healing results. Today, Italia shares with us, her journey, and we'd dive into how our perspectives create our reality. We talk about the fact that we have the power to heal and how healing requires living a love-based life versus a fear-based life.

[00:01:22] We also dig into epigenetics and how we can change our gene expression.

[00:01:32] Talia, welcome to the podcast.

[00:01:37] Talia Halberor: Thank you so much. I'm so happy to be here. Thank you for inviting.

[00:01:42] Julie Michelson: I am so excited to not only bring your story to listeners, but also what you are doing because it is, I know how important and effective it is. I love starting if you're willing to share. A little bit of, you know, how did you get [00:02:00] to be doing this in the world? We were joking off camera. I'm sure you didn't decide when you were five years old.

[00:02:06] Like, oh, this is what I want to do. Most of us got here through our journey. So if you're willing to share yours with listeners, I think it's really inspiring.

[00:02:16] Talia Halberor: For sure. I, for sure I am, and yes, I definitely didn't plan to do that when I was younger. I wanted to be a lawyer and so many other things. Remained the story of somebody else. But if you don't mind, I'm going to start a little bit back to my childhood because it all connects in a conversation that we're, we're diving into.

[00:02:33] Julie Michelson: Of course, that's where, that's where the, our stories start right at the beginning.

[00:02:38] Talia Halberor: Absolutely. Absolutely. So I grew up in Israel and Israel, for those of you who do not know The constant tension in the middle east and almost all the time in some way living under a war or thinking, you know, should I take this bus? Cause somebody might blow it up and will I be with my family member?

[00:02:58] It'd be one of the people on the like, [00:03:00] you know, death list this year. There's a lot of fear. There's a lot of tension, a lot of stress, you know, serving in the military which we all have to do. You know, seeing your friends, not coming back home, a lot of stress and fear that seemed at the moment when I just, you know, a child being born into that, it seems like this is the world.

[00:03:20] This is life. This is what it is. I didn't know anything else. And when it comes to my family or came to my family I had still have an amazing, incredible mother that always gave me everything and provided everything I ever needed. But my father was very absent. He, for whatever reasons he had at a time always put the family last and he was very absent and.

[00:03:47] Even though my mom gives me everything I asked for all I wanted as a child was my father's love. I remember Julie. I remember days of being like for [00:04:00] bagging him. I remember begging him dead. All the fathers are going with their daughters and kids to the garden that we had behind our home come play with me.

[00:04:09] And he, you know, he always said something, but he was never there. And now. I could only think like a child, you know, I didn't have the mind of the adult that has experiences and understanding and read and studied. I made up things about myself because kids tend to do that. So I was start developing thoughts that at some point became beliefs about myself.

[00:04:34] That was, were very negative and very limiting stuff. Like I'm not. Right. Cause parents love is the most pure and authentic and unconditional love. But my father doesn't choose to love me. He chooses his friend. He chooses businesses, chose other, the women chose to sleep. So it must be something about me.

[00:04:54] I'm unlovable. I had thoughts. Like I'm not worthy of my [00:05:00] father's love. I am broken. All of these kinds of thoughts that at a moment just seemed very real to me. But when you think. You have thoughts and you have them on Monday and a Tuesday and on Wednesday and a Thursday, everyday, and everyday they become your beliefs and your beliefs are what lead everything in your lives, in your life eventually.

[00:05:19] But we'll get to that. But back to this story you know, I grew up became a teenager and my father at that time completely left the country started a different family, a new family in a different country. And I really wanted if. And I was looking for whatever was available for me. And it was very close to one of my family members because he had a daughter, my age were very close and he was supporting me with being there for me because my father left and the family, it was like, you know, a lot of problems that happen because of his you know, because he choose to live to leave.

[00:05:53] And the family member ended up taking advantage of me sexually and I process states in so [00:06:00] many ways and I'm talking now and almost be like fine. And that happened to me in a while, but you know, it just, it happened, it happened so much. If you, if you stand in a room and ask how many of you that sexually abused in some level more than half of the women, they explained will probably raise their hands.

[00:06:15] So I'm actually really happy. I'm bringing it up right now because I don't always talk

[00:06:18] Julie Michelson: Well, I am too, and it's such a service. And there are two of us on, in this conversation that had that experience. And I think if you took a room of women with auto-immune. The issues. I think the numbers would be even higher.

[00:06:35] Talia Halberor: You know what, based on all the information that I have from people I worked with or met with auto-immune, I really believe you were.

[00:06:44] Julie Michelson: So thank you for your bravery and.

[00:06:48] Talia Halberor: Thank you. So that experience you know, as a teenager, It's really developing their worldview and understanding, okay, who am I in this place? How do [00:07:00] I get to show up to make it a successful journey for me, whatever this journey is going to look like I became how can I say that? I stopped trusting people.

[00:07:09] I stopped trusting anybody's and where the meat that wasn't me. And I felt like it's about. Now the battle began and it's going to stay forever. You know, I thought that the world is not safe. People are always going to try to screw me over. I am here for myself and my protect myself. And this is the journey of who survives less.

[00:07:33] And I developed a really strong personality out of that. I felt like that I have to show up a certain way because that's, what's going to make me safe. People will not take advantage of me anyway like that. So I became number one in everything that I was doing, you know, everything was super successful and I felt great.

[00:07:51] I was like, I am in charge. Nobody can fuck me up now. Sorry. I like to Chris. I hope you don't mind. And, and everything became great. You know, I was successful. It was number [00:08:00] one legally and everything I was doing, but I wasn't number one out of love. I wasn't number one out of flow. It was all out of fear because if I won't be, I'll be, I'll be in danger.

[00:08:14] People will hurt me. I'll have more pain and. And he, my opinion and I hope we'll get into that a little more soon, buddy. My opinion, that's the most dangerous place. To live in this fear that something will happen at any moment. It affects the body. It affects the life experience. It affects your results.

[00:08:37] It, it affects the whole reality we live in eventually or create from, for ourselves. And. And at a time I didn't have the knowledge I have today. I didn't understand that. My thoughts, the way I live, I live my words to myself, affect my reality, create my reality. I didn't know that the beliefs that I [00:09:00] live with lived with, or the thoughts that I had were just not conducive with creating life of true happiness life of hell.

[00:09:10] Life where I can really thrive in. And at some point I got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and. That was just a horrible experience. I lost my ability to see in my left eye. At some point I lost the ability to walk without, without assistance. My legs, my hands were numb, maybe like 95% of the day.

[00:09:36] Couldn't use my left hand for a while, cause it was just too weak. It's almost like I had to learn functioning with one pain was just ridiculous. All my joints everywhere. Random. Random pain that you don't even understand where it comes from. You can explain it even to yourself and, and fatigue. I always joke.

[00:09:54] It's not a joke, but like I needed to take naps in the middle of the lunch just to be able to complete it. [00:10:00] Cause I just couldn't stay awake. Could not stay awake. So I stopped working. I stopped providing to myself. I got divorced a little bit before. It was like just me new country. It was just A lot of fear and a lot of pain.

[00:10:11] That's the story of the pests, thankfully. But, but it was very hard time in my life and, you know, doctors and everybody with autoimmune conditions or diseases can probably relate to that. You know, you got to the doctor and they're like, listen, young lady. There's nothing you can do about it. We don't know why about your body's attacking itself.

[00:10:26] And you're going to have to live with that. So what we have to offer you is medication the truly going to ruin your body. But it's the only thing that's going to slow down the progression, and you really want to slow down the progression because you know, you're young. We don't want to see you on a wheelchair that soon.

[00:10:41] Julie Michelson: Yeah, Morphe fear, right? It's like a, it's another fear tactic. If you don't take this medication dot, dot, dot dot. Yeah.

[00:10:49] Talia Halberor: Exactly. But at the beginning, I was, I didn't say yes right away, but the fear [00:11:00] tactics, what the mean some at some point, but it just added more fear to my life because you cannot ignore all the side effects and how those medications could really, really potentially ruin your body. And every time I took a pill every day, I had a horizontal, it was just, I knew, I knew there was a better way for me.

[00:11:20] I didn't have the answers yet, but I knew the must be one. And I was so committed to finding it, which is partially why I think I found it. And I'm saying it right now, because any of you listening right now, I want you, and you want to develop this. More heart, the metal, how, and even though you don't know the way right now, if you will decide in your heart in your mind that you will find a way you will, the universe is always working with us and it will show you the way it'll come.

[00:11:56] Don't try the planet trust. I really [00:12:00] believe that's what really started changing my journey. But anyway, at that point I started educating myself and I learned. The people really do have the power to heal. And that's what my doctor told me. And the other doctors I consulted with just shared with me their thoughts based on the modalities they choose to follow and learn.

[00:12:20] And I just chose to study and take different ways. And for those of you who don't know me at that time, I was already a transformational facilitator. Facilitating transformational workshops. And I was a coach and I was training people how to use their mind to create a reality that they wanted.

[00:12:36] I just never, never focused on health, just everything else, but health But my diagnosis led me to focus obviously on the connection between the mind to the body and how we can actually create a shift in the body by using just the mind. And I started applying everything that I was learning and. I believe it or not, I'd reversed all of my [00:13:00] symptoms.

[00:13:00] I feel incredibly amazing. I walk well identity. I jumped, I swim. I seen both of my eyes. I use my hands, my legs. I do whatever I want. It's all sort of the past. And obviously, I don't know if I need to mention, but I do not take medication for a very long time. And I realized it was just an incredible, I mean, people, I didn't know about it and nobody that I know knew about it, but I have to do something about it.

[00:13:25] And I developed some method, which was basically based on the steps that I followed. And since then I started supporting other people with autoimmunity or immune diseases to reverse symptoms and freedom body. And, oh my God, Julie, my life is more exciting than it's ever been.

[00:13:43] Julie Michelson: Oh, my gosh. There's just so much in there. I want to go back. I wish I could like underscore as you're speaking. I really can. And we were talking before I hit record. Just about. This [00:14:00] unbelievable importance of and, and it really is the key of mindset and healing and listeners know, you know, we talk about food and nutrition.

[00:14:12] We talk about toxins. We talk about sleep and stress management and movement and you name it. But. As I shared with you, I have come to learn like you, yours was through your personal journey. I always say I'm amazed that I was able to heal without changing my mindset. First. I was lucky enough to get enough improvement by making some other changes, but by working with as many people as I've worked with over the years, I have learned, I shared with you it's mindset first.

[00:14:50] And you, I, there is nothing more important and there's so much about your story [00:15:00] that just underscores that whole journey, right? This, this living in constant. Right first, just circumstantially of just the, how the, what was going on in your country as you were growing up to the family dynamics, to the abuse, to this, and what I was hearing as you were discussing, like sharing with us, your, you know, I was number one, I was the winner.

[00:15:26] I was successful. I was the, and I, all I could think of was armor. That was her armor. Right. And then we hide, we hide behind this armor. And what we don't talk about when there's this world, we don't trust in the people we don't trust is we don't trust ourselves. Right. We got ourselves into situations or we trusted others and we got hurt.

[00:15:48] And so shifting those. And as you, you put it so beautifully because sometimes people think, oh, I experienced this big trauma [00:16:00] with a capital T and it's too big for anybody to amount. You know, I can't recover from that. Well, you just shared with us a lifetime of. Right. That was all you knew was daily weather.

[00:16:12] Little. I say, I always say it doesn't matter if it's a little day, your big T we all have trauma. That's not it. I don't know that you could live on this planet and avoid trauma. It's, it's what we do. And as you said, how that sets up your belief system is everything. And as you know, and I know because we see it every day with our clients.

[00:16:34] This is at the root. Of auto-immunity. It is.

[00:16:40] Talia Halberor: I I think through working with so many people in with auto-immunity in different stages, it's I'm surprised it's not used as proof in, in, in mainstream healthcare now, because this is it's. It is. Come back to that. That's the work that I'm focusing on and [00:17:00] you'll be surprised the results that people create and how they achieve back freedom in their body.

[00:17:03] And that's all that we do. That's where we put the focus. So.

[00:17:07] Julie Michelson: It's it's amazing. I want to kind of back it up. Good because you and I, we could talk for hours and hours and hours, and you can put this under the umbrella of mindset. Right. When I always say, you know, mindset is so important in healing, let's, let's just reverse all the way to the beginning. When we S when we're talking about mindset, what do you mean?

[00:17:27] What does that even mean?

[00:17:30] Talia Halberor: Okay. So I don't really like the word mindset anymore. And I did like it for a time, but what I've noticed is when I. The word mindset or people hear the word mindset. They're like, oh, positive thoughts and positive, whatever. And all of this happens you know, we have the conscious mind and unconscious subconscious mind and the conscious mind is the one that will choose.

[00:17:53] Yeah. Let me think of positive thoughts and let me, you know, and th and that is not, what's creating the [00:18:00] shift in the body. It's amazing. It's important if you do it, keep doing it. If you're not. It's also great to start doing it, but this is not where the shift that we're talking about is happening. So in my book, so when you think about the mind, I mean, what is the mind?

[00:18:17] The mind is, well, it's everything, it needs nothing. You can see it, you can touch it. It doesn't have a shape or form, but it is. Connecting you or the inside of you with the outside world. So the reality can happen. However it happens, right? Things happen, but you will precipitate in a certain way that somebody else will perceive in a completely different way.

[00:18:45] We all going to give our own interpretation. The interpretation is an outcome of our mind. So this is what I'm saying. It's connecting what's happening on the outside to us on the inside. Does that make sense?

[00:18:59] Julie Michelson: Oh, my gosh, [00:19:00] absolutely

[00:19:00] Talia Halberor: Okay.

[00:19:01] Julie Michelson: We all create our own reality and it doesn't mean we choose our circumstances always, but yeah, I mean, everybody that listens to this is going to hear different things and that's exactly what you're referring to. Right.

[00:19:14] Talia Halberor: Exactly exactly. And that's how our whole life is. Right. Cause when I was a child, like I said, I had the experience with my dad. I E I give it to certain interpretation and certain meaning, which through I developed some beliefs that led my life. Oh, I'm not worthy. I'm not lovable. I'm not this. I'm not this.

[00:19:32] Let me be number one in everything. So people don't know that I'm unworthy, but I'm not worthy or not good enough or unlovable or this shit that I had in my mind.

[00:19:40] Julie Michelson: Yeah.

[00:19:41] Talia Halberor: You make us create or, or like not take action or, or, or take action or not take action, but all of it is coming from the foundation, which is really the beliefs that we have about ourselves, about the world.

[00:19:54] Julie Michelson: Okay. So you talked about, you're not talking about this conscious power of [00:20:00] positive thinking, which again is, is wonderful. It's a great place to start. Tell us a little more about, so when you're working with people, How does that look? What do you, what can somebody do was the thing with the unconscious thoughts?

[00:20:16] Is we don't, we don't know we're having them, right. We're not conscious of, of those stories. It takes work right. To get to you. Didn't just wake up one morning and realize, oh my gosh, I created all these stories around my dad's ish. Right. And I, it developed who, who, you know, where I saw myself worth. So how, how do you approach this with people when you're working?

[00:20:39] Because I'm fascinated to learn and it's so important. I know, cause I, I know you well enough to know that there's, there's gold here, guys, lean in and listen, because any little step we can take toward this kind of healing. Beyond exponential. Remember Tonya, [00:21:00] couldn't see. Out of one, I had numbness in one hand, had weakness.

[00:21:04] Couldn't walk unassisted, couldn't get through meal without napping. And people sometimes will say, you know, I don't believe that, you know, there's no way

[00:21:13] Talia Halberor: Yeah, it used to be one of those people.

[00:21:14] Julie Michelson: I wasn't one of those people. And I admit, I admitted you. I was a lot slower to the pickup on the, I did the medication route for 11 years. So I really did believe, I didn't think there was another way.

[00:21:28] And I thought when I would hear a healing story, I thought one of two things either, and this was, these were my stories, right? That were keeping me stuck where I was either. They were not as sick as. You know, or misdiagnosed or something, or they experienced a miracle, lucky them, you know, that rare. And so we are all the miracle.

[00:21:53] The miracle is waiting for all of us. And but this belief system and knowing it's not, [00:22:00] it could start with believing. I actually start with. You don't even have to believe. I don't think to start to learn right. To start that's where that kind of positive thinking. I say, like tipping the scales. I always reference it.

[00:22:14] I don't, I'm not as articulate with it as, as you are. I start by trying to explain to people that, you know, our body hears every thought that we have and believes it is true. Right. And that's why those stories you created as a little girl did such damage to you, but you can create new stories. Right.

[00:22:37] Talia Halberor: Right.

[00:22:38] Julie Michelson: So how do you do that?

[00:22:39] How does somebody, you know, when you work, what does it look like if somebody comes to work with you? They know, cause I look at. This is the most important piece. Then, then I work with all this other stuff too, but you get amazing results just focusing on this.

[00:22:56] Talia Halberor: Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, I was I think based on what [00:23:00] I'm hearing you saying, as skeptical as you were you know, before your personal experience and the shift that you, that you have experienced and what helps me. Was educating myself, the moment that I saw. Oh, there's actually science behind that proof.

[00:23:16] It's just that my doctor, I was like, okay, okay, hold on. Let me check one more thing. Let me read one more thing. Let me get one more book. Listen to this, you know, explanation, whatever, but I'm saying it right now because

[00:23:30] Julie Michelson: There's a lot of

[00:23:31] Talia Halberor: educate yourself, please. It's going to open so much possibilities if that's what you need to start believing and taking actions.

[00:23:39] Every it's all out there, you know, it's 20, 22 open the internet and get a book. So that will help me. So actually, let's, let's kind of like touch on that a little bit. We're probably not going to go too much into that, but you know, this epigenetics right at the past, people, everybody believes it's like, oh, you are, you know, you were born with those genes.

[00:23:57] You got what you got and if it's [00:24:00] not good, It is what it is still. Yeah, you're a victim. If you're sick, have your parents say, I'm sorry to what they gave you, you know, but this is not really the truth. That it's the expression of the genes, the activity of the genes, whether the GC, you have the genes for disease or they are turned on or turned off.

[00:24:23] Are they waking because if they're not, you may have the dance, but you won't have the disease. So how do we turn it off? What affects our, the expression of our genes? And it was founded it's it's, it's it's the environment, it's the environment in which the genes live in. So what is the environment? What is the environment environment in my body? I mean, go figure out what is fucking environment, but. That is exactly. And obviously food does affect that and toxins do affect that. But besides those.

[00:24:56] Julie Michelson: And before, usually even before those.

[00:24:58] Talia Halberor: [00:25:00] Exactly the environment is the space created in our body, based on the mind, the interpretation, the space that we create based on our experience. And I like to call it in, in my work. I call it fear-based life or love-based life. I grew up in the experience that I had. I felt like everybody's here to hurt me and, and notice back then.

[00:25:25] It wasn't obvious to me. So you people may listen to me now and be like, I don't have these thoughts. So I everything's okay with me. I was not aware, only work in diving in and be committed to that made me realize everything I didn't realize at a time. So so from quantum physics we also understand that like our mind creates, if something exists in your reality, It means it exists in your mind, but if it's going to stop existing existing in your mind, it can stop existing in your body, in your reality, in your life.

[00:25:56] And, and. [00:26:00] So fats the mindset, right? You're saying like positive thoughts and all that. It is great, but that's where we are just like consciously thinking planning. Love-based like fear-based life. All of this is underneath the conscious mind. It's the part that we're not aware of. Think about an operating system that runs in the back of the, of, of what you see.

[00:26:24] This is it, this is what we're talking about. So even though I was making a lot of money and being number one in everything and having grade base and grade that the operating system was based on fear and, and.

[00:26:37] Julie Michelson: shared can be a great motivator, right? Your fear drove you to be super successful. And so that's actually more common than not. The, the super successful have a lot of that operating system going on underneath that. That is where, where life is coming from. [00:27:00] I'm so sorry to interrupt you on that one, but it is.

[00:27:03] I see it time and time again, I work with high achievers and, and I want to reiterate what you said. This is, this takes a process of uncovering this. This takes, when we say do the work, this is doing the work is you don't get to just wake up one morning and be like, oh, I listened to Tanya and Julie talking on this podcast and I realized, you know, a, B, C, and D I've been carrying this stuff around now.

[00:27:30] It's a, it's a process. And it's, it's not always very easy and fun. There are moments

[00:27:36] Talia Halberor: actually mostly isn't

[00:27:38] Julie Michelson: yeah, it's tough work.

[00:27:40] Talia Halberor: yeah. Any takes you know, people say healing takes time. I say bullshit healing takes courage.

[00:27:46] Julie Michelson: Yes. I love that.

[00:27:48] Talia Halberor: So to go back to your question, it connects with what you just said. Is the first part that we focusing on because all of it is happening under the surface. [00:28:00] Nobody really understands there, the system that runs the whole, the whole thing. So I help people become aware. There's a lot of pain.

[00:28:07] There's a lot of comfort in this journey. It's very uncomfortable to realize that you have become somebody that you are not. Really, you know, we're all being born whole perfect, complete, beautiful, loving being life and the experiences that we have and the way people talk to us and all these little or big traumas shape, who we become as adults.

[00:28:31] We live like that every day. We think, well, that's who we are. That's why I am. You can change me when that's not who I am. That's why I became to protect me. Out of fear. But when I come back to love-based living everything, change my ways of being changed. My thoughts change my experiences, change my emotions, change my actions, change everything change, but this space has to change.

[00:28:54] So awareness is the first. Once we become aware and that's a whole purpose, like [00:29:00] journey of its own, but it's possible for everybody. If they only choose do awareness, then we have an opportunity. Once you are aware, you have an opportunity to act differently. So you check, okay, how is it showing up in my thoughts, always showing up in my life, always showing up in my relationships.

[00:29:15] What kind of behaviors does. What I just discovered, create the behaviors. People like human beings, like evidence. If we see something that happened already, I'm like, oh, it already happened. So you're going to happen again. But stuff that we do see in our lives, in our eyes, and we're not like, you know, it's not clear to us.

[00:29:34] It's hard to believe. So behaviors support people in really getting it. And And through that we start creating the shift on behavioral level and creating, and that's like a, step-by-step kind of slow journey. It's not that slow. I work with people three to six months, not like for years, but but we start creating.

[00:29:57] On the subconscious level, you know, we have like [00:30:00] implementing new beliefs, new thoughts, new ways. And then we changed the, we work on the actions. The reason that I like focusing on the actions is because in my, in my personal opinion, from my experience and how I work only new patterns. I can break old patterns.

[00:30:18] So we'll go back to the example of, of, of me. I created patterns throughout my life that are based on the beliefs that came out of pain and. Right. So now I acted on it's every day, every day, every day, imagine how thick or a substantial, the patterns that I created. And every time I'm taking action on it, what am I doing?

[00:30:40] I'm reaffirming that belief. Oh yeah. That belief is true. You are unlovable. You are not good enough. You are whatever. Right. So if we want to break those patterns, we have to start taking different actions. And then there are based on the new beliefs that we created together when we worked on it. And then we find, [00:31:00] okay, what kind of patterns, what kind of behaviors, what actions, how do you show up in the world when you are alone in the room and nobody hears you or see you.

[00:31:09] And when people do hear us, you, who are you? And then we create patterns that overtime get so strong. Until they break the old pattern. I don't believe in one way really, because shifting the mind that takes a lot sometimes. So this is only one thing that I like doing at the same time working on.

[00:31:30] Everything that is unseen for people and keep diving into become more aware. In my opinion is crucial because mostly who we are right now without that word is our ego. It's like the ego talking and you have to break it down. You have to understand that everything going to be okay. Then when you break it down and when you shift and getting to the love-based feeling living, oh my God.

[00:31:53] When people do this work and I see it all the time and I'm just like, I love it. You know, they don't just [00:32:00] improve their health because now you're using universal laws and you creating a new life from the inside out. So it's not just your health, your relationships become better. You start making more money, you become happier, you start riding in life.

[00:32:14] And I'm just in love with all this work. If you can tell.

[00:32:18] Julie Michelson: It is amazing. And, and it is, it is so true. It's not, it's never just about the health. Like that's the root, when you can get to that level where you do shift your health and you find wellness, you create abundance. Period. It's when you live. I love the living from love and not fear. When you were talking about that in the beginning, I was thinking of interview.

[00:32:42] I did. That was all based. And again, this is people like science and names. So we talked about epigenetics. I'm going to throw out the big word, psycho neuro immunology, which is literally the study of everything. Tell you is talking about right now. And it's been around for a long time. [00:33:00] When we talk about science, lots of science, old science isn't even new stuff.

[00:33:06] It's

[00:33:06] Talia Halberor: That's exactly like what's so crazy about.

[00:33:08] Julie Michelson: Our access to it is new. I, you know, I, I usually start when I'm teaching and trying to get people to even just, you know, kind of listen, cause they're here for diet advice. Right. We started with like the placebo effect and how long that's been studied and placebo, no CBO. It's the same thing as what you're talking about now, it's this impact that our belief systems have.

[00:33:33] And like you said, so many of those. Patterns. We were not aware of as we try, unless we've been doing the work. And so tell you is, is a brilliant light an avenue to, to do the work. And this isn't just two of us sharing a story like, Hey, this really works. This is the two people having this conversation that not only have experienced it, but see it day in and day out.

[00:33:59] [00:34:00] And I find that I'm curious to hear, hear how you feel. I know, I know the body can heal. I see it happen all the time. People that it always amazes me. I am still though. I always say there's no limit. And then I'm always amazed that it's always better than I can imagine. Like it, it just so there, I, I see that there is no limit.

[00:34:23] But the, the just experience of it blows me away every time. What do you find with your clients?

[00:34:32] Talia Halberor: What I love to see the most is the shift. You know people that work with me because it's a new concept and it's not following the regular, what they usually what usually people here they come to me after trying everything. And, you know, one of my latest recent clients she said, you know, tell you I've been following you and I'm contacting you because I want to give it a chance.

[00:34:57] But honestly, I tried everything. [00:35:00] I tried all the different diets that are being recommended. I am part, she has multiple sclerosis. I am a part of so many different groups and programs. I'm really doing everything she's been living in with, I think from the 1998. And. So a long time and she's well, she's very limited.

[00:35:17] She's very, very limited. And the disease has definitely affected her life in a very painful, on a very painful level. So she said these words and she's like, but you know what? You created a results in your life that I want to see. So I decided to give it a chance. So after months of thinking about it, you know, cause we talked like almost a year before too, and she didn't go for it.

[00:35:35] And I think. I think four weeks I might be mistaken we can, or, or a week less, but I got on a phone call with her husband because I knew that there's an additional support that needs to be done there at home when, when we're not live. And he told me a few things she'd even share the moment. So not only.[00:36:00] 

[00:36:00] That day-to-day she started doing more things at home, but then they shared on Nicole that she started taking showers alone years. She needed assistance in having somebody supporting her body, helping her sit up, sit down, wash here was there. She could not do it alone for weeks. She takes showers alone, many other things that she's doing, I don't want to like, just

[00:36:24] Julie Michelson: of course.

[00:36:25] Talia Halberor: that, but like,

[00:36:26] Julie Michelson: But that's so huge. And so, yeah, it's and those are the, this is why you and I just have such joy doing what we do. It's amazing.

[00:36:37] Talia Halberor: It is, it is. And, and, and the beautiful thing is that it's really available for everybody. And the reason that I was besides, you know, besides me enjoying talking to you, and we have great time when we have conversations, one of the reasons that made me be a yes to coming here is because I understand that it's hard for people to accept.

[00:36:56] The don't come as like a proof of my [00:37:00] doctor with the big title doctor or professor. They, it's not what they stand for. So I think the more people hear about it understand there is proof. People are creating results in their lives will help them understand there is possibility for themselves because what I am seeing all the time is that when you don't believe that it's possible for you, it is not going to be possible for you.

[00:37:20] Julie Michelson: Absolutely. Look, I expected to decline and I declined for over 11 years. So it, it is, it is so, so true. So you have this amazing program, the mindful body program. A little bit about that before we have to sign it.

[00:37:37] Talia Halberor: Yeah. So. My goal is to have people creating these results in their own life. I don't like, like, I don't want to have a dependency of if we work together, then you feel good. So I created this program that it has really hours, hours of me teaching and trainings and explaining the concepts and leading to the practices that they need to do to get there.

[00:37:59] [00:38:00] And because. Somehow all the people that come to work with me are really smart. I also added a the understanding I want people to understand, but the moment that people understand, they understand that it's possible for them. And then they started believing that it's possible. And here we start creating results.

[00:38:16] So it's involving evil. It has, you know, the science and the understanding and then the actual steps and me teaching. And we're also meeting one-on-one of course. And. It's a three months program that. At the end of this, most people create incredible results in the three months. Everybody creates some results.

[00:38:35] I have to say some people take some a little bit longer, right. For th for different reasons. And sometimes the reasons don't matter because the program becomes, stays available for them beyond the time that we work together. So they can come back to things and, you know, you're listening change. In January when you're a certain, certain like mindset or state of being, you can listen to one thing, take from it, something, and then, you know, come back [00:39:00] June, that takes something completely different. And that happened to me many times. So that's why I care about keeping it there. But during the program, we focus on everything. At the same time, we use techniques from quantum physics. We use techniques to create new patterns. We dive very deep into the quote unquote. whole, we are the fear-based thoughts, beliefs, behaviors and you know, it's inevitable to create results.

[00:39:27] After doing this kind of work, we go very deep, it's uncomfortable, but with the commitment when people really want, there is a lot of light at the end of this incredible journey.

[00:39:39] Julie Michelson: How, how beautiful. So that is the incredible mind body program.

[00:39:44] Talia Halberor: And I got to say, it's intense. If you think it's like working with a coach coming in and being like one hour a week. No, there's a lot of work to do. There's a lot of work to do.

[00:39:53] Julie Michelson: Well, my clients, but we're getting with a coach can be intense too. It depends on your [00:40:00] coach, I guess.

[00:40:01] Talia Halberor: I mean, not a coach too, but I know, I

[00:40:03] Julie Michelson: Not a lot of fluff in my programs either, but now this is this, look, this is, this is, as you said, you know, this is getting to what's underneath all of it. Right? And so this is a lifetime of work that you're.

[00:40:18] Laying out for people and offering and teaching and guiding and leading for, you know, if in three months you can start to get underneath the lifetime of stories and change them. I mean, it's, it's amazing. So what is other than the signing up for, for your program? What is one thing listeners can do today?

[00:40:38] I love giving people that action step, right? And so. If they're like, huh? Maybe there's something to this. What's one thing that they can start to do to take, you know, take a step to improve their health.

[00:40:53] Talia Halberor: Absolutely. Absolutely. I'm happy you asked it and what I'm going to share right now. Some people are going to be like, You know, that's [00:41:00] nothing, it's not going to make a difference. But the reason that I'm sharing it, it's because a lot of, like I said earlier, a lot of people are not aware of the thoughts they have about themselves and to believe they have about themselves.

[00:41:10] So this is a way to handle it even without necessarily the awareness. I suggest that everybody listening to us right now, we'll create a few personal affirmations that are based in love. So ask yourself, first of all, let's let's do two steps for this. Okay. Start with journaling for a few days. Ask yourself what is love for you?

[00:41:34] What is life full of love? Who am I? When I am a complete loving being. How do I show up coming from love? And this is kind of weird questions when you think about it. So that's what I'm saying. Come back to it a few days, because every time you do it, something on an open up for you, they later you're going to write something else and just flow.

[00:41:52] Give yourself like five minutes to just write, write, write, to see what your heart, where your heart, where your heart is taking you and not your current conscious mind [00:42:00] after you're done with that, create a few affirmations, starting with. 'cause what's running in the program is I'm not worthy. I am whatever that he's negative and limiting right?

[00:42:12] Every day. Following these, I am love. I am powerful. I'm intelligent. I can achieve whatever I want. I can heal. I am healthy. Start creating, even though you may not believe in it right now. Just write it down. And, and start saying it a couple of times a day, but don't say it to say it, say it so many times until you know that now these are not words.

[00:42:39] Now it's a feeling in your body. You feel what it, what it means to be it. And here's the part that's going to make the difference because a lot of people are falling affirmations, but affirmations can disappear them. I want you to stop saying them. Your goal is to start taking action on. So, if you're saying I'm powerful, powerful coming from love, not [00:43:00] from fear.

[00:43:00] How do I act? How do I show up? How do I speak to my employees to. Friends to my family members, to my kids. What is a powerful person based in love, say, and stock like this to yourself, talk like this to other people. This is the part you're going to start creating the patterns, the new patterns. Yes. It's not going to change in one day, but it's a process in the direction you actually want to go and not with the results you have right now.

[00:43:27] So this is for people who really commit to that is really, really. The challenge most people have is just stopping after a few days. So if you're listening to me right now, just go for it. You deserve it. You are loved and you are beautiful and you deserve to live in a healthy body and just go for it.

[00:43:43] Julie Michelson: Oh, my gosh, incredible, incredible advice. And that is work that literally every one of my private clients, we start there. That's where we start. So guys, you just got an amazing gold from Italia. Like play it a few times at the end there [00:44:00] and really get that exercise down and do it. Do it. So before we wrap up, tell this nurse where the best place to find you is, we're going to have your links in the show notes.

[00:44:10] But if someone is like me and they may be listening when they're driving, you know, where can they go to find you.

[00:44:15] Talia Halberor: I'm the most active on Instagram. I share a lot of videos, a lot of information. So ALFAbyTalia. Alfa with an F, A L F A stands for authenticity, love, freedom and abundance. That's cause that's for me a healthy life. So ALFAbyTalia or my full name can find you on social media or my website. And I'm building a new website are going to be some great information for you too, that will support you in understanding the possibility of your body healing.

[00:44:41] So I'd love to see you there. Shoot me a DM. Tell me where are you at? What are your challenges and what kind of contents would you like me to add, to add to your healing journey? I would love.

[00:44:50] Julie Michelson: I love this. This has been incredible. Thank you Tanya so much for sharing. Not only your story, but so many [00:45:00] amazing tips. Your, your healing perspective, which I know is priceless with our listeners today.

[00:45:07] Talia Halberor: You're so welcome. Thank you for having me. I'm so excited to share this message and I absolutely love what you do and your podcast where definitely you and I are very aligned with our vision and mission. So again,

[00:45:21] Julie Michelson: We are aligned and it is truly my pleasure. And I hope to, you know, as we talked about, you know, we can listen in the future and not only listen to this episode again, but we'll hopefully talk Talia into, to coming back and sharing more gold with us in the future. For everyone listening. Remember you can get the show notes and transcripts by visiting inspired living.show.

[00:45:46] I'll see you all next week.
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My Guest For This Episode

Connect with Talia Halberor

Talia Halberor

Mindset Expert
Talia Halberor is a mindset expert. She helps people recreate their lives and heal their bodies by working on and shifting their thoughts. She is certified by the International

Coaching Federation (ICF), and she is driven by the mind- body connection. Talia works with individuals and with groups and she also writes and facilitates her own workshops.

After reversing her own Multiple Sclerosis symptoms by mindset work and lifestyle changes she created her company “ALFA by Talia” and now has dedicated her life to supporting other people in achieving the same healing results.

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