Why Energy Frequencies Matter More Than Most People Realize
In this eye-opening episode, holistic health expert Sharon Harmon reveals why energy frequencies play a crucial role in our health and wellbeing.
Whether you're dealing with chronic health issues or simply trying to thrive in our modern environment, understanding how frequencies impact your body is essential. Sharon shares her journey from being labeled "too sensitive" to recognizing sensitivity as a powerful tool for health navigation.
Learn practical ways to protect yourself from harmful frequencies, discover how to harness positive energies for healing, and understand why being sensitive to energy might be your greatest health asset. From EMFs to emotional frequencies, this conversation offers both scientific insights and actionable steps for anyone looking to optimize their wellbeing in today's high-frequency world.
Why Energy Frequencies Matter More Than Most People Realize
In this eye-opening episode, holistic health expert Sharon Harmon reveals why energy frequencies play a crucial role in our health and wellbeing.
Whether you're dealing with chronic health issues or simply trying to thrive in our modern environment, understanding how frequencies impact your body is essential. Sharon shares her journey from being labeled "too sensitive" to recognizing sensitivity as a powerful tool for health navigation.
Learn practical ways to protect yourself from harmful frequencies, discover how to harness positive energies for healing, and understand why being sensitive to energy might be your greatest health asset. From EMFs to emotional frequencies, this conversation offers both scientific insights and actionable steps for anyone looking to optimize their wellbeing in today's high-frequency world.
Sharon Harmon, a holistic health PhD and energy sensitivity expert, joins me to discuss why understanding energy frequencies is crucial for our health. Drawing from both personal experience and professional expertise, Sharon explains how being energy sensitive can actually be a superpower in navigating modern health challenges.
Episode Highlights
Understanding Energy Sensitivity
Sharon explains what it means to be energetically sensitive and how it affects health.
Energy sensitives often feel things before others do
Being sensitive was historically seen as a weakness but is actually a valuable trait
Sensitive people can detect harmful environments and make protective choices
This sensitivity can serve as an early warning system for health
The Impact of Modern Frequencies
How various frequency sources in our modern environment affect our wellbeing.
EMFs from common household items can disrupt sleep and health
Smart meters and WiFi have significant impacts on sensitive individuals
New furniture and building materials can emit harmful frequencies
The bedroom environment is particularly important for recovery
Natural Solutions for Energy Balance
Sharon shares various approaches to working with frequencies for better health.
Flower essences can help balance emotional and energetic states
Grounding in nature provides essential frequency balance
Prayer and intention can shift water's frequency
The Power of Positive Frequencies
Understanding how to work with positive versus negative frequencies.
Words and thoughts carry specific frequencies that impact health
Positive language can shift physical wellbeing
The placebo effect demonstrates the power of frequency
We don't need to maintain perfect frequency balance
Practical Steps for Frequency Protection
Simple ways to reduce exposure to harmful frequencies.
Turn off WiFi at night using timers
Keep electronics out of the bedroom
Choose natural materials for clothing and furniture when possible
Regular time in nature helps reset frequency balance
Notable Quotes
The more we can see, say positive things to us... say positive things to yourself. Using different language in your life can really shift that alone could shift a lot of things. Sharon Harmon
If you concentrate on that illness, instead of concentrating on your beautiful body, that self healing and is made to regenerate, then it's a totally different picture. Sharon Harmon
People will come to me and say, I can never get to where you're at. You know, I say, well, it took me years to do this. I don't expect you to do it at one time. You just, baby steps. Sharon Harmon
Sharon Harmon:[00:00:00] Basically states that everything on this universe is frequency. There's emotional, mental, spiritual. So when you look at the body from a frequency standpoint of view, you see it differently, but you can look at so many different things all at one time, which is really exciting. I'm trying to help people think about the whole world as a frequency and their life as a frequency. So the way I frame it is. negative frequencies that are like way over here and then positive frequencies that are over here. And we don't always have to be at the top positive frequency, but we're the goal in life is to always be moving forward toward the higher frequency of things.
Julie Michelson:[00:01:00] Welcome back to the Inspired Living with Auto Immunity Podcast. I'm your host, Julie Michelson, and today I'm joined by Sharon Harmon, a Holistic Health PhD who learned later in life that she's what's considered a highly sensitive person. While this explained a lot about her life, Sharon continued to look for alternative therapies that worked for her and for her health challenges.
Julie Michelson: Ultimately, this led her to the world of frequencies, learning how to reduce the negative ones and add more of the positive ones. Now Sharon works with other sensitive people, helping them understand their body from a different point of view so that they feel better and turn their sensitivities into strengths.
Julie Michelson: In today's conversation, we are talking about quantum physics and how becoming aware that we are impacted by the frequencies around us, we can take back and protect [00:02:00] our health. Sharon gives us lots of practical tips on how we can incorporate more positive frequencies into our daily lives.
Julie Michelson: Sharon, welcome to the podcast.
Sharon Harmon: Thank you for having me.
Julie Michelson: I am so excited for today's conversation. But I would love to hear a little bit. I know your journey started pretty early in life. At least your, your health journey, your wellness journey did share a little bit of your history and, and how you came to realize that you were a sensitive person.
Sharon Harmon: Well, it's, um, kind of a long journey, but I'll start at the beginning. Um, and I had what is now known as an autoimmune disease, but I had rheumatic fever as a child. Um, they figured that out after I had lots of aches and pains and all sorts of things, but had severe symptoms. throw cultures every month for six years on penicillin the whole time.
Sharon Harmon: Nothing changed. Um, it was an ordeal and my [00:03:00] parents found out it was actually my dad, my two, my brothers and myself all had the same thing. And I had an aunt out in California who introduced them to a naturopathic doctor. They went out there, came back. We changed our diet and within one month, we were feeling way better.
Sharon Harmon: Our cultures came back positive. So back then, you know, that was years ago. It was from when I was 10 to 16 and we found out very quickly how, um, important food is, and we weren't eating that bad. Both my parents grew up on a farm, so, but we changed a few things and that's all we had to do, but. As the world gets more complicated, it's not so easy anymore.
Sharon Harmon: Um, so you can't just change your food. And that was before GMOs and all the extra pesticides that they're using. So, um, but that actually put my mom on the path to becoming a naturopathic doctor. So it was pretty cool. So, um, but I, back then, uh, as I grew up, I wanted to do more design work. I was an interior designer, um, doing corporate work and [00:04:00] construction project management.
Sharon Harmon: Um, and eventually I got sick from that, got, uh, basically sick building syndrome because I was around all the new furniture and new construction materials. And that started at me on my path to looking at things a little bit. Um, people couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. It turned also that I had heavy metal and lime was an underlying thing, which might've been from my childhood, that that was the underlying thing.
Sharon Harmon: I really don't know at this point, but, um, So that started down my journey, but the typical, I already learned as a child that the typical allopathic way didn't work for me. So I explored and my mom, in the meantime, and learn a lot of things that I was learning as well. So I explored other options and came upon homeopathy and eventually frequency healers that use frequencies to check the body, but also supply the body with frequencies to heal and that.
Sharon Harmon: That's worked [00:05:00] great because as a sensitive person, you know, you can't hit it hard with meds all the time, you know, that's not always helpful. Um, and even doing, um, IV therapy to take out the metals that was too harsh for me. So homeopathy and frequency work was the way to go for me. And that eventually led me to.
Sharon Harmon: Um, becoming a holistic, um, health PhD. And now I help other people because it's important for people to know about.
Julie Michelson: It is, which is why we're having the conversation. Um, and so let's start with, I have so many questions, but let's start with, when you say sensitive person, what do you mean? Um, because I have all different, I think of what I think of now versus what I thought of when I was younger, totally different.
Julie Michelson: So what do you mean by that?
Sharon Harmon: Well, I guess it's kind of changed [00:06:00] as well because I didn't really, I didn't know anything about that world until I was in my thirties and someone told me I was a sensitive and an empath. So the empath means I take on other people's emotions, um, sensitive. I can feel things that other people can, I can feel things faster.
Sharon Harmon: So for example, um, I just am an early, if it's some, something's going to happen in this world, I feel first.
Julie Michelson: You're the canary. Yes.
Sharon Harmon: So canary in a coal mine is a good description. So, um, you know, the food thing that was pretty early on, um, Um, that food could change, food alone could change your health. But then later on, um, eventually gluten, I was gluten, I was actually sensitive to GMOs way before GMOs was even in the media, you know, um, learned it from, from eating corn chips.
Sharon Harmon: Um, and then eventually gluten and it's just. Everything hits me first and then [00:07:00] EMFs. I was a early EMF person and I think that's a second reason why I had been continuously ill as a child is my parents put an addition on the home and that room had baseboard heating and it was one of two rooms in the whole, three rooms in the whole house that had baseboard, um, Conductive heating, which is high magnetic fields.
Sharon Harmon: And so I was sleeping in a room like that.
Julie Michelson: Even pre, you know, internet, wifi, all the things, right. I know it's interesting as a fellow sensitive, um, I, as a, as a child, and that was more the, the empath part, right. To me being called sensitive was, was a negative. Yeah. Um, You know, as my understating, however I took it in back then, but it really is a gift, you know, I can walk into a building and walk right out because, you know, I know I shouldn't spend time in there.
Julie Michelson:[00:08:00] Um, and, and so I, I love the, you know, you have, how do you focus your work around this particular, you know, group of people? And just also I think changing that conversation of like, Hey, wait, this is actually a superpower. And it's, it's not, you know, something to embrace and we can use it as a healing tool.
Julie Michelson: I find by the time people find me, they have initially intentionally and then just over time, kind of. Disengaged from all of those spidey senses. Um, and so, you know, when we can tap into that, the healing can be so much faster.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah, I totally agree. I was always introduced as the shy person as when I was little and I hated that.
Sharon Harmon: I was because I, and then I recognized that when my son was little, he wouldn't jump into a room. He would [00:09:00] hang back and observe everything, get used to it, the energies, I think, and then he would jump in. And that's what I did too, but everyone just called it being shy, which I really didn't like.
Julie Michelson: Yeah, it is.
Julie Michelson: It is funny what we, so we can, but we can change, you know, luckily as we grow, we can change that. Yeah.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah. And I did, you know, as I healed and got better as a, uh, you know, in my teen years, late in my teen years, I went to college, went off. I lived in New York city and I kind of forgot about that part of myself because I had healed.
Sharon Harmon: So, so much of my, myself, but eventually I tell people I'm a sensitive with a tight personality because I really don't know when to stop.
Julie Michelson: So New York was the best place for you. Yes. I grew up in New Jersey, so I feel like I'm allowed to say that, um, I want to talk a little bit about energy and frequency and, you know, for listeners that are new [00:10:00] to this part of the conversation, um, it's such an important, you know, it is so interesting thing.
Julie Michelson: Thank you. To me, how we're finally having conversations that are thousands of years overdue. You know, we're just, if we would just get back to how humans were created to live so much, like you said, between the GMOs and the chemicals and all the things, right. All these inputs and the EMFs and, you know, these are inputs that are, are, but we have not evolved fast enough.
Julie Michelson: To handle all these things. So, so let's talk about our beings as energy beings and what you mean by frequency.
Sharon Harmon: Okay. Well, um, basically quantum physics is, um, fascinating, very fascinating to me, but it's basically states that everything on this earth in this, in this world, in this universe is frequency.
Sharon Harmon: Tesla discovered, you know, various [00:11:00] It's, scientists over the years discovered it and then it was kind of squashed, but every cell in our body resonates at a certain frequency. Every organ, every, um, you know, we have energy bodies that emanate out from us. We have our physical body, but then there's an etheric body.
Sharon Harmon: That's a sheath all around us. And then there's emotional, mental, spiritual that go out from there. And um, They have cameras that can capture some of this. They have cameras that can capture your aura, which is usually colors that are in your energy fields. So we know it's real. Um, it's just we and, uh, in the medical world, we just haven't tapped into it.
Sharon Harmon: We have a little bit because we use the EKG and the EEG to check the head, the brain and the heart. But, um, and the MRI uses magnetic fields as well. But there's so much more. So when you look at the body from a frequency standpoint of view, you see it from a different, you see it differently, but you can look at so many different things all at one [00:12:00] time, which is really exciting.
Julie Michelson: Which is amazing. And then, as you mentioned earlier, then we can use frequency as part of the healing process. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. Which is just fantastic. I kind of blurted out a bunch of inputs and you've mentioned some inputs. Let's talk a little bit about this current modern time and, and, you know, what are, I think there are a lot of things that most people don't think about as they go.
Julie Michelson: If they're not a sensitive or they're not aware that they are and that their messages that they're getting are actually helpful. Um, what, what are things you can share with the audience that they may not even consider that are impacting their health, you know, as related to frequency and energy?
Sharon Harmon: Okay.
Sharon Harmon: Well, um, I like to frame, I'm trying to help people think about the whole world as a frequency and their life as a frequency. So the way I frame it is. negative frequencies that are like way [00:13:00] over here and then positive frequencies that are over here. And we don't always have to be at the top positive frequency, but we're the goal in life is to always be moving forward toward the higher frequency of things.
Sharon Harmon: So it could be anything from your food, you know, whether you're eating the sad American diet, you know, sad, the standard American diet. Or highly processed foods versus, um, getting organic food or growing your own food or finding a farmer. You know, there's all these levels going up and drinking tap water versus having a Brita filter versus having a really good filter versus getting it from a spring that's coming down from the mountains, you know, But you can do think there's so many things to think about that it makes it exciting because you can pray over your water and shift it, you know, if this is the only water you have right now, then pray over it and put, ask God to put positive frequencies into your water.
Sharon Harmon: So, um, you can manipulate frequencies with your thoughts, with your [00:14:00] words. With so many different things, you know, the big negative frequency in our life besides food and, and is the EMFs, unfortunately, in this world, all the wireless radiation, the Bluetooth, the, um, Wi Fi, the Uh, smart meter, all those things are very detrimental to our health and what I see is that it gets us to a point where we can't tap in to our own self.
Sharon Harmon: Like for me living in New York City, I would, what I learned over a very quick period is I had to get out of the city at least once a month. Because I was like this, but I didn't know what that was all about until later in life. And so I had to decompress and so I can go back into the city, but all of us are living like that.
Sharon Harmon: Um, daily now, because there's so much stuff in our homes, in our cars, in our environments. So that's a big one. So we do, as I teach people, what I found about eight to 10 [00:15:00] years ago, is that even though I'm working with frequencies and helping people. You can't really shift that the body unless you also remediate your home and have a safe sanctuary is what I call especially the bedroom, because that's how detrimental if you're always fighting that your body can't do what it needs to do.
Julie Michelson: I love that and it's the same. It's a toxin. I mean it's the body receives all of these things. And the, the, the So we have an aligned approach. Um, I, I always say make your home your haven and, um, and EMFs and energy definitely count as part of the things that, you know, just like air quality, water quality, you know, um, products, all the things.
Julie Michelson: And I, I just think that that's so important, but the, the, I always like to stress when we have these conversations for listeners that, you know, this is a new conversation. Um, this is just like [00:16:00] toxins. Better is better. You already mentioned, right? Like there, there is where it's not about perfection. We, you know, one human cannot.
Julie Michelson: Control every exposure, you know, it's about creating that resilience so that like you said, like you knew you figured it out, even if you didn't know why at the time, like if you got out of the city once a month to help your body reset, you know, that, that worked. So, um, I just wanted to highlight that for everybody that better is better.
Julie Michelson: And we all, once we can feel those inputs, you know, then it. What you need may be different than what I need.
Sharon Harmon: Right. Everybody's different. I agree.
Julie Michelson: Yeah. So, I love that approach. Um, and I Yeah, people will
Sharon Harmon: come to me and say, I can never get to where you're at. You know, I say, well, it took me years to do this.
Sharon Harmon: I don't expect you to do it at one [00:17:00] time. You just, baby steps. Yeah. So, yeah, it's a process.
Julie Michelson: And I want to go all the way back to the beginning of the conversation with the kind of this this from this place of, um, making your home, your safe space. Yeah, because you mentioned sick building syndrome. Mm
Sharon Harmon: hmm.
Julie Michelson: And it wasn't because you were working in, you know, buildings filled with black mold all the time, right? You were working with new construction. Things were off gassing. So I just want to touch on on that because I think that is also an often overlooked. Part of, you know, people don't consider they think new is better.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah, no, I totally agree. And that's another conversation I often have like someone will also be worse the next time I see him. Well, what did you purchase? Sometimes it was new nightstands, you know, that they're. [00:18:00] At their bed that they have right next to their bed, but all new furniture will off gas. Um, even if it's, unless it's a piece, you know, wood furniture that hasn't been finished and there's no glues being used, but every part of the process, there is either glue used on the, um, seating like sofas and club chairs and stuff like that.
Sharon Harmon: You know, they use a lot of times it's Teflon as the, um, Stain protection and then there's, you know, there's and there's fire protection. So for me working in office buildings, there was fire protection on all the fabrics, all the carpets. Carpets are really bad, or rugs and carpets in general, unless you get wool or jute or something like that.
Sharon Harmon: But even those, if you get them from the wrong place, they can have fire protection. chemicals sprayed on them. So there's so many things to think about. So buying used, buying at a thrift shop is a great thing to do, but then you have to consider molds, um, which things are getting more moldy these days.
Sharon Harmon: And, [00:19:00] um, I, I believe that the EMS and the wireless radiation are making the mold more proliferous and, you know, more dangerous to creating more mycotoxins.
Julie Michelson: Well, and, and that there's a lot of science behind that, that it. Does make the, the mycotoxins more active.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah.
Julie Michelson: And so I, I do think that's one of the reasons we've seen we could go, I don't want to go totally off course.
Julie Michelson: Yes. Other than to say, yes, indeed. It's I believe one of the reasons that and new homes that are sealed.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah.
Julie Michelson: Um, and then the paints and you know,
Sharon Harmon: there's so much to think about. Yeah. So it depends
Julie Michelson: not to be overwhelming, say somebody. So the home I'm in right now, I built seven years ago. And I was as mindful as I could be about materials and off gassing and timing and, um, you know, what was used in the home.
Julie Michelson: They thought I was like a crazy person, but
Sharon Harmon: I get
Julie Michelson: that again [00:20:00] back to okay, but we have to live day to day life. So if someone wants. Um, and I think it's important for folks to buy a new thing and maybe, you know, they're more concerned about, if I buy it at a thrift store, it might be moldy and I won't know.
Julie Michelson: Do you have like a tip for if you, if you need new furniture or you are bringing something new into your home or you, God forbid, need a new car. Um, what are some things people can do to kind of soften the blow?
Sharon Harmon: Yeah, it's that's a tough one because it really depends on the person and how many So when you look at like all the different things we've talked about so far, like food, water, your thoughts, you know, positive, negative thoughts, there's just so many, um, so many things in the world of frequencies to consider.
Sharon Harmon: So if you're doing so really good on all these other frequencies and how much you have to concentrate on the toxins in your home is not as crucial, [00:21:00] right? Um, but if you're gonna, if you need new rug, new carpeting throughout your house, I would suggest you go to wood floors instead and real wood. That's finished with a good quality and water based type of finish versus a, um, you know, more toxic finish, but, and, um, I have to admit that I kept a really old sofa for a really long time because I could not find a quality sofa that wasn't outrageously expensive, but there are places out there that, um, you just ask, like when you go to order a sofa, you might not be able to go just to your store down the road and buy it off the showroom floor.
Sharon Harmon: Although that would have off gassed on the showroom floor for a while, you might have to go talk to them in a special order sofa that has no fire retardants and no stain resistance and look at the foam quality and just The manufacturers are getting smarter. They know people want this stuff. So you just have to be smarter at asking questions
Julie Michelson:[00:22:00] and save up a little longer because they also know they can charge more for it.
Julie Michelson: Unfortunately, I mean, which is ridiculous because it's just got less junk added to it, but we have to pay extra for that. I have to
Sharon Harmon: agree. One of the worst things is the sofas are to interrupt. I mean, as a mattresses that we sleep on, because by law they're supposed to have two types of fire retardants on them, and that's what they do.
Sharon Harmon: So, um, getting a used mattress from somebody that you trust would be good. Getting a, um, they're more expensive again, though, a latex, you know, natural latex mattress, or at least get a quality covering to put over your existing mattress. I mean, I've had people that put, um, you can buy some plastic.
Sharon Harmon: coverings that you can put over the mattress and then you get a quality mattress pad, you know, like a organic wool. So that'd be a way less expensive than a mattress itself. So there's, there's hacks.
Julie Michelson: Yeah. And I think in that world as, as well, even maybe [00:23:00] more so than, you know, the rest of the household furniture, there are definitely companies that are targeting people like you and myself are, you know, that we're going to buy a natural latex.
Julie Michelson: Or, you know, like,
Sharon Harmon: yeah,
Julie Michelson: because we know how many hours a night we spend on our bed. So, um, which I get is not always an option. So I love that you gave listeners some, some tricks, some hacks for, you know, okay, let's work with what we have.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah.
Julie Michelson: I want to talk a little, this is where we're going to get what some people are going to think is woo woo.
Julie Michelson: And you know, it's science. I know it's science back to quantum physics. There's none of these ideas are new. You know, humans have known these things for thousands of years. We just kind of forgot along the way, um, how let's talk about thoughts and the power of the frequency of thoughts, because I truly believe just like you can change [00:24:00] your water, you know, um, That, and you, you kind of alluded to it already too, you know, some of these things, this barrage of inputs become less important if we use our thoughts, you know, for intentional.
Julie Michelson: So let's talk a little bit about that and, and how it's real. It's not, this isn't, you know, just made up woo woo stuff.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah. Well, I think, you know, if someone's just sat still for a minute and, Imagine someone saying, um, hate to you. You feel that, right? So that is the frequency of the word and versus someone saying, I love you.
Sharon Harmon: You feel good when you, when you, when that happens. Um, so that's a, an easy example, but, There is, there's a book called power versus force. I don't know if you read that, but he, he grades all the different emotions on the, you know, [00:25:00] and puts love at the very top, um, a piece, all the, all what we normally would know of as positive frequency words, but the more we can books.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah. Okay. They're good. Um, but the more we can see. Say positive things to us. You know, if you look in the mirror and you have a pimple and you're like, Oh, no, my pimple. I just said, Oh, you have beautiful skin, you know, say positive things to yourself. Oh, thank you for going away quickly. You know, using different language in your life can really shift that alone could shift a lot of things.
Sharon Harmon: Cause just always constant, like if you are ill, we all get sick. I do too. But if you concentrate on that illness, instead of concentrating on your beautiful body, that self healing and is made to regenerate, then it's a totally different picture.
Julie Michelson: Say that again. The self healing part, that's how we're designed.
Julie Michelson: Yes. Yeah, I love that. I, I really, um, [00:26:00] I, I like to offer, especially when I'm working with clients and again, cause we're focused on a healing journey. Um, you know, just think of the placebo effect. Like if you really, if this is a new conversation and you are having trouble buying in that this is science and this is real, the placebo effect has been studied in medicine for a long time and it is literally the power of your thoughts.
Julie Michelson: And just like you said, you know, there's placebo effect. A lot of people haven't heard about the nocebo effect, which is when you have that negative expectation. Well, guess what? Guess what's going to happen. And so I think that this is where anybody, no matter where you're living, what your environment is, what, you know, I hate, I almost said what you're eating.
Julie Michelson: I mean, there, there are certain steps we can take. Take for sure. Um, but I think every [00:27:00] other change that we make works exponentially better when we're focused on as well, the, the thoughts and the frequencies of, and becoming aware of that self, like, what is that self talk? Because Those messages are running ourselves or are receiving the messages, whether we're conscious of them or not.
Sharon Harmon: No, that's true. And another part I wanted to bring up is that like people will come see me and they identify with their sickness so much that that is part of that. You know, if they say, I am, I have Lyme disease. I try never to use the word disease after Lyme because I've had Lyme. Um, but it's just microbes that are in your body that you have to deal with.
Sharon Harmon: Identify with it. Yeah. Kick
Julie Michelson: it out. No, I, and I, I do think that becomes with any kind of chronic health struggle. Um, that's sometimes people are like, Oh, will you work with me? If I don't have a diagnosis, I'm like, yes, [00:28:00] let's not get one. Let's just. Um, because then we do have to intentionally do that work to, to then separate ourselves and realize that, that we are not our illness.
Julie Michelson: And, and the more we identify with that, the more stuck we're going to stay. Um, I was there. That was me. I, you know, walked around for, you know, over a decade, identifying with a label that was given to me, believing I couldn't heal and would decline. Cause that's what I was told. So of course this would happen, you know, but once I shifted that perspective, it's, you know, again, I, I think, yes, there are certain things, actions we need to take, but this one is to me where all the power is, because when you're in that place where you don't believe you can heal.
Julie Michelson: And why bother avoiding the gluten or the corn or the, you know,
Sharon Harmon: like, yeah.
Julie Michelson: Um, [00:29:00]
Sharon Harmon: and that's one of the energy tools I like is muscle testing. I don't know if you use muscle testing yourself, but in my
Julie Michelson: personal life, I do. Okay.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah. And I actually have a course on my website for people want to learn to do it themselves.
Sharon Harmon: But you know, you might think you want to get healthy, but unless you can muscle test yourself or have someone else muscle test you to say, yes, you, you really believe it. It's a totally different story. So it's a good tool to have, um, for lots of reasons, but that's one of them.
Julie Michelson: Yeah, it's a, it's a great, you know, and for people that are, that want to play with it, even the, like the power of the words, right?
Julie Michelson: Like you can just start muscle testing frequencies that way with language. Where the, you know, you're not emotionally attached to any outcomes or, um, it can be a, it can be a really great tool. I'm guessing this is now I'm going to, people are going to be like, really, I'm guessing when you [00:30:00] choose produce, like when you are, are you tuning into frequencies?
Julie Michelson: in your day to day life, like as you go, you know, do you ever pick up food and make a choice of like, which one feels like the one you want to bring home and eat?
Sharon Harmon: Yes. Sometimes you'll find me in a grocery store, putting my purse on the floor and holding, um, and holding what's the best option. Yeah. Cause, um, sometimes it's not always the organic one.
Sharon Harmon: That's the best, to be honest with you. I don't do it all the time, but even if you go to the store, you know, go to the store to get to, you know, probiotic, for example, and there's. 20 different probiotics. Which one do you pick? So muscle testing is a really good tool so you can narrow it down. But I also wanted to mention, um, flower essences.
Sharon Harmon: I don't know if you've talked about that on your show at all. I have
Julie Michelson: not.
Sharon Harmon: Um, cause I put that in, you know, homeopathics, flower essences. I put in the you know, frequency toolbox because flower essences is the frequency of a [00:31:00] flower. Um, so let me just quickly describe. So the way flower essence was made, they've been used by indigenous peoples for thousands of years.
Sharon Harmon: Um, but that was rediscovered by an intuitive doctor called Dr. Bach. So most people know him as Bach flower remedies, but there's way more than that. Just those, um, but they put, um, a cut flower in water in the sun and the energy or frequency of that flower goes into the water. And so, and they found using, um, testing it on a lot of different people that certain flowers helped with certain mental, emotional, spiritual, um, things with a person.
Sharon Harmon: So, um, it's similar to the homeopathy and that like Um, cures like, you know, that's a typical saying in homeopathy, but, um, flower essences are amazing, especially when you cannot get your thoughts, your negative stuff to, to flip. You know, it sounds good to say, yeah, I need to say all positive words to [00:32:00] myself, but sometimes you just can't get there and you need a little help.
Sharon Harmon: And that's where flower essences are amazing.
Julie Michelson: And is that something that somebody like yourself needs to guide people on? Or can they just learn to figure out what might be helpful for them?
Sharon Harmon: There's, um, there's multiple ways to use it. So there's book, I don't have the book near me, but there is a book that, um, is one of the most comprehensive ones, but you can buy book and read through them or the book I have describes each flower essence, at least the Bach ones, um, and tells you what they're good.
Sharon Harmon: Like this flower essence is good for these things. And then the back of the book will give you, uh, well, the symptoms versus, or the thoughts versus the flower essence. It divides it that way. So you could, Um, just flip through and see what calls to you. Like there's maybe five that are most, um, are best for grief for example, but each one's a little bit different.
Sharon Harmon: So then you look, which one is, you know, so there, there's different ways you can muscle tests and just say, yeah, from page, this page [00:33:00] or this page, which, you know, I like using them in combination because when you use them in combination, then you see a whole shift.
Julie Michelson: Well, it comes to
Sharon Harmon: a different type. Kind of complex.
Sharon Harmon: That is right.
Julie Michelson: Where does one find flower essences?
Sharon Harmon: Good question. Um, some of the health food stores carry those. Um, Bach is, again, the most, if you go to a health food store and ask for Bach flower remedies, that would be the, um, thing to ask for. You can get them online. Trusted brand,
Julie Michelson: yeah.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah, but there's way more, I mean, Australian ones, there's Hawaiian ones, there's all sorts of Alaska ones, you know, all over the world.
Julie Michelson: I love that. Again, it's back to the things that humans have known, you know, and we've gotten away from that, you know, maybe just because there's so many of us now, we're not living in villages anymore. Um, so I, I love, I love the, a lot of these almost lost art [00:34:00] healing arts. Um, and I say this all the time, listeners that, that if they're familiar with my, my life at all, they know, you know, I'm my, my life partner is, is a DO.
Julie Michelson: I am not anti. Medicine at all, although he's a functional medicine practitioner, so his toolbox is bigger than your typical, you know, the family doc, which is how he started out. But, um, there's a, I say it all the time, you know, if I need surgery. I know where I'm going. I'm not going for acupuncture. I'm not gonna be reading and hunting down the right flower essence, you know.
Julie Michelson: This is what Western medicine is really good at. Acute care, period.
Sharon Harmon: I totally agree,
Julie Michelson: yeah. But the rest of the stuff is missing. Yeah. Um, and you know, crazy enough that 15 [00:35:00] years ago when I was asking is, you know, could food be impacting my autoimmunity now, you know, that seemed crazy back then. So if you're thinking like flower essence, you know, how is that?
Julie Michelson: We're just getting back, kind of back to nature and we need to use more of these tools. It's kind of cool that you're so much into this. Now, because our, you know, our level of inputs are so big.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah. Definitely.
Julie Michelson: Yeah. I love it. And nature
Sharon Harmon: is key. I mean, that that's the key to the EMF part of it too. You have to.
Sharon Harmon: You know, be outside ground. And be in the woods and garden with your bare hands and yeah. all sorts, sun gaze when it's setting up and coming down.
Julie Michelson: I do, I do think, um, and everyone can do it. I've written articles about this. Even if you live in the city, you know, there, there are parks in every city you can find earth to stand on, you know, um, [00:36:00] you know, people, I just had somebody, Oh, I realized I forgot to answer the message.
Julie Michelson: Somebody reached out and was like, you know, well, where can I get, do you have, you know, It was a request for like a grounding mat or blanket or something. Did I have a brand I recommend? And I'm like, I, I recommend the free one. Just go stand on the earth. Like it's, it's really that simple. Now I love toys and gadgets.
Sharon Harmon: Um,
Julie Michelson: I, we, you know, we enjoy our coffee every morning in front of the biocharger, um, because I'll take any boost I can, but again, so frequency, yes, I, I not only believe, you know, once you play and really start to take a little bit of control back, you can feel, I don't think you have to be a sensitive to, to learn, to tune in and feel, I, I just think, you know.
Julie Michelson: The, the, some of us [00:37:00] definitely are more sensitive, but I, I think everybody, it's kind of like so many children get creativity taught out of them in school. And then we're as adults trying to get that back into our lives. It's the same thing. Like, I think a lot of people don't, don't listen. It's not that they can't, they just haven't.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah, and I think it can can be trained, but we all have different levels of it. But if you're constantly bombarded by again, the negative energies or frequencies and your body open to receive those, you know, messages. Yeah.
Julie Michelson: So, and we kind of danced around it. You, you talked about this kind of spectrum if you will, of like, you know, negative frequencies are all the way at one end and positive or at the other.
Julie Michelson: And, you know, it's not about always being top end positive. Um, so I, I take that as, but I want you to speak a little bit more to, again, That kind of [00:38:00] compensating and you did mention it earlier, but, um, I just, let's just dig a little further into it doesn't need to be perfection. And of course there are, we know there are going to be negative inputs.
Julie Michelson: So, you know, do you have tips for if somebody's starting or, you know, how do you work with your clients on. Figuring out, you know, okay, where can they up level to to stay in that what I would call a safer range.
Sharon Harmon: Okay. Um, well, I have the benefit of there's frequency, let me just start with this because there's frequency practitioners.
Sharon Harmon: all over the world. It's more popular in Europe, for example, than it is here, but there's a lot, um, learning of more and meeting more and more all over the country here in the U. S. as well. But when you work with a frequency practitioner and they check the body, since like I mentioned [00:39:00] earlier, every organ has a frequency, you can check so many things in the body.
Sharon Harmon: just through, you know, library frequencies that you have. And when I can see what's going on that way, then it gives me a, then I can make a more individual recommendation. But, um, and I do have a freebie on my website. Um, for nine positive frequencies, you can add to your daily life. So that might be helpful for some people.
Sharon Harmon: Um, but it's really based on the person. The number one, my, in my mind, if you can start cleaning up your food, you know, one step at a time, depending on where you are on the range. Um, Like getting preservatives out, stop eating things with dyes, you know, reduce your sugar, you know, doing each, all the baby steps that most of us know at this point what we should be doing, maybe not everybody, but that's pretty easy to find.
Sharon Harmon: But EMFs I find are the, the biggest culprits in our life. Um, and if we can really reduce that and the most important [00:40:00] is to, um, make your bedroom a safe place, you know, no electronics in the bedroom, nothing plugged in in your bedroom, not being by the smart meter. And your house, I assume most people know what a smart meter is, you know, the electrical meter on the house, like that's happened to us.
Sharon Harmon: My husband started having insomnia even years ago before smart mirrors came out because he was sleeping with his head was the electrical meter right on the other side of the, of the wall. So, um, the more and turning off wifi at night is huge. It's really, really important. Um, so I don't know if I answered your question.
Sharon Harmon: I kind of went all over the place.
Julie Michelson: I know. Well, there's, I mean, it's such a. It's such a, it's so much depth to the topic. Um, no, you did. I, and I, I do, I love actually that you were, I wouldn't have said all over the place, but, um, because a, there's a way we're not, we're never done. Um, and, and as a coach, I'm always, you know, you start with where you [00:41:00] can get the win.
Julie Michelson: Like you said, if you haven't started cleaning up diet yet. To move toward a, a supportive whole real food diet. Start there, right? Like pick the things where you can create the win. Um, But, but then, you know, to me, it's also important because sleep, we can't heal if we're not getting good quality sleep.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah.
Julie Michelson: And so I think the more that people hear, you know, people used to roll their eyes at me when I, you know, would say, well, my, you know, my Wi Fi's on a timer because I am not the person who's going to, even me, I'm not going to go out every night and flip the breaker. I'm not. And there are people who do, you know, they, they, when, so for the listeners that are like, what do you mean nothing plugged in, in the, in the bedroom?
Julie Michelson: You know, I, I have friends that they shut down the power to their bedroom every night. Um, [00:42:00] you know, that's not the choice I made for how to, you know, how I protect myself while I sleep. But, um, and, and, you know, the smart meter thing, I, I have had two, two clients over the years that had, one was actually the client and one was the client's daughter.
Julie Michelson: Um, they both lived in an apartment, in apartment buildings, and when smart meters went up, You know, and they didn't realize it was on one, you know, the outside of the bedroom wall. And so, um, I love that you brought that. I mean, those are things that we can control and are so important, what we're putting in our body and are we allowing our bodies that recovery of, of good sleep.
Julie Michelson: Um, so yeah, I love that. And again, you don't have to do all of it at once. Yeah. Start with, I always say, start with the win or like the biggest hit. Like when people want to clean up their products in their home, I always start with laundry detergent because everything you touched, [00:43:00] you know, was touched by your laundry detergent.
Sharon Harmon: So for the
Julie Michelson: big hit, you know, and pick one thing in this conversation that you, you know, a can do and B.
Sharon Harmon: Wow. Yeah, that's probably one of the top, yeah, uh, products in the home to change out. Cause you're not only making your home toxic, you're making your clothes toxic, you're making your home toxic, but you're also making your neighborhood toxic.
Sharon Harmon: I mean, I've been, I've gone on walks and I like, Oh, I smell the dryer sheets. I gotta go back home. It's awful. It's
Julie Michelson: awful. We could hang out. We could grocery shop together. We could go for walks together. That's one of the reasons. I mean, walk anywhere you can. I am blessed to live in a place where I can walk and not walk past anybody's dryer sheets, but, um, it's, it's bad.
Julie Michelson: It is. I actually, um, I was, my daughter was living in the UK last year and, and we were in Oxford visiting her, and. Somebody trying to be nice to [00:44:00] me threw my clothes in. I brought laundry detergent with me, but they threw my clothes in the washer at the Airbnb where we were staying and, and dryer. And there was I threw the clothes out when I got home and they were clothes I loved, but I, there was no way I was going to get the, that out of those clothes.
Julie Michelson: I would never be able to wear them again. I tried first. I washed them several times at home. It
Sharon Harmon: takes a lot. Yeah.
Julie Michelson: It just, um, so, well, actually
Sharon Harmon: that's another thing. We could talk about real quick is the clothes dynamic between positive and negative, because most people don't realize that all the polyester in our clothes is really plastic.
Sharon Harmon: It's this X same chemicals. So when you're, um, you know, they're starting to talk about the stuff. Stretch pants and yoga pants and stuff like that. But it's anything, you know, if you're wearing your polyester shirt and you're sweating in it, you're getting the chemicals from that shirt in your body and you're from your shoes.
Sharon Harmon: There's so many, you just [00:45:00] have to start being conscious about your clothes. Cotton, going back to the nature again, cotton and wool and linen and silk are the top or the top fabrics you should be wearing. Yep.
Julie Michelson: And, and again, just like one step at a time, but like we talked about earlier, um, there are companies that are starting to use organic cottons and things to make, you know, I, I think the wrote an article about this one too, but, um, what people probably have heard about are BPAs.
Julie Michelson: But don't be fooled by just that it's not BPAs are just the known the bisphenol A is a, you know, a known horrible chemical that's in so many things. I would not. It's kind of like the plastic water bottle that says BPA free. Well, it just has other awful Yeah, they just substitute one chemical for another.
Julie Michelson: Yeah. Yeah, because they can. So, but [00:46:00] the exciting thing is that there are companies that are making organic cotton clothing that, you know, um, I won't say brand names, but, you know, they're comfy and they're cute. And, um, uh, it is worth, again, if, if you're at that place where you're like, all right, I got it. I have the house nailed down.
Julie Michelson: I've got food, you know, I, and I'm working on my thoughts. Okay. Then I love it. Start cleaning up your wardrobe or at least just considering, you know, what kind of, and
Sharon Harmon: one of my mentors, if you do, you know, it's hard, it's more expensive to buy organic cotton, but if you buy regular cotton, just know that it has GMO cotton and there are a lot of pesticides likely, but I've had, I haven't personally muscle tests, but I know somebody who has that you can wash it.
Sharon Harmon: Typically, you can wash it six times and most of the worst of it's out of there. So that's a good tip too.
Julie Michelson: That is a good tip. Um, you know, back to just, you know, what do we do with what [00:47:00] we have?
Sharon Harmon: Yes.
Julie Michelson: Yeah. I like that. I like that. And also if you think about, I don't know, maybe this is just, maybe this goes back to being called sensitive ever since I was a child that to me, the, the cotton and linen and so silk, they just.
Julie Michelson: feel better on me. Like I feel happier in those fabrics. Um, and, and so I never really gave it I've never heard such deep thought before, so.
Sharon Harmon: That's true. And there's a good documentary called Stink, if anybody wants to learn more about it, the clothing part.
Julie Michelson: I love that. I'm going to check it out. I haven't seen that one.
Julie Michelson: Amazing. So we're at that point where even though you've already sprinkled in tips all the way through, what is one step that listeners can take starting today to improve their health?
Sharon Harmon: Um, I think I'm going to go back to the EMF part because turning [00:48:00] off your Wi Fi, even if you don't touch your electrical system, that's a whole different topic, but just the Wi Fi alone can turning that off at night when you sleep is a game changer because your brain drains while you sleep, your body regenerates and detoxifies itself and the, the less interference energy that your body gets, It's the more you'll feel better in the morning when you wake up, it could shift your sleep.
Sharon Harmon: It could shift how you feel in the morning could shift your negative, your positive negative to positive emotions. Cause you're not bombarded all night long. You know, it could change so much.
Julie Michelson: I love that. And, and are you, am I doing it wrong? If I have just a, a timer set up so that I don't have to think about it every night.
Sharon Harmon: Yeah. Timer's fine. We actually, and so if you want to take it to the next level, then we have, we went out of our way to wire our house so that we don't use the wifi. Once in a while, we'll turn it on when my husband wants to use his iPad. But, um, otherwise we have everything [00:49:00] wired. So there's so many steps in between, but just doing that at night and keeping your cell phone out of your room too.
Sharon Harmon: You don't want anything wireless in your room. Um, That's the biggest thing. Amazing.
Julie Michelson: Sharon, for people that are listening on the go and aren't going to check the show notes, where's the best place for them to find you?
Sharon Harmon: Well, it's easy. It's my name, Sharon Harmon. com. Um, you can find me there and I have all sorts of, I've been blogging for years.
Sharon Harmon: I think I counted, it was 10 years recently, been blogging for years. So there's lots of free information. If you type in EMFs in the search, even you'll get a lot of EMF articles. If you want to learn more about that, cause I do harp on that quite a bit. EMFs and frequencies all interconnected. Um, and I have some, um, freebies on there and.
Sharon Harmon: Courses. I'm about about to come out with a sensitive children's course. So, um, it won't include a lot of this information and more. So
Julie Michelson: I wish that was around when I was a [00:50:00] kid.
Sharon Harmon: Yes.
Julie Michelson: And my mom would have taken it. I love it. And, and really check out. And I think I'm going to say this about Sharon's website.
Julie Michelson: There is, she is not kidding about the amount of articles and, and the depth there is, um, there's just lots of value. And I would say anybody who's leaning in, you know, get connected. The, it's the work you're doing is so important and, and the world has never needed it more. So I think
Sharon Harmon: it's a way of the future.
Sharon Harmon: It's just, we're not there yet. But the more people know and start thinking this way, it's. The better. Yeah. Yeah.
Julie Michelson: So thank you so very much.
Sharon Harmon: Well, thank you for having me. I really enjoyed this
Julie Michelson: for everyone listening. Remember you can get those transcripts and show notes by visiting inspiredliving. show. I hope you had a great time and enjoyed this episode as much as I did.
Julie Michelson: I'll see you next week.
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Sharon Harmon
Sharon is a Holistic Health PhD who learned later in life that she is what is considered a "highly sensitive person."
While this explained a lot about her life, she continued to look for alternative therapies that worked for her and her health challenges. Ultimately this led her to the world of frequencies, learning how to reduce the negative ones and add more of the positive ones.
Now, Sharon works with other sensitive people, helping them understand their body from a different point of view, so they feel better and learn to turn their sensitivities into strengths!